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Rock County Queries & Surname Registery

Rock County
Queries And Surname Registry

Part of the NEGenWeb and USGenWeb Projects

To Submit A Queries and Surname(s) | How To Write a Query
To View Other Queries and Surname(s) | To Change Your Old Email Address

To Submit A Queries and Surname(s)

Welcome to Rock County Nebraska Genealogy & History Query Board. You can now post queries and surnames of any Rock County interests or connection.

Submit your queries and surnames through our queryboard, and then view your entries in our most recent submission. If you are not sure how to write a query, click down to our "How to Write a Query" section.

Are you ready to submit? Below are the links to submit your queries and/or surname(s) in using our automatic form:

How To Write a Query

"How would I write my query?" Well! The answer is right here in this section. We have a few guidelines that are important to your query. Please take a moment to review what is the most effect way to get results from your query.

Here is more wonderful tips in "How to Write (or Not to Write) a Query" courtesy of Bill Oliver and the "NE County Unknown" site.

Copyright © 1996 Rock County Nebraska, a part of the NEGenWeb Project
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Created on ... January 1, 2013