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Cass County




WITH a brief sketch of
the lives of those who
have helped to make this
one of the thriftiest little
cities in the west.

Compiled and Published by The Louisville Weekly Courier, Louisville, Nebraska. (c.1905)
[An effort has been made to reproduce this work in a way that as closely approximates the original as possible. This includes maintaining the spelling found in the original.]

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CHAS. H. PHELPS was born in Winchester, Preble county, Ohio in May 1841. He spent hisboyhood days at that place and when a young man moved to Mount Pleasant, Iowa where hewas engaged as clerk with a leading furniture establishment of that place. On December 31,1861, he was married to Julia Ann Howsel, of that city. They remained in Mount Pleasant until1864, when Mr. Phelps decided to go on further west, which he did, crossing the plains toVirginia City, Montana. Here he remained for five years, when he concluded to return toMount Pleasant, arriving there in the fall of '69. Three years later, the fall of '72, Mr. Phelpsemigrated to Platford precinct, Sarpy county, Nebraska. He found matters a great dealdifferent here than in Montana, so he did not return to Iowa, but bought a farm and aftercareful attention through those days of frontier life, has today one of the best improved farmsin this section of the country where he and his wife still make their home. Ten children havebeen born to Mr. and Mrs. Phelps, three girls and seven boys, of whom two girls and six boysare still living.


MR. PANKONIN was born in Germany on August 26, 1857, and emigrated to Americawhen twelve years of age and settled with his parents in Michigan He remained there untiltwenty years of age, at which time he started for Nebraska, first stopping in Lincoln. Here hespent some time in the employ of A.G. Barns, a leading pump man of that city. He remainedwith Mr. Barns until he had fitted himself capable of starting into business for himself. His firstlocation was Louisville and there he has since remained. He was engaged in this line but a fewyears when he branched out into the hardware and implement business. He soon found need for a larger building and erected a two-story stone structure which is today one of the nicest inthe town. Soon after another was erected, having a 50-foot front on Main street. Here heremained until 1900 in that year disposing of his stock to Fred Gorder & Son. Mr. Pankonindid not retire from business life but again entered the pump and well work, being thus engagedat the present time. Mr. Pankonin has served several years on the town and school boards ofthis place and filled the positions most satisfactory. He is a man who has done much for theadvancement of our city and one who gives liberally to any move for the betterment ofmankind.

Mr. Pankonin was married in 1884 to Miss Mary Gaebel, a resident of Cass county. Theyhave a beautiful residence in the southeast part of town where they, with their two sons, enjoya pleasant home.


MR. HADDON, of whom this sketch is written, was born December 8, 1876 in Sarpycounty, Nebraska. He spent eighteen years of his life there, helping his father with the farmaffairs and attending the school of his district. At the age of eighteen, in the year of '95, heentered the employ of D.G. Lyman in his sand pits just north of Louisville. His ability as anatural machinist and overseer put him, in two weeks time, in charge of the works. Mr.Haddon held this position for over seven years and to the entire satisfaction of his employergoes without saying. He decided in the summer of 1902 to go into business for himself, so heresigned his position with Mr. Lyman and purchased the bowling alley and pool room ownedby Mr. Oleson. Here he is at present engaged. Mr. Haddon has a neat, quiet place and has anice stock of candies and cigars always on hand for his many patrons. He was married onMarch 17, 1897, to Miss Martha A. Line, whose parents were residents and well-to-dofarmers of Cass county. Mr. and Mrs. Haddon are the parents of two daughters.


JAMES P. ELLIS was born in Putman county, Illinois, on the 9th day of April,1855. Hisparents lived on a farm where he spent his boyhood days working for them in the summerand attending school in the winter months. He also attended the high school in Granville,Illinois. In 1871, when he was sixteen, his parents moved to the state of Iowa, settling on afarm, where James spent the next five years with the family. In 1876 he started out for himself,coming to Blair, Nebraska, as helper in station office work, and afterwards become agent onthe S.C. & P. railway at different points on that road during the five years he stayed withthem. He then took a position with the St. P.R.R. and served one year as station agent atOakland, Nebraska. He then served six months with the Western Union Telegraph companyat Omaha. After spending two months as express agent on the St. Paul R.R. he removed toLouisville where he has been employed as station agent, commencing duty on April 21, 1882.

This is a record for trust, earned by years of toil under disadvantages, with all kinds ofpeople to deal with on one hand and the railroad company on the other. Mr. Ellis' services areappreciated by his employers as is proven by his being stationed at a place like Louisville withtwo competing roads, for so long a time.

Mr. Ellis is a man whose influence for good will always be felt wherever he may live, not fromany motives or policy, but from principles born of high character. As a citizen among hisneighbors and townspeople, he is looked upon with respect, a man who is at all times ready togive and assist any worthy cause or person, without praise or reward.

