NEGenWeb Project - Saunders County
Who's Who in Nebraska, 1940
in Nebraska |
Part 1 (ANDERSON - EYER) - Part 3 (JOHNSON - O'KANE)
Part 4 (O'KANE (cont.) - ZIEGENBEIN)
Who's Who
1919 Omaha; s Dale; d Rogene; 1912-16 in groc bus, Mead; 1916-17 with Tegelberg Auto Co, Wahoo, 1917 with Tegelberg Auto Co, Ashland; 1918-19 in groc bus, Mead; 1919-39 with Brodahl Motor Co, Wahoo; 1939- clk of dist court, Saunders Co; during World War 2nd lt in 18th machine gun co, Camp Hancock Ga, disch Nov 27, 1918; Amer Leg post 82; Neb Assn of Clks of Dist Court; Rep; hobbies, hunting, fishing; res Wahoo.
FALKE, HARRY F: County Treasurer; b Saunders Co, Neb May 6, 1906; s of William Falke-Emma Otto; ed Wahoo HS 1924; Boyles Bus Coll, Omaha 1924-25; m Lorene Tennant Feb 9, 1936 Wahoo; s Douglas Raymond; 1924-25 in collection dept Mchts Natl Bank, Omaha; 1925 supvr of clearing & transmittals in Saunders Co Natl Bank, Wahoo; 1925-27 dep clk, off of Saunders Co treas; 1927-39 bkkpr Anderson Electric Co, Wahoo: 1939- Saunders Co treas; mbr vol fire dept 8 years, pres; Neb Assn of Co Treas; KP, secy; IOOF, past dist dep grand master, past noble grand; C of C; Luth Ch, auditor; Rep; hobby, books; res Wahoo.
FRICKE, EDWIN ADOLPH: Bank Cashier; b Plattsmouth, Neb Mar 4, 1890; s of Fredrick G Fricke- Emma Niemeyer; ed Plattsmouth HS 1907; U of N, PhG 1910; Phi Kappa Psi; m Louise A Wiggenhorn June 29, 1927 Ashland; s Robert Hugo; d Frances Ann; 1910-29 in drug bus, Plattsmouth; 1929- cash Farmers & Mchts Bank, Ashland; 1939- secy sch bd, Ashland; mbr vol fire dept; during World War commd capt of inf, Fort Snelling; in France 10 mos at forwarding camp, Le Mans; instr at Texas & Ga training camps, disch July 1919; Amer Leg; pres Saunders Co Bankers Assn; Rotary; C of C; AF&AM; RAM 3; KT; Congl Ch; res Ashland.
GALLOWAY, JESSE M: County Judge; b Crawfordsville, Ind Mar 24, 1867; s of William Galloway- Rachel Ellen Bailey; ed Mace Ind HS 1883; Wabash Coll, Crawfordsville Ind; U of Mich, LLB 1905; m Bertha E Fletcher June 18, 1893 Ashland; s Cecil F: d Lucile (Mrs Charles A Swanson); m Ida Elizabeth Buxton Dec 24, 1934 Oklahoma City Okla (dec Mar 4, 1939); 1885-98 sch tchr, Garfield Ind, West Union Ind, Wingate Ind, Darlington Ind & Mead Neb; 1899-1903 supt of schs in Saunders Co; 1905 adm to Mich bar; 1905-30 prac law, Wahoo; 1924-30 ptr of son Cecil in Firm Galloway & Galloway; 1930- Saunders Co judge; 1906-10 Saunders Co atty; city atty 8 years; mbr Saunders Co insanity commission 1 term; during World War 4-min man, mbr examining bd; Saunders Co & Neb St Bar Assns; Neb Assn of Co Judges; C of C; Presby Ch; hobbies, care of trees, shrubs & yard, rifle shooting; res Wahoo.
