GODFREY & GODFREY live three miles east of Cozad and one-half mile south. Their confidence is established in the Red, White and Roan Shorthorn cow. Give them a chance to prove to you that she meets the future needs of every farm.
LEONARD J. STUART, living four miles east of Lexington, raises a large number of Anxiety Herefords every year. Another son of Beau Mischief heads his herd and he will give a good selection for your needs.
L. D. STEPHENS is located ten miles south of Lexington and raises Holstein-Friesian cattle and Duroc-Jersey hogs. A combination for success, and he asks will you try it?
L. R. WHITE of Cedardale Farm, three miles north and one mile east of Lexington, is the aristocrat of the county. His claim to the aristocracy lies in his livestock. He owns sons and daughters of history-making Polands, Shropshires and Shorthorns. Call and see him.
COL. J. L. MITCHELL of Lexington will cry your sales or assist with your purebred auctions. To say "MITCHELL" is to say "Boost."