HE FIRST settlement in Saunders County was in Clear Creek precinct in 1856, when Joseph Stambaugh, his wife and three children came to the county in a horse drawn covered wagon from Plattsmouth. They had first entered the state at Plattsmouth, which was then a principal port of entry on the Missouri river. Even at that early date government and private wagon trains had marked a trail from Nebraska City to a point near Fort Kearny, where it joined the Oregon Trail. This trail entered what is now Saunders County at the crossing of Salt creek where there was a rock bottom ford. It was the only known crossing of the kind within reasonable distance. This trail passed through the southern part of the county in a northwesterly direction going into Butler County some miles north of the present location of Brainard.
Stambaugh found a deserted hut on the banks of the creek, evidently erected by trappers or government surveyors who had moved on, and there made his first abode. Later the next year he erected a sod house in what is now known as Clear Creek precinct, where the first sod was turned. The Stambaughs were followed closely by LeRoy and Reuben Warbritton and although there has been some dispute as to which came first, it is generally conceded the Stambaughs were the first actual settlers.
The first settlers arrived to find the county in the possession of the Otoe Indians, who occupied the east side of the county from what is now Leshara to Ashland. The Pawnees came sometime later and encamped on the high bluffs in the north part of the county. There are no untoward incidents to record about the relations of the white settlers with the Redskins. The latter appeared friendly, their worst trait being a disposition to take what they wanted wherever they could find it, regardless of ownership. Their silent moccasin-shod tread through the grass and sudden appearance in the doorways of settlers was sometimes most frightening and at the least, disconcerting.
At this period the country was a succession of grass covered knolls stretching as far as the eye could see. There was occasionally a growth of timber along the creeks, but usually it was stunted because of numerous prairie fires.
Early settlement was not rapid and most of the arrivals seem to have been adventurous men who had lately left the Union army. In 1860 the county had but seven families, most of them in the southeast part of the county.
Only thirty-eight voters had arrived or voted within the following ten years. At an election held in 1867, thirty-eight ballots were cast for legislators, state and county officers. At this same election Ashland was selected as the county seat. Ashland had been a part of Cass County, but by legislative enactment a small portion of that county was detached and added to Saunders County, including the land on which Ashland stood. The courthouse there was erected in 1870 and it remained until Oct. 14, 1873, when an election made Wahoo the county seat. Wahoo by this time had become a flourishing village. In December of the same year the records were removed to Wahoo, and the county seat officially established there. The courthouse was erected at Wahoo in 1874, and was replaced with a new brick building in 1913.
The need for transportation facilities was acute for the early settlers. In addition, seasons of drouth and grasshoppers which periodically arrived made agriculture a difficult problem. The settlers in the north part of the county had to go to Plattsmouth and later to Ashland for their milling and supplies. The trip was long and tiresome. Although Fremont had become a good sized trade center, fording the Platte river was extremely dangerous owing to the quicksand. Later a mill was erected at Ithaca in 1871, the one at Ashland having been built in 1864.
The lack of transportation facilities made the settlers anxious for railroad connections. The first to make a practical start in this direction was the Union Pacific when it incorporated its branch line from Valley to Valparaiso. Among the towns on this road was Yutan, which was platted in 1876. Until 1883 it was named Clear Creek. It is only a short distance from the Platte river and was the first town to be reached by a railroad in Saunders County. The next town to the west is Mead, about six miles west of Yutan.
Still further west and near the center of the county is Wahoo, county seat and metropolis of Saunders County. The first settlement here was in 1865 and four years later the first store was built. Removal of the county seat from Ashland in 1873 virtually decided the fate of this community, and its development was rapid. Before the arrival of the railroad a coach line for passengers and mail operated between Lincoln and Wahoo. The city has some industrial enterprises in culvert factories, both cast iron and cement, and a hog and chicken house factory. Wahoo is the home of Luther College, a Swedish institution affiliated
with and in part supported by the Lutheran Church. Other structures include a large brick city hall, library and firemen's hall, and a brick stone courthouse, which replaced the old frame structure in 1904. Six miles west of Wahoo on the Union Pacific is Weston, which was platted in 1877. The population is largely Bohemian. In early years it was well known for its fine elevators and large lumber industry, which did much toward building up this part of the county.