J.P. Ellis was married January 14, 1880 at Scribner, Dodge county, Nebraska, to Miss MaryJ. Rochford of that city. Nine children have been born to them, six boys and three girls, eightof whom are living, one son, Freddie, having past to the better world when three years of age.


THE subject of this sketch was born Dec. 29, 1838 in Quincy, Ill., which city at that time waslittle more than a village, many of the houses being primitive log cabins; now, however, itenjoys the proud distinction of being called the "Gem City" with a population of 50,000. Mr.Wood spent his earlier childhood here. His father died, when he was three years old and hismother re-married when he was nine and with them he moved to Beverly township, in thesame county, where he resided until 1888 when he removed to Louisville, Neb. Up to thetime of attaining manhood he resided on a farm, working in summer and attending school inwinter, twelve months of which he was a student at Jacksonville, Ill.

At the age of 21 he commenced clerking in a village store and remained at that employmentfor five years. He then taught school for three years, when he again engaged in the mercantilebusiness, this time for himself, and for eighteen years he was so employed. On coming toNebraska Mr. Wood again entered the school room and taught at various places for sixyears. He is now assistant cashier at the Bank of Commerce, also represents a number ofinsurance companies and is justice of the peace. He married Miss Gertrude M. Conrey, whowas born in New York state Aug. 9, 1844, and to them have been born six boys and threegirls. Mary, the oldest daughter died in February, 1890, and Julian J., in June, 1894.

Mr. and Mrs. Wood have a beautiful home on Gospel Hill where a happy family keep thingspleasant the year around.


CHARLES SCHLAFLI was born at Biel Ct. Berne, Switzerland, June 14, 1849, andremained in his native country until 1880, in that year coming to America and Omaha was hisdestination in the new world. He remained in that city three years in the butcher business whenhe came to Louisville and opened a market where he stayed until the spring of 1884. He thenspent a year visiting at his old home in Switzerland returning to Louisville in '85. Here he hassince remained, with the exception of two years spent at St. Joe, Mo., and has almostconstantly been the proprietor of an up-to-date and well-kept market. Charlie has always heldthe confidence of the people and has friends by the score, being a wholehearted man alwaysready to help the needy and ever ready heart and hand to contribute to any move whereby hisfellowman may be benefitted.

In 1886, Miss Lena Schneider, a fair lady of Switzerland, crossed the wide ocean toAmerica, coming to Louisville where on February 8, in that year she became the wife of Mr.Schlafli. Like her husband Mrs. Schlafli has friends without number, and is a lady whosekindness has been fully appreciated in many homes, where sickness demanded the presenceof good women of her kind. They are the parents of one daughter, whose name is also Lena.

VENICE LODGE No. 80, Knights of Pythias, was instituted September 24, 1891, under theadministration of Grand Chancellor W.L. Scism and by District Deputy Brother Finlay ofEvergreen Lodge, of Greenwood, Nebraska with twelve charter members and the followingofficers: P.C., J.A. Hasemeier, C.C., M.N. Drake, V.C., E. Jenkins, P., J.K. Nichols, M.E.,C.A. Manker, M.F., H.E. Pankonin, K.R. & S., J.P. Wood, M.A., M.L. Hamlin, J.G., A.Deitrich, O.G., Geo. Tackenberg.

The organization of the lodge was largely due to the untiring and determined efforts of Bro. E.Jenkins, now deceased, who was that time a member of Evergreen Lodge, and being a Knightwho believed that the order was established upon principles that had for its object "thebetterment of mankind" he undertook the task of securing a sufficient number of names toobtain a charter, with a zeal that soon crowned his efforts with success. At the institution of thelodge the District Deputy was assisted by Knights from Omaha, Lincoln, Plattsmouth,Ashland, Weeping Water and Greenwood. For the first two years of its existence the Lodgehad a steady, though not rapid growth, but owing to removals its membership became soreduced in members that the income of the lodge was not sufficient to pay current expensesand in 1894 it suspended work as a lodge but retained its charter. In April, 1897 the lodgewas revived and reorganized but had not sufficient members to confer the ranks efficiently andafter a short existence the remaining members surrendered its charter and was consolidatedwith Springfield Lodge No. 87, retaining their membership there till in April, 1900, whenLiberty Lodge No. 88 was organized with the following charter members: J.A. Hasemeier,J.P. Wood, J.L.Burns, I. DePuy, Geo. Frater, C.A. Richey, F. Dickson, H.E. Pankonin, FredRoune, G. Goebel, J.J. Meier, C.D. Morrow, J.E. Oleson, E.C. Twiss, S.E. Sorber, J.T.Dawson, S.W. Davis, Joe Schimpfke, Geo. Horn, C.E. Urwin, Jesse Hill. E. Sturzenegger,and with the following officers: C.C., J.L. Burns, V.C., E.C. Twiss, Prel., J.P. Wood, M.E.,S.W. Davis, M.F., C.E. Urwin, K.R.S., Geo Frater, M.A., J. Schimpfke, I.G., J.T. Dawson,O.G., J. Oleson, M.W., I. DePuy. The lodge has had a steady, healthful growth from itsinstitution to the present time and now numbers fifty members, and with no suspension since itsorganization. It has a Rank Staff that can and does confer the ranks in an impressive mannerthat would do credit to older and larger lodges.

