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Cass County




WITH a brief sketch of
the lives of those who
have helped to make this
one of the thriftiest little
cities in the west.

Compiled and Published by The Louisville Weekly Courier, Louisville, Nebraska. (c.1905)
[An effort has been made to reproduce this work in a way that as closely approximates the original as possible. This includes maintaining the spelling found in the original.]Louisville Table of Contents |

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MR. HOOVER was born in Dark county, Ohio, in 1854, near the town of Greenville. Hecame west with his parents in 1863 and with them settled in Nebraska. St. Joseph was at thattime the terminal of the railroad in the west, so from there they took the boat up the Missouririver landing at Plattsmouth, Nebraska. At that time Plattsmouth was a place of but a fewscattered houses, and the county was inhabited by a great many more Indians than Whites.Mr. Hoover's father being a man of courage and pluck ventured up the Platte river fourteenmiles and settled on a farm, where James was raised and grew to manhood With theexception of one time Mr. Hoover has not been absent form the state for a period longer thansix months, his one trip out being through the states of Iowa, Kansas, Missouri and Colorado,but returned shortly perfectly satisfied with Nebraska. Mr. Hoover has experienced manyinteresting things of early Nebraska, one being the years of hoppers, 1873-6, when they tooktheir flight, raising like a cloud and for a time shut out the light of the sun; another has been theyears of drought, when farmers grew only enough for their own use and in 1883 the crops ofEastern Cass were completely destroyed by hail.

Mr. Hoover attended the schools of his district, afterwards the High school at Plattsmouthwhere he completed his education. Mr. Hoover is a plain practical man, and like his honoredfather, is always to the front when there is any enterprise on hand that is for public benefit; asmuch so as if it were for personal gain. Mr. Hoover was married March 11, 1878 to MissAugusta Pankonin. This lady was born July 20, 1855, and came to Nebraska in 1871. Whileenroute she happened to be at Chicago when that city experienced her terrible battle with theflames. Five children have been born to Mr. and Mrs. Hoover. They are Rosa, William, Ella,Laura and Hellen.


DR. M. TRITSCH was born January 23, 1873 on a farm near Plattsmouth, Nebraska. Hisparents soon afterward moving on a farm seven miles southwest of Louisville, where Mikespent his youthful days working for his parents in season and attending school in the winter.On attaining his majority he undertook farming for himself, cultivating part of his father's land.This he did for three years, at the same time studying watch repairing. At the end of threeyears he had become so proficient that he decided to follow that business for a lively hood. In1897 he removed to Louisville and went into that business. In 1900 he took up the study ofoptics under the instructions of Dr. Trenner, of Omaha. In 1901 he continued this study withthe Northern Illinois College of Ophthalmology and Otology from which institution hegraduated with high percent, and received his diploma of Doctor of Optics. Mr. Tritsch hassince practiced his profession with success and has a good trade in his lines.

Mr. Tritsch was married on December 18, 1895 to Miss Emma Hennings who is adaughter of Mr. and Mrs. J.A. Hennings, Cass county's most substantial farmers. They have anice home here and enjoy the friendship of all their acquaintances. Two daughter completetheir happiness.


THE subject of this sketch first saw the light of day in Belmont county, Ohio, February 20,1865. He remained with his parents until he was twenty years old, working for them andattending school. At the end of this time he went to Iowa, and there worked at farm duties fortwo years. Farm life by this time had grown weary, so he selected the drug business as hismeans of living in the city and at once secured a position as clerk in one of the pharmacies atRemsen, Iowa, remaining there two years. He then held a like position at Newell, Iowa sixmonths, when he removed to Thurston, that state, where he remained for six years.

He had now grown to manhood, and from his labors had saved enough money to beginbusiness for himself, having acquired the right amount of knowledge to carry it on successfully.He went to David City, Nebraska, and purchased half interest of his brother, who was theowner of a fine stock in that city, where he stayed for eighteen months. Selling out his interestthere he went to Rising City, this state, where he remained until he came to Louisvillle. In 1899he purchased the drug stock of Dr. J.A. Hasemeier of this place, and here he has sinceremained.

Mr. Frater has a neat building and a large and well selected stock. He is a pleasantgentleman and his courteous ways holds his trade up to the standard.

Mr. Frater was married on May 1, 1890 to Miss Birdie Jones, a popular young lady ofThurman, Iowa that date being the 43rd anniversary of his father's wedding. Three childrenhave been born to Mr. and Mrs. Frater, of whom two are living.