GOOD, EDWARD ELLSWORTH: Supreme Court Judge; b Bloomfield, Ia, May 13, 1862; s of William Henry Calvin Good-Mary Anne McCullough; ed Southern Ia, Normal Sch; U of Ia, LLB 1885; m Orpha J Gillilan July 8, 1885; 1885 adm to Neb bar; 1885-1900 jr mbr law firm Good & Good, Wahoo; 1895- 96 Saunders Co atty; 1900-02 sr mbr law firm Good & Slama, Wahoo: 1902-08 & 1909-12 mbr law firm Simpson & Good; 1908-09 commr Neb supreme court; 1911-24 judge 5th judicial dist of Neb, 1923- justice Neb supreme court; bd mbr First Natl Bank of Wahoo; pres Neb St Bar Assn 1926; Amer Bar Assn; AF&AM 32o; KT; KP; BPOE; WOW; OES; Congl Ch; Rep; off State Capitol, Lincoln; res Wahoo.
GRAHAM, ROBERT BARTON: Farmer; b Lancaster Co, Neb July 25, 1884; s of John L Graham-Anna Nightingale; ed Lancaster Co; priv HS course 1899-1901; LBC 1901-03; m Jessie L Lang Aug 14, 1913 Lincoln; s Max Robert; d Merna Mabel; 1898-1910 worked with father on farm, Lancaster Co; 1910-20 indep farmer, Lancaster Co; 1912- gen ins agt; 1920- farmer, Saunders Co; 1936- with DeKalb Seed Co of DeKalb Ill, in hybrid seed corn bus; 1911 road overseer, Lancaster Co; 1908-09 pct assessor, Lancaster Co; 1910 pct census enumerator, Lancaster Co; 1915-20 mbr pct election bd, Lancaster Co; 1937- pct road overseer, Saunders Co; 1920- mbr sch bd dist 69, Saunders Co; Farmers Union; Farm Bur; AOUW; Cedar Hill Meth Ch, past supt ch sch; hobbies, reading, hunting, fishing; res RFD 1, Greenwood.
GRANGER, JOHN HOLTON: Farmer; b Crown Point, Ind Dec 11, 1860; s of Sylvester Granger-Mary Vernier; ed Ashland; m Mary G Gould Aug 23, 1884 Saunders Co (dec Mar 27, 1932); s Vern L, Cory G, Ernest H, Clem L; d Flora Neale; 1872 came to Neb; 1876- farmer, owner farm ints, Saunders Co; 1878 helped with preliminary survey of CB&Q RR from Cambridge Neb to Wray Colo, 1938 only mbr of original survey gang to attend golden jubilee at McCook; 1882-1922 in ice bus, Ashland; past opr Platte River toll bridge, Ashland; mbr town bd 16 years; 1885-92 chief of vol fire dept; Ashland representative in Natl Firemens Tour, won world's record in hose coupling; 1871 witnessed Chicago fire; KP; AOUW; Meth Ch; Rep; hobby, kindness to animals; wife came by railroad & wagon to Ashland 1868, old freighters crossed Salt Creek at Saline ford, site of Ashland; res Ashland.
GRAY, DALE M: Grocer; b Palmyra, Neb Dec 9, 1912; s of Joe Gray-Flossie Seymour; ed Raymond HS 1930; U of N 1931; m Aurora K Vrbsky June 15, 1938 Kansas City Mo; 1931-32 farmed with father, Raymond; 1932-35 with Breys Groc, Raymond; 1935- opr Grays Cash Store, Valparaiso; chief vol fire dept; mbr sch bd dist 1; Comml Club; AF&AM, past master, R&SM 151; Meth Ch; hobby, coin collecting; res Valparaiso.
GREENSLIT, BURT AMERMAN: Lumber Dealer; b Surprise, Neb Mar 14, 1881; s of W H Greenslit- Katherine Amerman; ed Surprise HS 1897; PSTC 1901; Neb Wes 1903-06; mbr band, also baseball & tennis teams; m Ethel King Patterson Feb 8, 1906 Lincoln; 1902-03 tchr, Butler Co; 1906-07 in freight dept CB&Q RR, Lincoln, 1907-12 in stores dept, Lincoln, 1912-16 chief clk, Aurora Ill; 1916-26 purchasing mgr Amer Locomotive Co, Montreal Canada; 1926- lbr & coal dlr, Ashland; 1936- mbr Ashland city coun; Neb Lbr Mchts Assn; C of C, past pres; Ashland Golf Club; AF&AM 110; Meth Ch, bd mbr since 1926, trustee Crowell Memorial home, Blair, since 1936; hobbies, fishing, golf, bridge, sports; res Ashland.