About half way between Weston and Valparaiso on the Union Pacific railroad is the settlement of Touhy, unincorporated and with limited store facilities. The last town on the Union Pacific within Saunders County is Valparaiso, not far from the Butler County line on the west and a short distance north of the Lancaster line, in the southwest corner of the county. Valparaiso was incorporated in July, 1880, although a struggling village of a few stores lining the road had existed since 1870. The Union Pacific was largely responsible for its growth as it made Valparaiso a division point from which trains were dispatched west, south and east. Railroad life has been a great factor in its growth and today it is still a railroad center. It is the site of the first large consolidated school district in the county. The community is largely Bohemian.
Ashland, in the southeast corner of the county, is the second largest town. It stands on land discovered and settled by the first settlers mentioned earlier. The settlement of Saline Ford was followed by organization of the town of Ashland, March 4, 1870, although the first frame building and store was built in the spring of 1863. In the same year a dam was built across Salt Creek and a flour mill erected. The first hotel, built partially of logs, served many early settlers coming into the county.
Ashland was first located on bottom lands along Salt creek, but as the town grew and the business center expanded, the tall buildings were placed farther back on higher ground. This is the location of the present Ashland. It is a division point on the Burlington main line between Lincoln and Omaha, and was the location of the first county seat. It is now the largest city on the Platte river between Fremont and Plattsmouth and greatly influenced the early history of the county.
In 1888 the C. B. & Q. railroad built a branch line from Ashland to Schuyler, on which were the townsites of Memphis, Ithaca, Wahoo, Malmo and Prague.
Ithaca was established about six miles from Wahoo but had first been settled in 1866, with a part dugout and part log house. It was the first stopping place north and west of Ashland. A flour mill erected here in 1874 served the early settlers. However, a fire on Nov. 14, 1894, destroyed the entire mercantile section with a loss of $25,000, but it has been rebuilt in much better condition than before. Malmo, founded in Mariposa precinct upon the arrival of the railroad, was named for Malmo, Sweden. On Jan. 15, 1870, Malmo organized the first Swedish Church in the community. The first store was built in 1887. This was followed by a number of others and a bank is still operating in the town.
Thirteen miles northwest of Wahoo is the town of Prague, which arose when the Burlington completed its branch through there in 1888, although it was platted and laid out a year earlier. The town has become a prosperous business center and is located advantageously for farmers, despite relatively poor train service. The population in and around Prague is principally Bohemian. Its community hall is large enough to accommodate all public gatherings.
When the Chicago and Northwestern railroad projected a branch from Lincoln to Fremont in 1886, the first town in Saunders County near the Lancaster County line was Ceresco. Before this time, however, it had been on a star mail route which served Ceresco, Swedeburg, Wahoo, Colon, Cedar Bluffs and Fremont. In 1895 the town suffered a disastrous fire which destroyed most of the business section. It was rebuilt and is now a prosperous village, the population largely Swedish.
Other Saunders County towns are Swedeburg, Colon, Cedar Bluffs, Morse Bluffs and Leshara. All are typical small agricultural communities. Leshara, the county's youngest town, was founded in 1905 when the Burlington built a branch from Ashland to Fremont.
Part 2 (EYER (cont.) - JOHNSON) - Part 3 (JOHNSON - O'KANE)
Part 4 (O'KANE (cont.) - ZIEGENBEIN)
ANDERSON, ANTON L: Merchant; b Skane, Sweden Oct 26, 1867; s of Johannas Anderson-Cecilia Larson; ed Sweden 1885; night sch, Lincoln; m Hildegarde Nelson July 3, 1890 Lincoln; s Ferd Emanuel; d Margaret Ellen (Mrs Bernard E Warner); 1885 came to US: 1885-87 farmer, Saunders Co; 1887-89 with Harpham Bros Co, Lincoln; 1889-95 with Nessley & Co; 1895-1901 with Mayer Brothers Co; 1901-34 owned one-third int in Smith, Hultin & Anderson Gen Mdse Store, Wahoo, 1920-34 treas & gen mgr; 1934- pres & gen mgr, Anderson, Hultin Co; past mbr city coun 2 years; 1938-39 mbr advisory bd of New York World's Fair; bd mbr Amer-Swedish Hist Museum, Philadelphia; 1913 toured Europe; during World War ARC worker, sold bonds & stamps; mbr advisory bd, SA & Saunders Co food administration bd; Fedn of Neb Retailers, org, past pres; past pres Lions; AOUW; MWA; C of C, past pres; Bethlehem Luth Ch, past pres Luth Brotherhood, past trustee of Luth Ch in Lincoln & Wahoo; res Wahoo.
