This Dawson County, Nebraska 1919 Atlas is presented as part of the
Dawson County NEGenWeb Project
and the MARDOS Memorial Library Collection.
Rhode_Island | South_Carolina | South_Dakota | Tennessee | Texas | Utah | Vermont | Virginia
Town, | Pop. | | Town, | Pop. |
RHODE ISLAND. | | Ennis | 5669 |
Bristol | 8565 | | Fort Worth | 73312 |
Burrillville* | 7878 | | Gainesville | 7624 |
Central Falls* | 22754 | | Galveston | 36981 |
Coventry | 5848 | | Georgetown | 3096 |
Cranston* | 21107 | | Gonzales | 3139 |
Cumberland* | 10107 | | Greenville | 8850 |
E. Greenwich | 3420 | | Haskell | 2436 |
E. Providence* | 15808 | | Hearne | 2352 |
Johnston* | 5935 | | Henrietta | 2104 |
Lincoln* | 9825 | | Hillsboro | 6115 |
Newport | 27149 | | Honeygrove | 2360 |
N. Kingston* | 4048 | | Houston | 78800 |
N. Providence* | 5407 | | Houston Heights | 6984 |
N. Smithfield* | 2699 | | Huntsville | 2072 |
Pawtucket | 51622 | | Jacksonville | 2875 |
Portsmouth* | 2681 | | Jefferson | 2515 |
Providence | 224326 | | Lampasas | 2119 |
Scituate* | 3493 | | Laredo | 14855 |
Smithfield* | 2739 | | Lockhart | 2945 |
S. Kingston* | 5176 | | Longview | 5155 |
Tiverton* | 4032 | | Lufkin | 2749 |
Warren | 6585 | | McKinney | 4714 |
Warwick | 26629 | | Marlin | 3878 |
Westerly | 8696 | | Marshall | 11452 |
Woonsocket | 38125 | | Mart | 2939 |
SOUTH CAROLINA. | | Merkel | 2008 |
Abbeville | 4459 | | Mexia | 2694 |
Aiken | 3911 | | Midland | 2192 |
Anderson | 9654 | | Mineral Wells | 3950 |
Beaufort | 2486 | | Mt. Pleasant | 3137 |
Bennettville | 2646 | | Nacogdoches | 3369 |
Camden | 3569 | | Navasota | 3284 |
Charleston | 58833 | | New Braunfils | 3165 |
Cheraw | 2873 | | Orange | 5527 |
Chester | 4754 | | Palestine | 10482 |
Clinton | 3272 | | Paris | 11269 |
Columbia | 26319 | | Plainview | 2829 |
Darlington | 3789 | | Port Arthur | 7663 |
Easley | 2983 | | Quanah | 3127 |
Florence | 7057 | | Rockdale | 2073 |
Gaftney | 4767 | | San Angelo | 10321 |
Georgetown | 5530 | | San Antonio | 96614 |
Greenville | 15741 | | San Marcos | 4071 |
Greenwood | 6614 | | Seguin | 3116 |
Hartsville | 2365 | | Seymour | 2029 |
Lancaster | 2098 | | Sherman | 12412 |
Laurens | 4818 | | Smithville | 3161 |
Marion | 3844 | | Snyder | 2514 |
Newberry | 5028 | | Stamford | 3902 |
Orangeburg | 5906 | | Stephenville | 2561 |
Rockhill | 7215 | | Sulphur Sprs | 5151 |
Spartanburg | 17517 | | Sweetwater | 4176 |
Summerville | 2355 | | Taylor | 5314 |
Sumter | 8109 | | Teague | 3288 |
Union | 5623 | | Temple | 10993 |
Yorkville | 2326 | | Terrell | 7050 |
SOUTH DAKOTA. | | Texarkana | 9790 |
Aberdeen | 10753 | | Tyler | 10400 |
Brookings | 2971 | | Uvalde | 3998 |
Canton | 2103 | | Vernon | 3195 |
Deadwood | 3653 | | Victoria | 3673 |
Huron | 5791 | | Waco | 26425 |
Lead | 8392 | | Waxahachie | 6205 |
Madison | 3137 | | Weatherford | 5074 |
Milbank | 2015 | | Wichita Falls | 8200 |
Mitchell | 6515 | | Yoakum | 4657 |
Pierre | 3656 | | UTAH. |
Rapid City | 3854 | | American Fork | 2797 |
Redfield | 3060 | | Bingham Canyon | 2881 |
Sioux Falls | 14094 | | Brigham | 3685 |
Vermilion | 2187 | | Ephraim | 2296 |
Watertown | 7010 | | Eureka | 3416 |
Yankton | 3787 | | Heber | 2031 |
TENNESSEE. | | Lehi | 2964 |
Athens | 2264 | | Logan | 7522 |
Bristol | 7148 | | Manti | 2423 |
