Contact Information

Sooner or later, we all need copies of some kind of records to confirm or deny that a person "belongs to us," or, in some cases, to prove that they even existed. Below is a list of contacts in Keith County along with the records they have available, prices for copies, and procedures for requesting these records.

Additionally, you will find links to information about other records, both on state and national levels.

I am currently unable to personally assist you with obtaining copies or doing look-ups. If you are a Keith County resident, and would like to assist others by obtaining copies of records and/or doing record look-ups, please see the Help Wanted page, or e-mail me for more information.

Local Addresses
Where?What?How?How Much?Notes
Keith County Clerk's Office
PO Box 149
Ogallala, NE 69153
Marriage: appx. 1877-present
Land: some early filings, write to inquire
For Marriage, include the names of bride and groom, as well as marriage date in your request.Copies are free, but please enclose a self addressed, stamped envelope for the return of your copies.The clerk's are unable to do "look-ups," but if an approximate date is given for a record, they will try to find it if it is an actual request for a copy.
Keith County News
116 W. "A" St. Ogallala, NE 69153
Obituaries:This paper goes back in various forms to approximately 1885, and obituaries weren't printed regularly in the early days, so please write to inquire for early obits.Include the name of the deceased and the date of death in your request.
For more current obits, please see the KCN Obituary Index
Copies are free, but please include a self addressed, stamped envelope for the return of your copies.This is small, hometown paper, and does not have available staff to do research.
Keith County Historical Society
Susan Anderon
POB 603
Ogallala, NE 69153
Research & Look-ups: for specific persons, businesses, and events. A collection of local historical and genealogical informationBe as specific as possible with names, dates, and locations of what you are looking for. Or write to inquire about availablity of information.Cost is based on time involved in research and copies requested. Please include a self-addressed, stamped envelope for the return of your copies or an answer to your inquiry. Donations are deeply appreciated, and will generally get your request to "the top of the stack" faster.This is a small group of volunteers that works in their spare time. Be mindful that requests are served on a "first-come, first-served" basis, and all requests are completed as time allows.

Other Online Resources: Local and Non-Local
LinkWhat is it?What's Available?
Goodall City LibraryOgallala's city libraryNewspapers on microfilm and a collection of local historical, genealogical, and informative materials. Inquire as to what's available through interlibrary loan, for how long, and at what cost.
Nebraska Health & Human Services SystemMaintains Vital Rocords for the stateBirth, Death, Marriage, and Divorce Records. Some can be ordered online with a credit card.
Vital Records InformationInformation and linksLinks to sites or mailing addresses for vital records information for the 50 states, as well as some foreign countries.
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