ANDERSON, FERD EMANUEL: Merchant; b Lincoln, Neb Oct 1, 1892; s of Anton L Anderson-Hildegarde Nelson; ed Wahoo HS 1910; U of Penn 1914; Sigma Nu; m Helga Torell Mar 2, 1923 Wahoo; s Ferd Jr, Ben, Reed; d Joan; 1914- with father in gen mdse, Anderson, Hultin Co, Wahoo; past mbr sch bd 4 years; mbr vol fire dept; during World War priv in hdqrs Co, 2nd inf, disch Dec 1918; Amer Leg post 82; past pres Neb Shoe Retailers Assn; KP, past chancellor comm; pres C of C; Luth Ch; hobby, landscaping; res Wahoo.
ANDERSON, O F: Auto Dealer; b Malmo, Sweden Apr 9, 1891; s of Andrew Nelson-Elise Swanson; ed Horley Sweden HS 1905; att auto sch, Omaha 1911-12; m Lottie Verskey Mar 20, 1933 Little Rock Ark;
s Garwood; 1909 came to US, 1911 became Amer citizen; 1909-10 with CB&Q RR, Havelock; 1912-13 auto dlr, Waverly, 1913-16 at Ceresco; 1916-18 auto dlr, Patterson & Allen, Cars, Lincoln; 1918-26 Buick & Chevrolet dlr, Greenwood; 1926- owner & opr service garage, General Motors dlr, Wahoo; 1936- org & opr Anderson Motors, Buick Sales & Service, Fremont; owner & mgr farm ints, Saunders & Cass Cos, Okla & S D; 1930 made European tour, visited 11 countries; past mbr town bd, Greenwood; 3 years mbr General Motors Planning Com; Neb Auto Dlrs Assn; C of C, dir; Lions; Izaak Walton; Wahoo & Fremont Golf Clubs: BPOE; Congl Ch; hobbies, golf, hunting, fishing; res Wahoo.
BALDER, BENJAMIN FRANKLIN: Grocer; b Ashland, Neb Dec 30, 1884: s of John Henry Balder-Augusta Otto; ed Ashland HS 1901; Boyles Comml Coll, Omaha 1902; m Elvera M Reifert Oct 8, 1916 Omaha; 1902-14 clerical work, Omaha & Lincoln; 1914- groc, Ashland; 1915-16 & 1936-37 mbr city coun; 1917-18 city treas; 1938-39 mayor; 1933-34 Neb legislator from 30th dist; during World War food administrator for Ashland & territory; C of C; Royal Highlanders; 1935- Dem, committeeman W Ashland dist, vice-chmn Saunders Co Central Com since 1937, mbr exec com; hobbies, hunting, fishing; res Ashland.
BARRY, DENNIS L: Clergyman, b Agnew, Neb July 12, 1900; s of Michael Barry-Rosa Zimmerman; ed St Benedict's Coll HS, Atchison Kas; St Benedict's Coll, Atchison Kas 1927-29; Kenrick Seminary, Webster Groves Mo 1929-35; 1914-24 farmer, Lancaster Co; 1935 ordained Priest by Most Rev Louis B Kucera Lincoin; 1935 pastor St Mary's Parish, Aurora; 1935-36 asst pastor St Joseph's Ch at York, also pastor St Patrick's Ch, McCool Junction; 1936- pastor St Joseph's Ch, Colon also St Mary's Ch, Ashland; KC, Wahoo; Cath Ch, dir Cath Youth Orgn and Sodality in parishes; hobby, reading; res Colon.
