THE Dawson County Purebred Livestock Breeders Association takes pleasure in presenting this its first annual directory. By the graciousness of nature Dawson county is endowed with the elements for the building of livestock of the most approved types. Corn, barley, oats, alfalfa and wild prairie grass pastures combine to produce bone and growth, constitutional vigor and excellence of fleshing, symmetry and form, when coordinated with the will of our breeders and their selective breeding and blood lines.
We pride ourselves on our association with men who seek to improve livestock. We labor with our ideals far ahead, not expecting ourselves to see the day when our livestock products will have filled the need of stock raisers, or will have satisfied the hunger of humanity, but expecting to feel a certain knowledge that we have helped. We are infusing the blood of the improved strains of the world into our flocks and herds and turning our products into the hands of others that their flocks and herds may profit thereby.
Make us a visit, neighbor and friend. Let us all profit by our acquaintance. We extend hearty welcome.
Dawson County (Nebraska)
Purebred Livestock Breeders