Since the institution of the lodge the following names have been added: C. Vanscoyoc, A.O.Hinkle, H.G. Mundell, C.B. Lee, D.D. Haggard, F. DePuy, L.A. Jackman, J. Goebel, C.W.Sheldon, G.H. Wood, J.P. Ellis, R.H. Lewis, C. Gross, J.A. Dawson, J.E.Baety, H. Story,W.F. Diers, J.R. Noyes, W. Wade, H.R. Jenkins, J.P. Phelps, C.J. Fosbury, F.W. Cockrell,F.J. Tapper and G.D. Satterfield.

But one death has occurred from among the membership of the lodge, who was in goodstanding at time of death, since the organization: Brother Frank Detrich was accidentally killedin the spring of 1893, at the Robertson sand pits, by being run over by a car, and wasburried[sic] by the lodge.

With the membership now upon its roster and with its exchequer in a good healthy condition,the prospects for Liberty lodge for future growth and usefulness are certainly most flattering.And any young man, or old one either, who desire to unite with a fraternal. order, whoseobject is to teach their highest, broadest sense the full meaning of the words, "Friendship,Charity, Benevolence," will make no mistake by casting their lots with members of LibertyLodge, No. 88, Knights of Pythias.


WHEN our state was new, years ago, there came to Cass county a young man whopossessed those qualities that are the foundation to success. Not riches in money and lands,but a will, harnessed together with patience and honesty. For a time this young man worked asa farm laborer, and from his wages managed to save a little each month, putting it away, withthe expectation of someday owning one of Cass county's farms, and with that end in view hecontinued to toil each year more faithful that he might reach the goal for which he had started.This gentleman is Mr. Martin Friedrich, who now lives on a farm, near Cedar Creek,Nebraska. He secured that farm for which he had worked, and with it the confidence of allwho know him. He is a pleasant, whole-hearted, honest man, and as evidence of their trust inhim, they elected him to represent their County at the state capitol two years ago. His workthere as else where, successful. He devoted his whole time to the interests of the county whilethere, as he had done in years gone by for himself. This the people appreciated and at the lastelection they decided no mistake would be made to re-elect this gentleman to the same office,and the name of one of our representatives in legislature halls reads Hon. Martin Friedrich.

Mr. Friedrich has a beautiful home on his place near Cedar Creek, and a wife and family whoare held in high esteem by all their neighbors.


GEORGE L. SHELDON was born on his father's farm at Nehawka, Nebraska, May 31,1870, where he attended the district schools until he was seventeen years of age, at that timeentering the State University at Lincoln. He graduated from the university in 1892, and enteredHarvard, taking post graduate course, graduating with the class of '93. While at Lincoln Mr.Sheldon was appointed captain of the cadets, his company winning first prize in thecompetition drill of the inter-state national guards. He was also captain of company B.Nebraska Volunteers, during the Spanish-American war, to which position he wasunanimously elected.

On September 4th, 1895, Mr. Sheldon was married to Miss Rose Higgins, of Roseville,Illinois, two children being born to this union, a boy, George Lawson, jr., and a daughter,Mary.

In the year of '56 the father of the subject of this sketch came from Vermont and settled on ahomestead near Nehawka. Two years later he returned to the Green Mountain state andbrought back with him a bride, who was Miss Julia Pollard. They journed[sic] from NewEngland by rail to St. Louis, and thence up the Missouri river to Nebraska City, bringing withthem their worldly possessions, for Nebraska was to be their future home. Mr Sheldon waschosen by the republicans of his county to represent them in the legislature, and twicethereafter was made a state senator.

Mr. George L. Sheldon, like his honored father, was reared under the wing of the republicanparty, and is a staunch supporter of its principles. He was elected to the state senate, at ourlast election, by a majority of 477.


HORACE E. BROWN was born May 19, 1867 at Mount Pleasant, Iowa. In 1871 hisparents moved to Nebraska, locating at Tecumseh, where H.E. spent his boyhood. Heattended the schools of that place and in due time graduated with his class. After leavingschool he began clerking in a drug store at Tecumseh, and was employed in that capacity forthree years. Wishing to extend his knowledge in this line he secured a position with a drugcompany of Omaha. Here he remained for some time but finally went to Plattsmouth where heheld a like position for several months.