BARRY, JOHN HUGH: Attorney; b Rockford, Ill Oct 7, 1868; s of David Barry-Ellen Kearney; ed Wahoo HS 1890; U of N, LLB 1893; m Julia L Murphy Sept 1, 1897 Sand Creek1; d Frances (Mrs L J Rochford), Loretta M (Mrs C C Hanna), Rita A (Mrs H V Kanouff); 1893- prac law, Wahoo; 1898-1902 Saunders Co judge; atty of UP RR, HOLC foreclosures & sales; notary public more than 30 years; atty in est case of Levi Raiser, appointment of guardians; dir & atty of Farmers & Mchts Bank, Ceresco; dir & atty of 5 banks at once; mbr vol fire dept, pres hose co 2; during World War 4-min man, chmn of fund drives; past pres Coll of Law Alumni, U of N; Saunders Co & Neb St Bar Assns; MWA; KC, past grand knight 3 terms, del to natl conv New York City 1927; Cath Ch; Dem, mbr Saunders Co Central Com; hobby, machinery; res Wahoo.
1 Sand Creek is a rural church 7 miles S W of Cedar Bluffs.
CARTA, RUDOLPH HENRY: Auto Dealer; b Omaha, Neb Mar 6, 1892; s of James Barta-Louise Cernik; ed Omaha HS 1911, cadet; Boyles Bus Coll, Omaha 1912; m Mayme Lank Sept 5, 1914 Papillion (dec 1923); s Chester K, Robert Leslie, Rudolph Henry Jr; m Irma L Laughlin June 5, 1924 Council Bluffs Ia; d Marion; 1908-11 carrier, Omaha Daily News; 1912-13 secy to supt of C&NW RR, Norfolk; 1913-14 secy to supt T P Cullen of Salt Lake RR, Los Angeles; 1914 secy to Frank Walters, gen mgr C&NW RR, Omaha; 1914-19 with Ford Motor Co, Omaha; 1919- opr Ford Motor Co, Ashland; one of oldest Ford dirs in Neb; 1935-38 VP sch bd, Ashland; pres vol fire dept; 1920- notary pub; during World War, corp Co C Omaha HG; Ford Dlrs Assn; C of C, mbr good roads com 20 years; Ashland Golf Assn; Ashland Gun Club; Izaak Walton; Neb fish & game commission; Neb St Sportsman's Assn; BPOE; AF&AM 288; Scot Rite 1; Tangier Shrine; IOOF; Meth Ch; Dem, ofcr in party since 1932, vice-chmn & dir Saunders Co Central Com; hobbies, hunting, fishing, gun collection; res Ashland.
BERANEK, WENCESLAUS GEORGE: Clergyman; b Prairieburg, Ia Mar 31, 1910; s of Joseph B Beranek-Mary Johanek; ed Columbia Acad, Dubuque Ia 1929; Columbia Coll, Dubuque Ia 1933; Lisle Ill Seminary 1937; May 6, 1937 ordained by Most Rev Louis B Kucera DD; 1937-38 asst to Monsignor Nemec, Wahoo; 1938 pastor St Andrew's Parish, Osceola; 1938- pastor St Vitus Parish Touhy; conducts Saturday catechism class; mgr boys baseball team in Saunders Co, Holy Name League; Cath Youth Orgn; Christian Doctrine Soc; KC; Cath Workmen; Cath Ch; hobby, mechanics; res Touhy.
BONTZ, FRED WALTER: Hardware Dealer; b Jefferson, Ia Mar 20, 1877; s of John Philip Bontz-Anna Elizabeth Shaw; ed Jefferson Ia; bus course, Omaha; m Ida May Clark Sept 26, 1910 Walnut Ia; 1901-03 emp in baggage dept UP RR, Omaha; 1903-04 emp in lbr camps, Nev & Cal; 1904-05 mbr city fire dept, Reno Nev; 1907 farmer & cattle raiser, Carthage S D; 1909-13 homesteader near Winner S D; 1913- hdw dlr, Ashland; 1925-27 mayor, Ashland; councilman 1st ward 4 years; 1933-39 mbr bd of edn, secy 1935-39; C of C; Rotary; AF&AM; OES; hobbies, football, baseball; res 407 N 13th, Ashland.
BREDENBERG, JOE: Oil Dealer; b Malmo, Neb Apr 1, 1876; s of John O Bredenberg-Mary Helsing; ed Malmo HS 1893; Fremont Normal, BSc 1896; m Rosa Evans Nov 7, 1900 Malmo; s Leonard, Harry; 1896-98 tchr, Saunders Co; 1898-1909 hdw dlr, Malmo; 1910-27 Studebaker & Dodge dlr, Wahoo; 1928-38 Saunders Co treas; 1921- owner & opr Wahoo Oil Co; Saunders Co dep sheriff 6 mos; owner 320 A farm, S D; mbr sch bd 3 years; past mbr vol fire dept; Neb Petroleum Marketers Assn; Lions; C of C, past pres; AF &AM 59; Presby Ch, bd mbr 22 years; res Wahoo.
