Introducing Our Members
Perhaps you are a stranger to the
many breeders in our county. Then
let us take a moment for introduction
ALVAH R. HECHT, who is county agent of Dawson county, deserves much credit for the impetus given the breeding interests. His address is "Court House, Lexington, Neb.," and he will gladly answer all inquiries addressed to him and render assistance in reaching and locating the breeders or assist in filling large orders where animals must come from several herds.
EARL GODFREY, Cozad, Neb., is the association secretary and will be equally pleased to attend to procuring your various wants in the livestock line from this county.
HARRY GEIKEN lives seven miles north and east of Gothenburg. He is putting a price on some real Sensation Durocs that ought to move them very quickly. He likes to see his neighbors and friends buy them. Don't forget to ask him about his White Plymouth Rock chickens. He takes pride in them.
You will find ED NIELSEN on his farm four miles south of Cozad. See his herd of Shorthorn cattle and let ED tell you the future he sees in them. He has a few bulls to sell.
W. H. WORRELL & SON live four miles south of Cozad and own a very uniform herd of Polled Shorthorns. See them for Barred Plymouth Rock chickens.
Four miles west and one-half mile south of Overton you will find BINGELL BROS. See their advertisement, then see BINGELL BROS. for Durocs.
W. K. ROBBINS lives one and a half miles west of Overton. His herd of Shorthorns is an example of attainment in constructive breeding.
MASON E. HYDE lives two miles south and two miles west of Gothenburg. He owns a "veritable battery" of purebred livestock. A tale concerning his Shorthorns, Shropshires, Durocs and Barred Rocks has the same effect in wonderment and results as any "salvo" ever fired in the world war. For eight years MR. HYDE has been selecting seed corn with a view to developing an adaptable variety for his locality. His methods are field selection and plat breeding. He may later place this variety on the market as "Dawson County Special."
E. A. MAJOR lives eight miles northwest of Lexington and is concentrating his time and energy in improving and producing Shropshire sheep.
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