By this time he had saved from his earnings a neat sum and so decided to start intobusiness for himself. A friend in Chicago, who had large interests in Hailley, Idaho, prevailedon Mr. Brown going there with him, as in his opinion, Hailley was a good opening for a drugstore. This Mr. Brown did. Times were then flourishing and matters there looked encouragingand he invested his money there. For a time his business was on the boom but there came achange. Mines closed and the miners who were his support sought new fields of labor. In afew months his stock was no source of income, and not worth the freight it would cost tomove it elsewhere. His savings of two years then could be easily reckoned. Discouragingindeed, but being a young and courageous man he immediately set about to regain his loss. In1894 he purchased the stock of drugs owned by W.B. Shryock at Louisville and there he hasenjoyed a good trade ever since, having a large stock and many friends.

Mr. Brown was married at Hailley, Idaho to Miss May Lindsey, of that city. Two childrenhave been born to them, Richard, age 11 years and Raymond, age 6.


MR. CHARLES GAEBEL was born March 12, 1857 in Germany, coming to America withhis parents when one year of age. They first settled in Wisconsin where his father worked atday labor for five years for the support of his family. At the end of this time his parentsremoved to Cass county, Nebraska, and settled on a farm near Louisville. Charles stayed onthe farm with his parents through all the hardships and toil that was to be met by the firstsettlers of the west, until twenty-four years old. He then married Miss Mary Gakemeir, of thiscounty, on July 17, 1882. At that time Mr. Gaebel's principal capital consisted of a healthyconstitution, push and energy backed up by good judgment. With these qualities and the faithhe had in Cass' future, he and his good wife settled on a farm and today that is their home. Asthe fruits of their labors and evidence of his good judgment they possess one of the besthomes in our county.

Mr. Gaebel has not confined himself alone to the raising of grain but has given years oftime and attention to the breeding of fine stock. His herds of both cattle and hogs stand at thehead of the list. His reputation as a breeder and shipper of thoroughbred Poland China andDuroc-Jersey hogs has attracted the attention of dealers in all parts of the States.

Mr. and Mrs. Gaebel are the parents of six children, three boys and as many girls, all ofwhom are living.


MR. ROOT, of Plattsmouth, Nebraska, was born in Tazwell county, Illinois, in November1860. Here he worked on a farm and attended school, soon qualifying himself as a teacher.This he did for several terms, devoting the vacations to whatever other work he could find. Hemastered stenography and for a time was employed in that capacity. Being a young man ofambition and energy with a will and determination to push upward, he began the study of law,and was admitted to the bar in Cass county in 1887. He has practiced his profession eversince at Plattsmouth, and is looked upon by all as an enterprising, honorable citizen in whomthey can put confidence and trust. As an evidence of their faith in him he has constantantly[sic]been in their service as member of several boards, attorney for different towns, and also forthe county of Cass. Mr Root's practice is not limited to the lower courts but has carried withsuccess many cases through the higher courts of our state. His judgment is good as a businessman, and his counsel honest and sincere. He was, at the last election, re-elected countyattorney for Cass by a neat majority on the republican ticket.

Mr. Root was married in 1888 to Miss Evelyn Wise, of this county, and to them have beenborn three children.


RICHARD C. HUBERT was born at Beverly, Illinois, on the 8th day of July, 1867. He spenthis younger days on a farm with his parents and there he learned the habits of industry andeconomy, corner stones of good character and success, so essential in standing the test andcompetition of this age. Here he spent many many days in doing his duty on the farm and inthe school room of the common schools, acquiring the learning which is so all-important to theman when he goes into business for himself, be it large or small.

After leaving school Mr. Hubert went to farming and raising stock for himself, remaining thusengaged for several years with fair success. Being of a social turn of mind, and farm lifegrowing monotonous, he decided to give it up and find a new location among new people, so,in company with his younger sister, they left the Prairie state and came to Nebraska, locatingat Louisville.

On October 12, 1901, Mr. Hubert opened a merchant tailoring place of business, alsocleaning and repairing garments. He has built up a good trade by his courteous treatment, andenjoys the confidence of all those with whom he has had business dealings. At his placemeasures will be taken for ladies' or gents' tailored garments and you are guaranteed entiresatisfaction.

He has an elegant line of samples to select from, all of the very latest patterns. The opportunityhas at last arrived when one need no longer wear ready-made clothing, for at this place tailormade goods are as cheap. Mr. Hubert and his sister make their home in Louisville and havewon many friends by their upright character.

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