BRODAHL, A J: Auto Dealer; b Saunders Co, Neb Dec 27, 1890; s of John Brodahl-Anna Nelson; ed Luther Acad, Wahoo 1909; m Ruth Erickson Aug 16, 1919 Wahoo; s Donald John; d Betsy Ann; 1909-12 farmer, Saunders Co; 1912-17 ptr of Julius Olson in gen mdse bus, Malmo; 1917-18 & 1919-22 ptr of Harry Lyon in garage bus, Wahoo; 1922- opr Ford Sales & Service; mbr sch bd 9 years, pres 2 years; mbr vol fire dept; dir Luther Coll 2 years; during World War corp, Camp Dodge, quartermaster St Louis, disch Mar 1919; Amer Leg post 82, vice-comm; Neb Auto Dlrs Assn; Ford Dlrs Assn; ch mbr Lions, past pres; C of C, past pres; Wahoo Golf Club; Izaak Walton; AF&AM 32o; Scot Rite; OES, past worthy patron; KP; Luth Ch, trustee 6 years, mbr choir 36 years; hobbies, hunting, fishing; res Wahoo.
BRYANT, JESSE, C: Attorney; b Montgomery, Ia Oct 27, 1892; s of James C Bryant-Mary A McFadden; ed Griswold Ia HS 1900; U of Ia, LLB 1906; m Ina M Whalen Jan 1, 1914 Vermillion S D; s James C, William C; d Lucile B (Mrs ___ Gies); 1900-01 tchr, Cass Co Ia; 1901-02 tchr, Stanley Co S D; 1905-06 prac law, Griswold Ia; 1914- prac law, Ashland; 1914-16 & 1921-34 city atty; mbr lib bd; 1930 candidate for Saunders Co judge; Saunders. Co & Neb St Bar Assns; C of C; AF&AM 110; Meth Ch; hobby, gardening; res Ashland.
BURES, EDWARD EDWIN: Merchant; b Schuyler, Neb May 9, 1894; s of Frank Bures-Anna Balaban; ed Schuyler HS; m Julia A Kirvohlavek Apr 3, 1923 Schuyler; s Vern Dale; 1912-15 chief flour packer, Wells-Abbott-Nieman Flour Mill Schuyler; 1915-18 farmer; Colfax Co; 1920-22 with Wells-Abbott- Nieman Flour Mill, Schuyler; 1922-24 owner & mgr Rogers Cash Store, Rogers; 1924- owner & mgr Prague Merc Store; 1932-34 & 1939- mbr town coun; mbr vol fire dept, 1925- chief; instrumental in having new fire dept bldg & equipment installed 1927; 1934- dir Prague div BSA troop 141: during World War 1918-19 with Co 36, 135th regiment US army; Amer Leg, past adjt; Comml Club, past chmn; Prague Gun Club; Neb St Vol Fireman's Assn; hobbies, BSA work, civic improvement; res Prague.
BURMEISTER, KARL: Insurance, Loan & Real Estate Agent; b Saunders Co, Neb Apr 24, 1901; s of Charles Burmeister-Mary Karloff; ed Saunders Co; Midland Coll 1920; m Lois Hurst Mar 28, 1923 Lincoln; 1920-27 clk First Natl Bank, Wahoo; 1927- ptr of brother Paul in Burmeister Brothers, real est, ins, loans, Wahoo; 1929 org Saunders County Finance Co; 1928-32 city treas; past mbr sch bd; mbr vol fire dept; owner land ints in Saunders Co & Guthrie Co Ia; past dir Neb Assn of Discount Cos; Neb Assn of Personal Finance Cos; C of C, past dir; Lions; KP, past chancellor, keeper of records & seals 5 years; St Johns Evang Luth Ch, Yutan; hobby, bowling; res Pine, Wahoo.
