Hall Counnty NEGenWeb Project Presents

A History of the Hall County Whisker Club

This page is an index to an past memorbilia club of men with whiskers in Hall County, Nebraska.


James - Lohmeyer


Janes, J. H. Kelly, M. J. Koehler, Arnold Leach, Harry L.
Jones, B. W. Kelly, T. Koehler, John Lebsack, Jake, Jr.
Jcnes, C. Kelly, Wm. Koehm, Con Lechner, John
Jones, Dick Kelso, C. C. Kokrda, E. J. Lechner, Wm.
Jones, Elmer Kelso, E. C. Kokrda, C. J. Lee, Albert P.
Jones, Edw., Jr. Kelso, W. J. Kolb, Chas. W. Lee, Austin
Jones, E. B. Kemp, W. R. Kolb, C. H. Lee, Jesse
Jones, J. A. Kemper, Frank Kolbeck, B. Lee, H. H.
Janes, Ruben L. Kennell, C. L. Korn, T. L. Lee, Menzie
Jorgensen, Al Kenney, Lloyd Kost, Christ Leibowitz, Lewis B.
Joseph, A. L. Kensinger, Dan Krall, Ed Leinberger, L. C.
Joseph, C. A. Kensinger, Edwin Krall, H. E. Leist, Lewis
Josephsan, Sam Kepner. Sam Kraning, Fred Lemons, Crete
Judy, Glenn Kerr, Donald Kraning, H., Jr. Lendt, L. F.
Jungclaus, Herman Kersey, Bob Kranz, Clarence Lent, F. H., Jr.
Jungles, C. A. Kershaw, K. K. Krehmke, Chris Lenton, Curtis E.
Jungles, J. P. Kesel, Leo Krehmke, Wm. F. Leonard, Albert
Jurre, Vern Keuscher, Wm. Krehmke, Ernest A. Lepar, G.
Justice, C. K. Kikendall, J. A. Kremer, Pete Leppin, W. A.
Justice, Glen B. Kikendall, John Krieger, C. G. Leschinsky, Geo.
Kilian, Wm. B. Kriz, H. A. Lesher, J. B.
Kahln, Jim Kilpatrick, H. E. Krow, C. D. Leth, C. B.
Kar,man, R. W. Kimball, A. R. Kroyer, Dr. M. K. Leuck, Geo.
Kaiser, G. L. Kimball, W. E. Krueger, R. Lewis, M. L.
Kallas, John Kimpel, Norman C. Kruse, Louis Lewis, R.
Kallas, James Kincade, H. Kruse, William Lewton, L. R.
Kammer, Elmer Kincade, E. W. Kuehler, Gus Lewton, Dick
Kant, Paul Kincaid, Jae G. Kuester, Rudolph H. Lewton, Roy M.
Kane, Stephen B. Kindig, Letter H. Kuester, R. M. Liebhart, L. T.
Kastel, John King, Roland Kuhlman, Fred Liebsack, A.
Kaufman, Wm. King, W. R. Kunze, Frank Liebsack, Henry G.
Kaufmann, David King, Ned Kyle, H. Liebsack, Henry
Kaufmann, Chas. Kingston, Everett Lacey, Lee Liebsack, Geo. B.
Kaul, F. W. Kinkade, Robert R. Lacy, Wray Liebsack, Geo.
Kauman, Matt Kirk, Paul N. Lademacher, C. F. Liebsack, Adam
Kauman, A. G. Kirkham, H. A. Lagos, V. Likes, Jesse
Kavitch, H. Kirkman, Leo Lambdin, LeRoy Lilienthal, John
Kavitch, Ed Kirkman, Howard Lamphear, Floyd Lincoln, L. K.
Kay, Robert Kirkpatrick, Jail Lane, Jack Lind, Andrew
Kay, Hank Kirkpatrick, A. F. Langan, Tom Lind, Geo.
Kazakon, Peter Klarr, Otto Lange, John Lindberg, L. L.
Keas, Harry H. Klavon, Ed Lanman, Spud Linderkamp, Dick
Keck, Gea. Klavon, Gus Lannigan, Tom Linderkamp, Dewey, Jr.
Keggin, G. F. Kleinkauf, Geo. A. Larrison, Russell Linderkamp, Henry
Kehm, Adam Kleppenbury, Chas. Larsen, J. R. Linderkamp. Wm.
Kehm, Fred Kline, Leonard Larson, A. W. Linderman, C. R.
Kehm, Ray Klumb, I. W. Larson, Roy L. Linderman, Ora
Kehn, David Knickrehm, Carl Lassen, Earl Lindholm, Walter
Kehrer, Charles Knickrehm, John Lassen, Harry Lindley, Floyd W.
Keiss, E. W. Knickrehm, Hubert Lathen, Rex Lindsay, John
Keith, E. D. Knight, C. E. Lathen, A. V. LJndgren. Chet
Keller, Ernest Knight, Joe Lathen, S. C. Lindgren. Ernest
Keller, Gene Knight, Owen Laub, B. L. Linnemann, Elmer W.
Keller, H, S. Knight, Turkic Laughlin, W. H. Linwood, Miner
Keller, Omer Knosp, Al Laughlin, L. A. Lippincott, Vance
Keller, W. V. Knox, Harold W. Launer, Dr. L. M. Lock, Frank
Kellogg, James B. Knox, Howard C. Laurey, John W. Locke, Henry W.
Kelly, Bob Kncx, Paul Lawell, D. R. Lockett, E. B.
Kelly, J. P. Knox, Reuben Lawrey, Paul D. Loebsack, Henry
Kelly, John M. Knox, Virgil Lawson, Baird Loescher, Oscar
Kelly, Lloyd W. Knudsen, Chris Lawson, R. C. Lohmann, H. L.
Kelly, Bogen Koch, Herman Layman, Earl Lohmeyer, Lester

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