Keith County Businesses - 1890

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Business Directory and Farmer list

for 1890-1891

J.M. Wolfe & Co., Publishers, 509-510 Paxton Block 1890

Entered according to Act of Congress in the year 1890, by J.M. Wolfe & Co. in the Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington, D.C.

Ogalalla --- County Seat

Besler, a flag station on the U. P. Ry., two miles west of Ogalalla.


Bexter, a flag station on the U. P. Ry., five miles east of Paxton.


Brule, a station on the U. P. Ry., in the western part of Keith county, nine miles west of Ogalalla, the county seat. Population, 35.

Dunning H C, postmaster.
Dunning M, genl mdse hardware, agl implts.
Johnson M, blacksmith, justice.
Scott Kate, dressmaker.


Lewellen, a postoffice in the eastern part of Keith county, about 75 miles from Ogallalla, the county seat. Population, 25.

Hoylmen J J, drugs.
Marsh W F, justice.
Peck A A, justice.
Scott G T, genl mdse.
Scott S W N, postmaster.


Ogalalla, is the county seat of Keith county, and is situated in the midst of the most noted cattle district in Nebraska. The town is near the center of the county. It has a population of 700 and is yearly advancing in a marked degree in population and prosperity. It is on the main line of the U. P. Ry. In the vicinity are three stone quarries which furnish material for building purposes. Agricultural pursuits are the main occupation and steps have been taken to aid this by irrigation, which will make this section of the state one of the finest. A good roller flour mill is in operation here. There are three banks in a flourishing condition, two newspapers well conducted and Methodist, Congregational and Catholic churches. The Commercial Hotel, J. H. Barrett proprietor, is the popular hostelry.

Aufdengarten L, live stock.
Bank of Ogalalla, Lee Love pres, F G Hoxie.
Barnes James, shoemaker.
Barrett J H, prp Commercial Hotel.
Blackburn t, blacksmith.
Blackwood V S, well borer.
Brandhoefer L A Mrs, millinery.
Breisch E R, sta, tel and ex agt.
Brotherton J R, county judge.
Brown & McWilliams, real estate.
Budrow & Butcher, sheep breeders.
Cannon J H, justice.
Commercial Hotel, J H Barrett prp.
Conn George, surveyor, abstracter.
Cunningham H, groceries.
Cusack Alex, agl implts.
Daugherty M A, stock breeder.
Day E M Mrs, photographer.
Day & Son, props Ogalalla journal.
Del Monte Hotel, E W Betty & Hiram Bradley props.
DeVine W L, blacksmith.
Donelson F L, drugs.
Dorr R H W Mrs, mgr furniture.
Doughty J Mrs, dressmaker.
Doughty John, barber.
Elmberg Henry, livery.
Feltz F Q, attorney.
Fish Mary Miss, dressmaker.
Forsythe W A, groceries.
Gore O S, meat market.
Halligan J J, attorney.
Halligan & Nelson, hardware, agl implts.
Hally & Kennelly, genl mdse.
Hamilton W H, real estate.
Hanna L D, breeder Durham cattle.
Heffernan & Wood, genl mdse.
Hewitt & Haythorn, livery.
Hollingworth A, physician.
Hoxie F G, stock breeder.
Jones H M, genl mdse.
Keith County Bank, John D Bassett pres, H Carnahan cashier.
Keith County News, W H Mullane ed and prop.
Kiser J R, auctioneer.
Lawler J R, barber.
Line Bros, drugs.
Line L M, phys.
McCormick H, shoemaker.
McLean M, flour and grain.
McWilliams Frank, hardware.
McWilliams J S, live stock and real estate.
Mead H L, atty, real estate.
Mellette House, W H Wood prop.
Miller Albert, jeweler.
Moore C B, mgr Ogalalla Lumber Co.
Mullane W H, editor and prop Keith County News.
Newcomb Wm, barber.
Ogalalla Journal, Day & Sons ed and props.
Ogalalla Milling Co, L Aufdengarten prop, D McCall mgr, flour mill.
Ogalalla Opera House, L M Line mgr.
Paden G H, real estate.
Patton C Mrs, postmaster.
Powers F C, justice.
Rector L B, brick mfr.
Salisbury C R, dentist.
Searle E M, agt U P Ry lands, real estate.
Sheridan J W, school furniture.
Short E J, atty.
Skidmore R Mrs, carpet weaver.
Skiles Joseph, restaurant.
Stamn Henry, wagonmaker.
State Loan & Trust Co, H L Gould pres, J M Houghton cashier.
Thomas G W, mgr State Loan & Trust Co, genl mdse.
Williams J S, housemover.
Wood W H, billiards and prop Mellette House.
Woods F E, atty.


Paxton, is situated in the eastern part of Keith county, on the U. P. Ry, 20 miles from Ogalalla, the county seat. The place was named in honor of Hon. Wm. A. Paxton, of Omaha. Stock raising is the chief industry. Churches: Catholic, Methodist, Universalist and Congregational. Population, 150.

Bank of Paxton, J C Palmer cashier.
Clarkson J R, stone quarry.
Coats G P, genl mdse.
Cole G F, nursery.
Fenlon Bros, real estate, agl implts,
Gass D P, blacksmith.
Globe Hotel, D & L Stafford props.
Granger & Billings, confectionery, billiards.
Gunnell C E, lumber, drugs.
Harris R D, phys.
Haskell Cap, live stock.
Hill Harry, editor and prop Paxton Republican.
Hutton L K, postmaster, real estate, justice.
Johnson H W, genl mdse.
Lynn & Chamberless, grist mill.
Miles H, hardware, agl implts, furniture.
Miles H Mrs, bakery.
Morfott S, carpenter.
Morgan E B, carpenter, contractor.
Myers Charles, shoemaker.
Paxton Pilot, John W Wilson editor.
Paxton Republican, Harry Hill editor and prop.
Pease & Brown, livery.
Potter Frank, blacksmith.
Reed Charles, painter.
Salisbury J R, lumber, agl implts.
Stafford D & L, props Globe Hotel.
Tyler & Butman misses, millinery.
Welsh A A, grain, flour and feed.
Wilson J W, ed Paxton Pilot, atty.
Wilson & Muldoon, real estate.
Winehart G W, sta, tel and ex agt.


Pickard, a postoffice in the southern part of Keith county, 18 miles southeast of Ogalalla, the county seat.


Roscoe, a flag station on the U. P. Ry., four miles east of Ogalalla.

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This page last modified
Aug 9, 2019
© David Gochenour