BURMEISTER, PAUL C: Insurance, Loan & Real Estate Agent; b Yutan, Neb Aug 24, 1893; s of Charles Burmeister-Mary Karloff; ed Saunders Co; Fremont Normal 1913; m Genevieve Swanson Oct 21, 1921 Wahoo; s Charles; 1913-17 farmer, rural mail carrier, mgr hdw store, Yutan; 1917-26 clk for Saunders Co dep treas; 1926- in real est & ins bus, Wahoo, 1926-27 ptr of Denis Moyer, 1927- 28 ptr of Walter Roberts in Burmeister & Roberts, 1927- ptr of brother Karl in Burmeister Brothers; 1929- org & pres Saunders Co Finance Co; lic Neb real est dlr; 4 years mbr city coun; Neb Real Est Assn; C of C, past dir; Izaak Walton; Wahoo Gun
Club; Wahoo Golf Club, past pres; KP; Presby Ch; hobbies, hunting, fishing, golf; res 409 E 12th, Wahoo.
CALLAWAY, JAMES FREMONT: County Superintendent of Schools; b Norman, Okla Jan 24, 1894; s of Arthur Robert Callaway-Dorothy Clapham; ed Cedar Bluffs HS 1911; CSTC, BA 1926; U of N, MA 1930, also grad work; m Florence Helen Wittemyer Aug 2, 1922 Boulder Colo; s James Robert; d Dorothy Ann; 1912-15 sch tchr, Saunders Co; 1915-16 tchr, Malmo: 1916-18 tchr, Memphis; 1920-21 HS prin, Sargent; 1921-23 supt of schs, Waco; 1923-27 supt of schs, Potter; 1927-29 supt of schs, Kimball; 1930-34 supt of schs, Benedict; 1934- Saunders Co supt of schs; helped org Saunders Co school day; shows health moving pictures in schs; during World War in USN, pharm mate, USS Virginian, made 3 round trips to France, disch 1919; Amer Leg post 82; NSTA, mbr com on revision of certification law; Lions; C of C; AF&AM 215; IOOF, past noble grand; KP; Meth Ch, steward; hobby, horseback riding; off Courthouse; res Wahoo.
CANDOR, WYLIE B: Superintendent of Schools; b Carroll, Neb May 6, 1906; s of H J Candor-Mary Mettlen; ed Laurel HS 1924; WSTC, BA 1929, soph & sr; class pres; U of N 1931; Western State Coll, Gunnison Colo 1939: m Virgie Peterson June 5, 1938 Ellsworth Ia; 1929-35 prin & HS coach, Cedar Bluffs; 1935-38 HS prin & coach, Elkhorn, basketball teams ent state tournament 2 years; 1938-supt of schs, Cedar Bluffs, basketball team runner-up in Saunders Co League 1938; acct for Natl Park Dept in Yellowstone Natl Park several summers; has conducted several co-op tours to E & W coasts, traveled in all states except Me & Fla; NSTA; AF&AM 215; Presby Ch; hobby, ednl travel; res Cedar Bluffs.
CHAPEK, JOHN A: County Commissioner; b Saunders Co, Neb Aug 29, 1881; s of Frank Chapek-Elenor Cidlik; ed Western HS 1898; Fremont Normal 1901; m Katie Svoboda Oct 15, 1904 Weston; s John, Louis; d Catherine; m Ella Benesch Feb 12, 1928 Omaha; 1901-35 farmer, Saunders Co; 1935-42 Saunders Co commr, chmn 2nd term; owner & mgr 240 A in Saunders Co; dir & secy Farmers Union & mbr of elevator bd 6 years; KC; Cath Ch, dir at Weston 11 years, past mbr ch com; Dem, mbr Saunders Co Central Com; hobbies, bridge, general sports; res Wahoo.
CHISM, SAMUEL HUSTON: Pharmacist; b Monroe Co, Ky Mar 8, 1875: s of William R Chism-Emily V Marrs; ed Fountain Run Ky; Temple Hill Ky HS; Glasgow Ky Acad; Creighton U, PhG 1907; m Hattie E Trevitt Jan 2, 1908 Carrollton Mo; s Everett R, Carl Eugene; 1907-13 pharm, Stella; 1913-26 pharm, University Place; 1926-27 with Samuelson Brothers Drug Store, Milford; 1927- in drug bus, Valparaiso; past mbr Stella & University Place sch bds; mbr sch bd, Valparaiso, chmn 3 years; Neb Pharm Assn; Comml Club, past pres; IOOF, past noble grand, dist dep grand master; Meth Ch, bd mbr; hobbies, coin collecting, parliamentary law; res Valparaiso.