GREENSLIT, MRS ETHEL KING PATTERSON: Homemaker; b Rushville, Neb Nov 13, 1886; d of Judge Cornelius Patterson-Clara M Perkins; ed Rushville HS 1902; Neb Wes 1904-06 U of N 1935-39; McGill U, Montreal Canada 1920-21; m Burt Amerman Greenslit Feb 8, 1906 Lincoln: 1902-03 tchr, Sheridan Co; 1912-16; active in drama & study groups, Aurora Ill; 1916-26 studied drama, also amateur actor; 1922-25 did family welfare work with Jr League, Montreal; 1916-26 writer of verse & feature articles for Montreal Gazette & other newspapers; 1929 traveled in Europe; 1935-36 spent winter in Mexico; gives travel talks in SE Neb, also book reviews; during World War active in Amer Navy League, Canadian canteen work, also hosp work with retd soldiers; Woman's Club, Aurora Ill; Amer Woman's Club of Canada; Drama League of Amer; Neb Writers Guild; OES; hobbies, collecting rare books, swimming, outdoor life; father pioneer lawyer in western Neb, first judge Sheridan Co, 1885; res Ashland.
GUSTAFSON, CARL HENRY: Farmer & Market Organizer; b Rockford, Ill Apr 1, 1869; s of Christopher Gustafson-Hilda Malmstrom; ed pub schs & bus coll; m Anna Mathilda Matson May 20, 1893; s Roy Henry, Reuben Roosevelt, Ralph Eric; d Esther Florence, Nancy Virginia; came with parents to Neb when child; 1914 org co-op elevator, Mead; 1911-14 mbr Neb house of representatives; 1913-21 pres Farmers Educational & Co-op Union of Neb also editor Neb Union Farmer; 1915-18 pres Farmers Union State Exchange, 1917-21 Farmers Union Livestock Commission Co, 1918-21 Farmers Union Co- op Ins Co, 1918 pres All-Amer Co-op Congress; 1921-22 pres US Grain Growers Inc of Chicago, 1920-22 pres Natl Co-op Co, Omaha; 1921 VP Neb Farm Bur Fedn; 1921 in marketing dept Amer Farm Bur Fedn, Chicago; 1911-32 dir Neb St bd of agr; 1930- orgn expert Fed Farm Bd; chmn Farmers Marketing Com, which investigated grain marketing conditions, resulting in formation of US Grain Growers, Inc; also investigated Farmers Livestock Marketing Corn, which investigated livestock marketing conditions, resulting in formation of the Natl Livestock Producers Assn; 1938-pres Eastern Neb Pub Power Dist; res RFD 1, Mead.
HAESSLER, HUGO PAUL: Bank Cashier; b Beatrice, Neb Apr 14, 1896; s of Traugott Haessler-Henrietta Hansmeier; ed Deshler HS 1914; m Florence Dunigan Nov 2, 1920 Lawrence Kas; s George, John; d Mary Lou; 1914-17 asst cash, Deshler State Bank; 1919-21 asst cash, Ruskin State Bank; 1921-cash, Leshara; owner & opr 320 A in Saun-owner (sic) & opr Farmers Oil Co, Leshara; owner & opr 320 A in Saunders & Keith Cos; village clk 12 years; 1919- notary public; dir Leshara Elevator Co; during World War with US army 88th div, 33rd div, 2nd lt in France, gen hdqrs Co, St Mihiel salient, disch 1919; Amer Leg, Valley; Trinity Luth Ch, Fre-987
Who's Who
mont; hobbies, baseball, hunting, fishing, football; wife grad of U of Kas, prin Leshara HS 5 years; head of pub speaking dept, Beatrice Schools 2 years; asst prin, Deshler HS 2 years; res Leshara.
