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Kirkwood Cemetery
Welcome to Kirkwood Cemetery
9 1/2 miles north of Newport, Nebraska on Highway 137 - 1 mile west in pasture - road almost impassible. It is recommended that you contact the private property owner or the local sherriff to gain permission to enter the three or four gates before coming to the cemetery. View the map at the end of this page for more detailed direction.
About Kirkwood Cemetery
This cemetery was once a part of a George Green farm which was donated to the community for burial of those who lived in Kirkwood Precinct. Kirkwood Cemetery received this MAIN MARKER in 2006 donated by Velma Perry Thomsen as a memory of those who pass.
Photo Album
In this photo album, there are several photos of the Kirkwood Cemetery and its surrounding. Also, I received some unmarked gravestone photographs from Sue Barnes and decided to place them in this photo album until they are indentified who markers these belong to. [. . . To View the Kirkwood Cemetery Photo Album]
Gravestone Photo Project
The GRAVESTONE PHOTOGRAPHS were provided by those who contributed to Rock County NEGenWeb Project. A big thanks to Sue Barnes for providing most of these photos.
If you have a photograph (with readable inscription) of a gravestone located in any of these cemeteries in Morrill County, please send a scanned copy for posting to Matthew D. Friend.
Kirkwood Cemetery Map
 Kirkwood Cemetery Location Provided by USGS - Geographic Names Information System (GNIS).