CHARLES A. RICHEY was born May 6, 1872, at Afton, Union county, Iowa, where hislived until 10 years of age, his parents then moving to Plattsmouth, Nebraska. His fatherengaged in the lumber business in that city and it was there that young Richey received hislearning along this particular line. He remained with his father in the yards until he was of age,having completed his education in the mean time. In 1894 Mr. Richey came to Louisville andin company with his brother-in-law , Mr. F. Dickson, established a lumber yard at this place,the buiness[sic] being a profitable venture from the first. The firm of Richey & Dicksoncontinued to do business until April 1, 1902, when Mr. Richey purchased Mr. Dickson'sinterest from which time he has owned and operated in his own name. He also handles coaland grain.

He has been successful owing to his strict attention to business and is a man who is at all timesenterprising. With Mr. Parmele he established the Louisville Mills, a worthy enterprise and onefor which the town owes Mr. Richey much credit. His interests were later sold to Tapper &Son, the present managers.

Mr. Richey was married on February 19, 1896 to Miss May Dutton of Plattsmouth,Nebraska, and have a neat cottage home in the southwest part of town. Two daughters havebeen born to them.

HISTORIANS, and especially those of the earlier periods, designated the different epochs asthe Stone age, the Iron age and the Brass age; these names doubtless indicating either the useor discovery of the different articles by which their periods or epochs are named. The futurehistorians, after reading the achievements of the 19th century, and especially of the last threedecades, might fitly call it the Fraternal age. For prior to the middle of the 19th century thenames of the fraternal orders could be counted on the fingers of one hand, and in fact therewere but two with sufficient prominence to be generally known: namely the Masonic, whoseexistence is almost as aged as time itself, and Odd Fellowship, whose years are now nearingthe century mark in this country.

During the closing years of the Civil war, while the country was still in dreadful doubt andsuspense as to the issue of that terrible struggle, the Knights of Pythias was brought intoexistence and so intense was the feeling engendered by that struggle that one of the conditionsof membership was, that the applicant must have been a member of the Union army.

Up to this time little thought had been given to beneficiary orders,and to John Upchurch largely belongs the credit of giving to the world in the A.O.U.W., asystem of life insurance within the reach of those not able to avail themselves of the protectionby old line companies; the benefits of which eternity alone can tell. This and kindred otherorders are the attempt of mankind to solve the question, "Who is my Neighbor?" Followingclosely upon the organization of the Workmen came that of the Modern Woodmen ofAmerica at Lyons, Iowa in May, 1883, by Joseph C. Root and others, and like most ordersits work was confined to narrow limits. In a few years however the society was charteredunder the laws of the state of Illinois, with the head office at Fulton, that state, and beingconfined by its charter to seven Northwestern states its growth was comparatively slow. Butnotwithstanding this fact at the close of 1890 its members had increased to 40,000. At themeeting of the Head Camp at Springfield, Ill., new head officers were elected and importantlegislation enacted which gave the society an impetus that astonished the Fraternal world, andas its merits have become known applications have been made at every meeting of the HeadCamp by adjoining states for admission into its jurisdiction until now its territory extends fromocean to ocean and from our northern boundary to the Ohio and including the more northerlySouthern states and its membership to 700,000. This territory has been selected with theutmost care as regards healthfulness and especially freedom from epidemics, and by its bylawsexcludes all hazardous occupations thus making its death rate the lowest of any beneficiaryorder. Its assessments are graded according to age and are so low that a man must be poorindeed who cannot afford protection to his family in this order.

River View No. 1071 was organized July 13, 1889 with the following officers and members:J.M. Jackman, V.C.; W.B. Shryock, W.A.; H.E. Pankonin, E.B.; P.C. Stander, Clk.; G.A.Stewart, E.; G.W. Mayfield, W. I.W. Neely, S.; J.A. Hasemeier, P.; C.L. Mullins, J.L.Hartshorn, L.C. Eickhoff, managers; J.O. McClain, A. Jenkins, G.H. Tackenberg, L.P. Sine.Since the organization of the Camp death has claimed but three of its members. NeighborsW.B. Shryock, dying July 1, 1891; J.O. McClain August, 1897 and Michael Borcherts,September 1898. The beneficiaries of the first two received $3,000 each and latter, $2,000,thus most forcibly exemplifying the benefits derived from fraternal protection and the love andwisdom of those who thus provide for their loved ones.