HANSON, ERNEST: Banker; b Saunders Co, Neb Sept 8, 1871; s of Hans Hanson-Hannah ___; ed Saunders Co; Luther Acad 1885-86; Omaha Bus Coll 1887; m Margaret Ryan Apr 29, 1903 Wahoo; s Lawrence Ryan; d Eileen (Mrs James L Kudrna); 1889-94 station agt CB&Q RR at Memphis, 1894 teleg opr, Ashland; 1894 station agt, Kenesaw; 1894-99 teleg opr Wyo div of UP RR, 1899-1900 teleg opr Kas div; 1900-01 clk in off of Saunders Co treas, Wahoo; 1901-06 bkkpr, First Natl Bank of Wahoo, 1906-20 asst cash, 1920- cash; owner & mgr 180 A farm, Park Co Wyo; dir & ofcr Wahoo Mutual L & B Assn; mbr city coun 2 years; past pres sch bd, mbr 3 years; Saunders Co, Neb & Amer Bankers Assns; Lions; C of C, dir; Wahoo Golf Club; KP, past chancellor; MWA; hobby: golf; res Wahoo.
HANSON, OSCAR: Insurance & Real Estate Agent; b Saunders Co, Neb Nov 9, 1873; s of Hans Hanson- Hannah ___; ed Luther Acad, Wahoo; Lincoln Normal 1892; m Nora L Ryan May 18, 1897 Wahoo; s Lyman R; 1894-95 bkkpr for David Bradley Co, Council Bluffs Ia; 1895-98 Saunders Co asst dep treas; 1898-1902 Saunders Co dep treas; 1902-06 Saunders Co treas; 1906-27 cash & pres First Natl Bank of Wahoo; 1927-31 resided in Long Beach Cal; 1931- ptr in Hanson & Vlcek Real Est & Ins Co, Wahoo; mayor many years; mbr city coun; mbr vol fire dept; notary public 8 years; KP; Lions; res Wahoo.
HAYES, LEO GEORGE: Grain Dealer; b Wilber, Neb Oct 29, 1886; s of George Hartman Hayes-Maude D Dix; ed Hebron HS 1903; Beatrice Bus Coll 1904; m Leona H Shortridge Sept 16, 1916 Reynolds; d Ruth Leona; 1904-31 with father in grain bus, Hebron & supvr of elevators in S Central Neb for Hebron Grain Co; 1931-33 dist mgr Fuller Grain Co, Hebron; 1933-36 mgr Farmers Elevator Co, Carleton; 1936- mgr Farmers Union Grain Co, Ashland; 1922-26 mayor, Hebron; 1920-22 mbr city coun, Hebron; 1901-18 mbr Hebron city band, mgr 8 years; C of C; Royal Highlanders; Presby Ch; hobbies, radio, reading; res Ashland.
HAYNES, EDWARD JAMES: Grain, Lumber & Coal Dealer; b Rutland, Ill Sept 5, 1876; s of William Haynes-Lottie Kirkaldie; ed Valparaiso; m Lillie Shaw Mar 5, 1896 Valparaiso; d Daisy (Mrs J H Barker), Violet (Mrs C M Pickrell); m Iva Wright June 27, 1910 Valparaiso; s Edward F, Glen E, Vernon D, Guy Wayne; 1897 farmer, Lancaster Co; 1898 oprd gen mdse store, Valparaiso; 1899-1900 emp in saw mills, Hoquiam Wash; 1901 farmer, Woodson Co Kas; 1902 farmer, Lancaster Co; 1903-06 oprd fruit ranch, Orondo Wash; 1907-08 in freight & baggage dept of NP RR, Elma Wash; 1909- grain dlr in Valparaiso Grain & Lbr Co, helped liquidate $10,000 debt; 1931- dir Oak Creek Valley Bank; past mbr town bd 5 years at Valparaiso; mbr vol fire dept; org Valparaiso Electric Light Co, past dir 20 years; past mbr H & H Oil Co 14 years; estab city park; Neb Lumber Mchts Assn; Neb Grain Dlrs Assn; Comml Club; Neb Good Roads Assn, presented road problems to US govt; Izaak Walton; Valparaiso Gun Club; IOOF, past noble grand, past treas 15 years; AF&AM 151, past master; OES 235, assoc patron; MWA; AOUW; Meth Ch, past mbr ch bd 10 years, mbr finance com; hobbies, flowers, music, fishing, trees, hunting, hatched first pheasants in SE Neb for Neb St game commission; res Valparaiso.
