This page last updated
Friday, 04-Jun-2004 09:36:06 MDT
Jefferson County Reunions
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You are invited to send information about your upcoming reunions. Every effort will be made to post your reunion information within 24-48 hours.
Please include the following:
- The Name of your organization
(Jones family reunion, Fairbury class of 87', etc.).
- The date of the event.
- The location of the event.
- Your Name and E-mail address, so you can be contacted if someone would like additional information.
Click here to submit Your Reunion Information
Reynolds High School Bi-Annual Reunion July 31 - Aug 1, 2004
- All Reynolds High School graduates are invited, Hosts: Classes of 1953, 1954, and 1955.
- Location - Reynolds Community Hall.
- Saturday - July 31, 2004
- 7:00 PM Catered Dinner and Memories - $9.00 per person (Send checks to Doris Huber, 1444N. 1st St., Seward, NE 68434.)
- Sunday - Aug. 1, 2004
- 12:30 PM - Pot Luck lunch; All door prizes welcomed.
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Brenda Busing