A VALUABLE acquisition to our little city and one which should receive the hearty supportof all our people, is the business operated by the Louisville Milling Company. When we are inneed of meal or flour we should not be guilty of purchasing other than the product of our ownhome industry. This plant was erected in the winter of 1897 by T.E. Parmele and C.A.Richey. at a cost of from $10,000 to $12,000, being equipped with the most modernmachinery that money could buy, and with a capacity of fifty barrels a day. The starting of thewheels of this concern took place on February 1, 1898 and since that time it has beenconstantly comminuting grain for its customers who are from all parts of the state. On July 1,1902 the plant was purchased by C.D. Tapper & Son, who have added $1000 in repairs andimprovements. The present management have built up a good trade and gained a reputation asmillers second to none in the state.

Messrs. Tapper and Tapper are well known to our people, having been prosperousfarmers in Cass county for years, and what is put out by them can be relied upon as first class.Mr. John Oleson is their head miller while Mr. Sam Sorber acts in the capacity of engineer.


MR. BURNS, as a great many of America's public spirited, enterprising citizens today wasborn in Germany. He first beheld the light of day on September 29, 1855 and remained inGermany until 1870, in that year emigrating to America, landing in New York. Being a youngman of push and energy he soon began to learn the machinists trade and for eight years heremained in that city in that capacity. Being able to secure employment now anywhere, hedecided to see more of the States, so in '78 he started west and arrived at Plattsmouth. Herehe entered the employ of the B. & M. Ry. company, serving as brakeman four years and inthe shops at that place for three. After leaving their employ in 1889 he came to Louisvillewhere he secured a position as bartender, remaining thus engaged for one year when hepurchased the saloon stock and began to do business for himself, carrying on that businesssuccessfully for three years.

He then decided to try farming. Disposing of his business here he removed to the countryin 1893 and tilled Cass county's fertile soil for a period of five years. Desiring to give hischildren better educational advantages Mr. Burns returned to Louisville in 1899 and openedup a grocery store and restaurant, and at this time, 1902, he is the owner of a first-class stockand has built up a good trade. In connection with his stock, Mrs. Burns carries a nice line ofmillinery goods, an assortment hard to excel in much larger towns.

Mr. Burns was married on May 10, 1880 to Miss Annie Krecklow, of this county, at theGerman Lutheran church southwest of Louisville. They are the parents of four children, threegirls and a boy.


ELMWOOD may well feel proud of being the possessor of a citizen such as Wm.DelesDernier is. Mr. DelesDernier was born December 3, 1856, at Memphis Tennessee. Assoon as he become[sic] of school age he was sent to New Albany, Indiana, where heattended the public schools. At the age of ten his parents moved to Nebraska City where theylived for two years. At the end of this time his parents again moved, this time going toNehawka and resided there for the same length of time. Mr. DelesDernier's parents finallyconcluded to make one more move and establish for themselves a home. This theyimmediately did, removing to three and one-half miles south-east of Elmwood where theytook up a homestead. Here, over thirty years ago, they began to till the soil of an unimprovedfarm, but as years rolled by vast changes were made, until it was brought up to the standard ofall Nebraska farms. Today it is one of the finest in the county and Mr. DelesDernier is still theowner of his father's homestead.

Mr. DelesDernier has practiced law for twenty years, and up to 1893 made hisheadquarters at the farm. Nine years ago his practice became so wide that he found itimpossible to attend to his legal business with his office located there so he moved his family toElmwood where he has since resided . He has a good practice in the supreme and lowercourts, having the largest practice in the county in state and probate matters, and makes aspecialty of settling up estates. Mr. and Mrs. DelesDernier are the parents of four boys andthree girls.


THE gentleman whose name appears at the head of this sketch was born in Detroit, Michiganin the year 1866, where he received an education as taught in the common schools of thatstate. After leaving school Mr. O'Brien began fish cultural work in the Dominion FishHatcheries at Sandwich, Ont., this being in 1880. His ability in this line of work was soonnoted by the commissioners in the States and in 1883 he was induced to accept a position with the Michigan Fish Commission where he remained until 1886. In that year he wasappointed assistant superintendent of the Nebraska State Fish Hatcheries, holding this positionuntil 1896. In this year he was promoted to superintendent, and served in that capacity forthree years. In 1899 Mr. O'Brien went to Dunbar, Wisconsin, where he was employed withthe Lake Club Hatcheries of that place, but one year later resigned his position there, beingre-appointed superintendent of the Nebraska Hatcheries by Governor Savage July 1st 1901.Mr. O'Brien was married in 1896 to Mrs. Ada Bunker, of South Bend, Nebraska, and atpresent make their home at the Hatcheries, where they have a fine residence. For a day'souting there is no place in the state where one can go and feel themselves more at home thanto the Nebraska Fish Hatcheries, for under its present management you are treated mostcourteously, as has always been a chief characteristic of Mr. O'Brien and his wife.

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