HEIN, CHARLES: Grocer; b Cuming Co, Neb Feb 27, 1898; s of Frank Hein-Caroline Rowe; ed Antelope Co; m Irene Sur Dec 6, 1926 Uehling; s Charles; d Katherine; prior to 1920 farmer in Dodge, Cuming & Antelope Cos; 1920-23 oprd pool hall, Uehling; 1924-29 with W A Stock in groc bus, Uehling; 1929- groc, Yutan; mbr vol fire dept; Comm Club; Yutan Athletic Assn; Wahoo Gun Club; Izaak Walton; German Luth Ch; hobbies, bowling, horseshoes, trap shooting; res Yutan.
HENDERSON, ELMER H: Bank Cashier; b Saunders Co, Neb Mar 18, 1888; s of George A Henderson-Martha J McCammon; ed Saunders Co; Fremont Normal 1906; m Hattie Ruth Orme Sept 8, 1915 Colon; d Doris Jane; 1906 farmed with father, Saunders Co; 1906-30 with State Bank of Colon, 1930-32 mbr depositors com; 1932-33 ins & real est agt; 1933-34 with Bank of Cedar Bluffs; 1934-35 ins agt, Cedar Bluffs; 1935- cash Comml State Bank; 1909- notary public; treas town bd 12 years, Colon; mbr sch bd 12 years, Colon; 1934- city clk, Cedar Bluffs; 1935- mbr sch bd, pres; mbr vol fire dept; Saunders Co & Neb Bankers Assns; secy Comm Club; Neb Good Roads Assn; BSA, com mbr troop 144; AF&AM 215, secy; Presby Ch, trustee; res Cedar Bluffs.
HENRICKS, BERTIN ELLSWORTH: Attorney; b Butler, Ind Nov 23, 1868; s of Salathiel P Henricks- Elizabeth J Baker; ed Fillmore Mo HS: Western Normal Coll, Shenandoah Ia BSc 1891; U of N, LLB 1896; m Christina Fischer Mar 28, 1893 Tekamah; d Lorene A, Madalene D, Lucille M (Mrs Ralph W Spencer); 1891-92 sch tchr, Beloit Ia; 1892-94 supt of schs, Herman; 1894-95 tchr, LBC; 1896 supt of schs, Staplehurst; 1896-99 supt of schs, Ulysses; 1899- prac law, Wahoo; 1905-07 Saunders Co atty; atty for CB&Q RR; atty for Saunders Co bd of insanity 12 years; atty for Wahoo Mutual L & B Assn also pres 25 years; apptd by dist court as special prosecutor in various litigations; dir First Natl Bank, Wahoo; VP & dir Oak Creek Valley Bank, Valparaiso; owner & mgr farm ints, Saunders Co; mbr sch bd 9 years, past pres; secy of Chautauqua, Wahoo; during World War chmn 5th Liberty Loan drive, 4-min man; Saunders Co Bar Assn, past pres; Neb St & Amer Bar Assns; C of C; KP, mbr 47 years, past chancellor, del to grand lodge; Congl Ch, trustee; Rep, past chmn Saunders Co Central Com, 1924 presidential elector; res 110 E 11th, Wahoo.