CLARK, EUGENE E: Physician & Surgeon; b Peru, Neb Aug 22, 1893; s of Dr B H Clark-Deborah Blankenship; ed Ashland HS 1912: Grand Island Coll 1912-14; U of Mo, BA 1917; Jefferson Med Coll, Philadelphia, MD 1920; Phi Beta Pi; H A Hare Therapeutic Soc; Edward E Graham Pediatric Soc; James C Wilson Med Soc; m Marie McDowell Jan 8, 1921 Philadelphia; s Bennett H; d Virginia Marilyn; 1920-21 chief resident interne Sacred Heart Hosp, Allentown Penn; 1921 special training in orthopedic dept Jefferson Hosp, Philadelphia; 1921-30 prac med, Burwell; 1930- prac med, Ashland; 1933-36 mbr sch bd; ret mbr Burwell fire dept, pres 1922; during World War enl in US army med corps, Philadelphia, disch Dec 1918; Amer Leg, ch mbr post 129, comm 1934-35, comm at Burwell 1926-27; 1922 orgd Wranglers Club, sponsors annual Burwell Rodeo; pres Rodeo Assn 1928- 29; ARC, 1931- chmn first aid & lifesaving dept; mbr Citizens BSA com, Burwell & Ashland; org Ashland Recreation Coun, mbr since 1935, past pres; Saunders Co Med Soc; Neb St & AMA; Jefferson Med Coll Alumni Assn; C of C, past dir; Ashland Golf Assn, pres 1934-39; AF&AM, past master; hobbies, boys work, woodwork, hunting, fishing; res Ashland.
CONGER, CASSIUS C: Editor & Publisher; b Grand Island, Neb Dec 28, 1900; s of Cassius R Conger-Myrtle M Baldwin; ed Dannebrog HS 1920; Grand Island Coll, BA 1928; m Lucile Rogers June 11, 1931 Grand Island; s James Randolph; d Mary Eleanor; 1921-22 tchr, Dannebrog; 1923-29 with Grand Island Indep; 1929- editor & publisher Valparaiso Visitor; secy Comml Club; Chris Ch; hobby, photography; res Valparaiso.
DAILEY, THOMAS FRANCIS: Retired; b Melrose, Ia Sept 15, 1868; s of Matthew Dailey-Johanna Clifford; ed Melrose Ia 1885; m Mary Gillespie Apr 22, 1903 Gretna; foster s John Bernard; 1887 learned telegraphy with CB&Q RR at Melrose Ia: 1888-1938 with CB&Q RR, 1900-38 teleg opr & agt, Ashland; 1938- ret; 1914-18 mayor; oprd newspaper 3 years at Batavia Ia; mbr Ashland city coun 4 years; ORT; CB&Q RR Veterans Assn; Natl Safety Coun; hobby, reading; res Ashland.
DOLEZAL, A S: Grain & Coal Dealer; b Schuyler, Neb Oct 11, 1892; s of John Dolezal-Katherine Simodynes; ed Wahoo HS 1909; Boyles Bus Coll, Omaha 1912; m Margaret Casey Nov 17, 1920 Weston W Va; s John; d Marjorie; 1912-13 in grain bus, Fairfax & Oak River, Manitoba Canada; 1913-16 ofcr Yukon Natl Bank, Yukon Okla: 1916-17 with Okla Milling Co, Oklahoma City; 1919-21 with father in grain & coal bus, Wahoo; 1921-26 Saunders Co clk; 1926- ptr of brother Frank in grain & coal bus, Wahoo; 1930- owner & mgr 620 A farm, Saunders Co & 240 A in Ariz; mbr vol fire dept; during World War, corp 315th supply Co, France, attached to hdqrs, disch June 30, 1919; Amer Leg post 82, ch mbr; Neb Grain Dlrs Assn; Izaak Walton; BPOE; Cath Ch; hobby, hunting; res Wahoo.