Brownsville | 2882 | | Mt. Pleasant | 2280 |
Chattanooga | 44604 | | Murray | 4057 |
Clarksville | 8548 | | Nephi | 2759 |
Cleveland | 5549 | | Ogden | 25580 |
Columbia | 5754 | | Park City | 3439 |
Covington | 2990 | | Payson | 2397 |
Dayton | 1991 | | Provo | 8925 |
Dyersburg | 4149 | | Richfield | 2559 |
Elizabethton | 2478 | | Salt Lake City | 92777 |
Fayetteville | 3439 | | Spanish Fork | 3464 |
Franklin | 2924 | | Springville | 3356 |
Gallatin | 2399 | | Tooele | 2753 |
Harriman | 3061 | | VERMONT. |
Humboldt | 3446 | | Barre | 10734 |
Jackson | 15779 | | Barton | 3346 |
Johnson City | 8502 | | Bennington | 8698 |
Knoxville | 36346 | | Brandon | 2712 |
Lebanon | 3659 | | Brattleboro | 7541 |
Lenoir City | 3392 | | Burlington | 20488 |
La Follette | 2816 | | Colchester | 6450 |
Lonsdale* | 2391 | | Derby | 3639 |
McMinnville | 2299 | | Essex* | 2714 |
Martin | 2228 | | Fair Haven | 3095 |
Maryville | 2381 | | Hardwick | 3201 |
Memphis | 131105 | | Hartford | 4179 |
Morristown | 4007 | | Lyndon | 3204 |
Murfreesboro | 4679 | | Middlebury | 2848 |
Nashville | 110364 | | Montpelier | 7856 |
Newport | 2003 | | Morristown | 2652 |
Paris | 3881 | | Newport | 3684 |
Park City* | 5126 | | Northfield | 3226 |
Pulaski | 2928 | | Poultney | 3644 |
Ripley | 2011 | | Proctor | 2871 |
Rockwood | 3660 | | Randolph | 3191 |
Saint Elmo* | 2426 | | Richford | 2907 |
Shelbyville | 2869 | | Rockingham | 6207 |
South Pittsburg | 2106 | | Rutland | 13546 |
Springfield | 2085 | | St. Albans | 6381 |
Trenton | 2402 | | St. Johnsbury | 8098 |
Tullahoma | 3049 | | Springfield | 4784 |
Union City | 4389 | | Swanton | 3628 |
TEXAS. | | Waterbury | 3273 |
Abilene | 9204 | | W. Rutland | 3427 |
Alice | 2136 | | Woodstock | 2545 |
Amarillo | 9957 | | VIRGINIA. |
Arlington | 9714 | | Alexandria | 15329 |
Athens | 2261 | | Bedford City | 2508 |
Austin | 29680 | | Bigstone Gap | 2590 |
Ballinger | 3536 | | Bristol | 6247 |
Bay City | 3156 | | Buena Vista | 3245 |
Beaumont | 20640 | | Charlottesville | 6765 |
Beeville | 3269 | | Clifton Forge | 5748 |
Belton | 4164 | | Covington | 4234 |
Bigspring | 4844 | | Danville | 19020 |
Bonham | 4844 | | Emporia | 2018 |
Bowie | 2874 | | Farmville | 2971 |
Brady | 2669 | | Franklin | 2271 |
Brenham | 4718 | | Fredericksburg | 5874 |
Bridgeport | 2000 | | Hampton | 5565 |
Brownsville | 10517 | | Harrisonburg | 4879 |
Brownwood | 6967 | | Lexington | 2931 |
Bryan | 4132 | | Lynchburg | 29494 |
Calvert | 2579 | | Marion | 2727 |
Cameron | 3263 | | Martinsville | 3368 |
Childress | 3818 | | Newport News | 20205 |
Cisco | 2410 | | Norfolk | 67452 |
Clarksville | 2065 | | Petersburg | 24127 |
Cleburne | 10364 | | Phoebus | 2394 |
Coleman | 3046 | | Pocahontas | 2452 |
Comanche | 2756 | | Portsmouth | 83190 |
Commerce | 2818 | | Pulaski | 4807 |
Corpus Christi | 8222 | | Radford | 4202 |
Corsicana | 9749 | | Richmond | 127628 |
Crockett | 3947 | | Roanoke | 34874 |
Cuero | 3109 | | Salem | 3849 |
Dalhart | 2580 | | South Boston | 3516 |
Dallas | 92104 | | Staunton | 10604 |
Denison | 13632 | | Suffolk | 7008 |
Denton | 4732 | | Williamsburg | 2714 |
Dublin | 2551 | | Winchester | 5864 |
El Paso | 39279 | | Wytheville | 3954 |
Eagle Pass | 3536 | | | |
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