HERVERT J WILLIAM: Physician & Surgeon; b Gibbon, Neb May 22, 1904; s of James Hervert-Ann Pokorny; ed Ravenna HS 1922; U of N, BA 1928, BSc 1929, MD 1931; Phi Kappa; Alpha Kappa Kappa; m Helen Marie Richtig June 16, 1931 Lincoln; d Charlotte Mae; 1931-32 interne Vancouver Gen Hosp, British Columbia Canada; 1932-prac med, Valparaiso; 1933- dist surg for UP RR; staff assoc, St Elizabeth Hosp, Lincoln; Saunders Co Med Soc, VP; Neb St & AMA; Uni Club, Lincoln; Comml Club, Valparaiso; hobby, economics; off Oak Creek Valley Bank Bldg; res Valparaiso.
HLEDIK, AMIEL: Farmer; b Saunders Co, Neb Mar 7, 1889; s of Frank Hledik-Rosalia Svoboda; ed Saunders Co; Luther Coll; m Rose Ruzicka Sept 22, 1920 Omaha; 1906- farmer, Saunders Co; 1939 ret from active farming; dairy opr 20 years, Wahoo; pct chmn Corn-Hog Program; chmn farm tenant purchase com of AAA; Saunders Co Land Use & Co-ordination Com; treas Saunders Co Soil Conservation Com 3 years,during World War mbr HG, Wahoo; pres Farmers Union; Farm Bur; Saunders Co Holstein-Friesian Bull Assn; MWA; Congl Ch, trustee, past deacon; hobbies, landscaping, coniferous trees; parents came from Moravia to Saunders Co in 1882; res RFD 21 Wahoo.
HLEDIK, MRS ROSE RUZICKA: Homemaker; b Platte Co, Neb Aug 1 1889; d of Mirsolav C Ruzicka-Marie Celar; ed Omaha Central HS 1907; m Amiel Hledik Sept 22, 1920 Omaha; 1920- homemaker; Dist 70 Project Club, leader 8 years, reading chmn, past pres, past secy; Saunders Co Fedn of Womens Clubs; secy Farm Bur 10 years, mbr various coms; Congl Ch, mbr Womans Assn; hobbies, flowers, garden, poetry collecting & scrap book; res RFD 2, Wahoo.
HARNSBERGER, WILLIAM ERNEST: Bank Vice-President; b Ashland, Neb Apr 7, 1894; s of William Albert Harnsberger-Josephine Wiggenhorn; ed Ashland HS 1911; Phillips-Exeter Acad, Exeter N H 1912; U of N, BA 1916; mbr glee & mandolin clubs; Phi Kappa Psi; m Mary Louise Bryan June 19, 1924 Lincoln; s William Ernest Jr; d Dorothy Bryan; 1919-20 asst cash Drake Park Bank, Des Moines Ia; 1920- VP Farmers & Mchts Bank, Ashland; treas sch bd 10 years; mbr lib bd 15 years, secy; notary public 6 years; during World War, in OTC Fort Snelling Apr-Aug 1917, commd 2nd lt, Camp Dodge Ia. Aug 1918, batt F 339th field arty, Aug 1918-Jan 1919 in England & France, disch Feb 1919; Saunders Co Bankers Assn; Rotary; C of C; AF&AM 110; Scot Rite, Fort Leavenworth; Prot; hobby, stamp collecting; res Ashland.
HOHL, JOHN G: Banker; b Zwittua, Moravia Dec 8, 1875; s of John Hohl-Amalia Briol; ed Europe; Omaha Comml Coll 1892; m Anna M Krotz June 25, 1895 Odell: s Clarence G, John M, Raymond W; d Martha M (Mrs George Vandas); 1887 came to US; while in sch emp in restaurant at Omaha, appr in butcher shop, lamplighter, also in various other occupations; 1892-96 clk in gen hdqrs of CB&Q RR at Omaha, 1896-1903 station agt at Prague, 1903-07 station agt, Wahoo; 1907-30 cash Farmers & Mchts Bank at Prague, 1930 pres; 1932- org & pres Wahoo State Bank,988
in Nebraska
1907-17 owner & secy-treas gen mdse store, Prague; past dir & VP Natl Security Fire Ins Co, Omaha; mbr Prague city coun 6 years, chmn 2 years; mbr Prague sch bd 2 years; Saunders Co Bankers Assn, past pres; Neb St & Amer Bankers Assn; formerly active in Thurtson Rifles & Turners Soc; C of C; Lions; WOW; AOUW; AF&AM 59; Cath Ch; hobby, gymnastics; res Wahoo.