DOLEZAL, FRANK L: Grain & Coal Dealer, Farmer; b Wahoo, Neb Oct 10, 1885; s of John Dolezal-Katherine Simodynes; ed Schuyler HS; Benke-Walker Bus Coll, Portland Ore 1909; m Ione S Powell Apr 21, 1921 Florence Ariz; s James Powell: d Doris Louise; 1901-08 farmer, Saunders Co; 1909-14 real est agt, Portland Ore; 1914-17 & 1921- grain & coal dlr, Wahoo; 1917-21 auto dlr & rancher, Phoenix Ariz; mgr 240 A ranch, Ariz; opr 320 A farm, Tripp Co S D & 620 A, Saunders Co; mbr bd of edn 3 years, pres 1 year; mbr vol fire dept; Cath Ch; hobbies, fishing, hunting; res Wahoo.
ELIASON, BERNARD EMANUEL: Farmer & Insurance Agent; b Saunders Co, Neb Sept 21, 1894; s of Nels Eliason-Caroline Nelson; ed Luther Coll Acad 1911; Luther Coll 1912; m Yerda Magnusson July 30, 1918 Wahoo; s Frans; d Elaine, Arlene, Carolyn; 1912-14 farmed with brother, Saunders Co; 1914-19 mgr of home farm, Saunders Co; 1919- farmer, owner & opr 157 A in Saunders Co, breeder of purebred Duroc-Jersey hogs & highgrade Shorthorn cattle, specializes in corn improvement, regular open pollinated variety, winner in state & natl shows; 1929- agt for State Farm Mutual Auto Ins Co; dir Saunders Co sch dist log, Swedeburg 7 years; pres Saunders Co Farm Bur 8 years, bd mbr 12 years; Fed Farm Loan Assn of Saunders Co, dir 11 years; secy of Swedeburg Farmers Union, local dir 4 years; 1934 chmn AAA program of Saunders Co; pct committeeman for Soil Conservation Com 1934-39, temporary dist chmn; helped bring REA into Saunders Co; mbr 1935 Farm Program Changes com meeting, Kansas City MO; secy Saunders Co debt adjustment com 1935-37; 4-H Club leader 4 years; Swedeburg Luth Ch; res Swedeburg.
ERICKSON, ERIC J: City Clerk; b Dalaina Province, Sweden Nov 21, 1890; s of Eric Person-Maria Erickson; ed Holsaker Sweden HS 1902; m Lillie Lindgren Oct 23, 1915 Malmo; s Gerald; d Phyllis (Mrs LeRoy Laudenschlager); 1902-10 hotel clk & gen worker, Sweden; 1910 came to US, settled at Malmo; 1918 became US citizen; 1910-13 emp in stores dept & on weed burner UP RR, Omaha; 1913-15 store clk, Malmo; 1915-19 owner & opr gen merc store, Malmo; 1919-21 ptr in Dvorak-Erickson Clothing Store, Wahoo; 1921-32 owner & opr E J Erickson Clothing Co, Wahoo: 1932- city clk; 1928- mbr city coun; mbr vol fire dept; mbr town bd Malmo; C of C, secy & past pres; Izaak Walton: Lions; AF&AM 59; RAM, high priest; KP; Swedish Luth Ch: hobbies, hunting, fishing; res Wahoo.
ERWAY, ROY MARTIN: Bank Vice-President; b Sedalia, Mo Aug 12, 1881; s of Emmet A Erway-Lavena Martin; ed Valley HS 1899; Creighton U, PhG 1903; m Gertrude Emerson Apr 1905 Atkinson; s Emerson E, Orvin; d Evelyn (Mrs Robert C Wheeler); 1904-20 in drug bus, Valley: 1915-20 VP Farmers State Bank, Valley; 1920-39 cash Bank of Mead, 1939- VP & ofcr in chg; 1938- pres Bank of Valley, also past VP & chmn bd of dirs; treas town bd, Valley; mayor of Mead & mbr of town bd 5 years; mbr vol fire dept; one of oldest registered pharm in Neb; 1933-34 pres Saunders Co Bankers Assn; res Mead.
EYER, GUY: Clerk of District Court; b Ashland, Neb July 26, 1895; s of Joseph Eyer-Dela Bricker; ed Mead HS 1912; m Edna DuBois Feb 27,
Part 2 (EYER (cont.) - JOHNSON) - Part 3 (JOHNSON - O'KANE)
Part 4 (O'KANE (cont.) - ZIEGENBEIN)
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