Hall Counnty NEGenWeb Project Presents

A History of the Hall County Whisker Club

This page is an index to an past memorbilia club of men with whiskers in Hall County, Nebraska.


Loop - Moslander


Loop, Orville McGuire, Harold Matthews, Jno. Mildenstein, Kermit
Lnrance, Bill McGuire, Paul Matthews, N. E. Miller, Faye S.
Lorance, Glen McGuire, Robert Matthiesen, Alfred Miller, Frank
Lore men, Bryan McHugh, John E. Matthiesen, W. M. Miller, A. F.
Lormis, Harry J. Mtlntosh, C. J. Mattke, Arthur Miller, B. H.
Loucks, R. H. Mclntyre, W. Mattke, Otto L. Miller, Fred
Loucks, W. H. McKee, G. R. Maurer, Fred E. Miller, Phil W.
Lovell, Chas. E. McKee, C. R. Maxwell, Art Miller, Paul W.
Lowry, H. E. McKenzie, A. A. May, Vere R. Miller, Cecil
Lowry, Roland McKenzie, Jim Mayer, Herbert F. Miller, E. J.
Luebs, A. J. McKibben, L. A. Maynard, Jay Miller, Fred E.
Lucas, D, E. McKillipps, Earle Mead, Arthur T. Miller, Mahlon M.
Lucks, H. P. McKinney, A. W. Mead, Geo. C. Miller, O. H.
Lueth, Ernest McKinney, R. J. Mead, R. E. Miller, S. C.
Lueth, Hans McLellan, Brent Mecham, Earl Miller, Geo.
Luhn, Dick McLellart, John Men ring, Lee Miller, Jay
Lumbard, G. M. McMullen, Robert Mehring, MiIfred Miller, Ray
Lumbard, Laurence McPhillips, James Meierotto, Gus Miller, P. J.
Lumbard, Kar! McWha, R. D. Meinke, Chas. Miller, W. J.
Lundgren, Walter Mackan, J. L. Melkus, Leonard A. Miller, Drin L.
Luth, Ralph Macoy, D. W. Melkus, A. E. Mills, C. L.
Lutzmeier, D. F. Mader, Bill Melson, G. D. Milner, A. D.
Lykke, R. C. Mader, Greti Melson, John E. Miner, Max
Lyle, C. S. Mahaffey, J. W. Menck, Art Miner, Glen
Lyman, G. S. Maher, J, H. Menck, Arthur C. Minner, Pat
Lyon, E. L. Mahn, C. B. Menck, Harry Mitchell, Delmar
Lyons, Harry Manoney, J. W. Menck, Herman Mitchell, Chas. E.
Lyons, Howard Malone, Wilbur C. Menck, Ray Mitchell, Wm.
Lyons, J. T. Maloney, T. S. Menck, Roy Modesitt, Hubert
Lysinger. Richard R. Mamot, Max Mentzer, Buck Moeller, Geo. A.
Mandeville, H. J. Mercer, M. H. Moeller, Fred
McAnren, John Mangersen, P. W. Meredith, Jack Moll, August
McAbrien, Bill Manghan, H. J. Merithew, Harry Molley, D.
McAllister, Chas. I. Mann, Cecil Merrick, R. I. Moloney, Bill
McAllister, E. W. Manteen, C. A. Merrick, G. R. MarLasmith, F. J.
McBride, R. I. Mann, Dan J. Merrill, Gilbert Monroe, L.
McCall, C. Marithsw, Fred Merrin, R. F. Monsky, Mayer
McCaulley, Ray Marley, Kenneth Meseraull, A. H. Monson, Geo. W.
McClurkin, T. J. Marp, Waync Meseraull, Jas. B. Montgomery, Paul
McCone, Roy E. Marquelte, Wm. O. Meseraull, M. J. Moody, Lee
McCorkhill, L. A. Marsh, Bob Meseraull, Ray Moon, Harry L.
McCorkhill, Ted G. Marsh, Glenn Meth, A. J. Moor berg, R. E.
McCullough, Carl Marsh, E. A. Meth, Elmer S. Moore, Neal
McCullough, T. H. Marsh, Guy Metcalfe, Ted., Lieu. Gov. Moore, D. W.
McCumber, A. W. Marsh, Harry I. Metro, Wm. Moore, Pet
McCrorey, Kit Marsolek, Tom Mettenbrink, Bill Moa re, Ray
McDaniel, Gilbert Martin, R. M. Mettenbrink, Rudolph F- Moore, E. R.
McDaniel, John Martin, Hod Meves, Hugo H. Moore, Ralph
McDermott, Harold Martin, Robert D. Meves, Walter Moore, John
McDonald, O. M. Martin, M. G. Meves, D. H. Moore, Chester J.
McElroy, Chas. Martin, S. E. Meyer, Bob Morin, R. R.
McElroy, Francis E. Martin, Joseph, Jr. Meyer, Emil E. Morgan, J. C.
McElroy, Robert Martin, Carl A. Meyer, Ernest Morrill, J. E.
McFarland, John Martin, G. W. Meyer, J. F. Morris, J. E.
McFerrin, Al Martin, Joe Meyer, Otto J. Morris, Leonard
McGargill, G. R. Martinsen, J. C. Meyer, Robt. A. Morris, Paul
McGlasson, Carl Martinsen, A. T. Micnelson, J. A. Morris, Wilbert
MrGown, Mike Mason, E. L. Mickish, O. J. Morris, Geo. W.
McGowan, Thomas V. Mas ten, E. R. Mickleson, S. E. Morrow, B.
McGuire, Alien Mathews, L. Mickow, Vernon Morrow, J. H.
McGuire, Carl Mathiesen, Otto Mikel, Dr, C. E. Morrow, I. W.
McGuire, Martin Matthews, Chas. E. Mildenstein, Geo. Moslander, Dr. Wm.

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