Saunders County NEGenWeb Project
Death Notices & Obituaries From
the INDEPENDENT Newspapers
February 15, 1877 - October 25, 1877
Transcriber's note: In places, the text from the newspaper is not readable on the microfilm. Linda has designated these areas with either a ? or __________.
Roberts, Mary
The Independent
Wahoo, NE
Thursday, February 15, 1877
Page 3, col. 5
Died -- ROBERTS -- At Ceresco, Neb. February 10th, 1877. Mary, wife of John T. Rogers, of consumption, after three months sickness. Age 35 years.
(The paper did read Roberts, then Rogers.)
The Independent
Wahoo, NE
Thursday, March 15, 1877
Page 3, col. 4
Novak At Wauhoo, Nebr. Monday March 12, 1877 a child of Mr. and Mrs. Novak age about one year.
Coffran, Charley
The Independent
Wahoo, NE
Thursday, May 24, 1877
Page 3, col. 2
A Terrible Calamity!
A Child Burned To Death
Charley Coffran a little son of W. G. Coffran who lives about a mile south of town was burned to death Tuesday afternoon by a prairie fire. The circumstances as near as we can learn are these. Mr. Coffran was burning the grass, near his house on Tuesday afternoon and had the little fellow with him. After he had done all that was necessary in overlooking the fire, he took the child to the house and left him and went to work in his garden near by. Unnoticed by him or any member of his family, the child wandered back to the fire and the fist thing Mr. Coffran heard were the screams. He ran to rescue him and found his clothing nearly burned from his body and the flesh from his ribs and back. He tore the burning rags from his body and extinguished the fire in his clothing, carried the little sufferer to the house and sent for a physician. Dr. Morton soon arrived and did all that medical skill could do to save his life but without avail. He lingered in terrible agony until about 3 o'clock Wednesday morning when death came to his relief and put an end to his sufferings. The child was not quite two years old was a bright little fellow and a favorite with all who knew him. Mr. and Mrs. Coffrin are entitled to the sympathy of the community in this sudden and great bereavement. Their home is made desolate by the lose of this darling boy, and while their loss is his gain, we hope they find consolation in preparing to meet him in another and better world, ____ ____ _____.
The funeral services of this child will take place at Mr. Coffran's house at 10 o'clock A. M. today. The friends of the family are cordially invited to attend.
Riddle, Eddie
The Independent
Wahoo, NE
Thursday, July 19, 1877
Page 3, col. 3
Died - At the residence of his parents, T. W. and Jennie Riddle at Ceresco on Saturday July 14, 1877 of diphtheria. Eddie Riddle age 4 years and six months.
The parents and relatives of this bright little boy are sadly stricken in this bereavement and are assured of the sympathy and condolences of the entire community in their great affliction.
Compton, Abby
The Independent
Wahoo, NE
Thursday, August 23, 1877
Page 3, col. 4
Compton Abby, infant son of W. G. and Ellen Compton, of Newton, Saunders county died August 17th of disease of the brain; aged six months. After the funeral services were preached at the Reformed Presbyterian church by Rev. Amlong, the remains received their last care and were deposited in the new cemetery at Wahoo.
Weep not for little Abby,
He has gone to join the hand
Of the winged and infant angels
Over in the dreamy land.
He has gone before earths snares
Entwined his little feet,
To join the Union Army
Who will little Abby greet.
Then weep not for little Abby,
He has only gone before,
To light the path for others
To the promised shining shore.
Staats, J. H.
The Independent
Wahoo, NE
Thursday, August 30, 1877
Page 3, col. 3
Killed By Lightning
County Treasurer Knapp hurriedly came into our office on Tuesday and gave us the sad intelligence that a telegram from Fremont just received informed him of the death of J. H. Staats, who was struck by lightning and instantly killed on the morning of that day. He was known through the county as Jack Staats, and only the day before was in Wahoo, took dinner with Mr. Knapp, who was his neighbor before he moved to Wahoo. Mr. Staats was one of the proprietors of the upper bridge across the Platte river between this place and Fremont, a good citizen an accommodating neighbor and had many friends in both Sanders and Dodge counties. His sudden death is a sever blow to his family and relatives, and we tender them the sympathy of the entire community in their great bereavement.
LATER - We are informed that Mr. Staats was in a wagon on his way to Fremont, about one mile from town when he was overtaken by the storm. A man on a hill behind him saw the lightning strike. He says it seemed like a ball of fire darting from the clouds, striking Mr. Staats, killing him instantly and also the team he was driving.
(NOTE: A much longer and more involved obituary is in the September 30th paper on page 2, col. 1.
Noteware, Col. J. H.
The Independent
Wahoo, NE
Thursday, September 6, 1877
Page 3, col. 3
Death of Col. Noteware
The people of Saunders county will regret to hear of the death of Col. J. H. Noteware which took place at his residence at Cedar Hill, on Tuesday the present week. His disease was dropsy. He was well known thoughout the state, had filled the office of state superintendent of immigration and had many warm personal friends who will regret to hear of his death. He was about 35 years of age.
(NOTE: A longer and much more involved obituary appeared in the September 27th paper on page 2, col. 2.
The Independent
Wahoo, NE
Thursday, February 15, 1877
Page 3, col. 4
Rodarmel - On the 28th September, 1877 in Clear Creek, the infant daughter of John and Susan Rodarmel, aged one month.
This is the first death that has occurred in Clear Creek.
Eccleston, Eliza
The Independent
Wahoo, NE
Thursday, October 25, 1877
Page 3, col. 3
In Clear Creek on Tuesday, October 16, 1877 Eliza the beloved wife of George Eccleston aged 15 years.
We have no particulars concerning the death of this young wife save that she leaves a large number of deeply stricken friends and a heart broken husband to mourn her untimely loss. These, we are sure, will receive the heartfelt sympathy of friends and relatives in the entire community.
Dean, Homer
The Independent
Wahoo, NE
Thursday, October 25, 1877
Page 3, col. 4
Ashland Notes
Little Homer Dean died last Monday. So much for playing with pistols.

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