HOOD, CHARLES HENRY: Attorney; b Saline, Mich Feb 21, 1904; s of Charles Henry Hood-Clara Mattison; ed Ashland HS 1922; U of N, LLB 1932; ROTC, 1st It; participated in track, basketball & football; Delta Theta Phi; m Minna Urban Sept 8, 1927 Ashland; s Charles Henry III; 1922-27 with tele co, Ashland; 1932- prac law, Wahoo; 1935-39 Saunders Co atty; 1934- notary pub; mbr vol fire dept; pres, ROA, 1st lt 54th inf; Saunders Co & Neb St Bar Assns; Lions; Wahoo Gun Club; Izaak Walton; Elkhorn Valley League Baseball Assn, bd mbr & VP; AF&AM 59; IOOF, past noble grand; KP; Congl Ch; Dem; hobbies, hunting, fishing, collecting coins & stamps, bowling; res Wahoo.
HOUFEK, GUS: Bank Cashier; b Saunders Co, Neb Sept 19, 1895; s of Joseph Houfek-Anna Novotny; ed Wahoo HS 1915; U of N 1915; m Amy H Erickson Sept 27, 1923 Malmo; s William H; 1916-17 farmer, Saunders Co; 1919-20 bkkpr, Farmers & Mchts Bank of Malmo, 1920-24 asst cash, 1924-34 cash, 1934 reorg of bank, renamed Security Home Bank, 1934- cash, service ofcr & dir; 1920- notary pub; 1923- village clk & treas; mbr Malmo sch bd 3 years; mbr vol fire dept; real est broker; in ins bus 15 years; during World War enl Oct 6, 1918 in 134th inf, priv, corp & supply Sgt of supply Co in France, saw no active service, disch Feb 12, 1919; Amer Leg, prin org post 232, past comm, secy & adjt; Saunders Co & Neb Bankers Assns; Neb St Hist Soc; Neb Good Roads Assn; OES 57; AF&AM 59; KP 99; Luth Ch; Rep, mbr Saunders Co Central Com; hobbies, travel, coin & stamp collecting; parents came from Bohemia 1874, homesteaded in Saunders Co; res Malmo.
HOWARD, MINNETTE HULBERT: Publisher; b Wells, Minn June 9, 1874; d of George D Hulbert-Lestina M Briggs; ed Wells Minn HS; m Glenn Howard Oct 5, 1892 Wells Minn (dec); s Harold A; d Genevieve (Mrs Joy McCartney,, dec), Sylvia (Mrs M Sidwell), Dorothy (Mrs J R Ziegenbein); 1890-92 sch tchr, Faribault Co, Minn; 1892- homemaker; 1892-1909 homemaker, & with husband in Alden Minn Advance; 1909-34 with husband in newspaper bus, 1909-14 Hooper Sentinel, 1913-34 Ashland Gazette; 1934- owner & publisher Ashland Gazette; during World War secy Ashland ch ARC, dir surgical dressings div; NPA; C of C; PEO, past treas Ashland Woman's Club, past treas; Alden Minn Tuesday Club; ch mbr & past pres; OES; Congl Ch, clk 14 years, pres Womans Assn; hobby, collecting buttons; Ashland Gazette 60 years old, & oldest paper in Saunders County; res Ashland.
HULT, LESLIE E: Furniture Dealer & Mortician; b Axtell, Neb Jan 20, 1898; s of Henry Edward Hult-Johanna M Lind; ed Luther Acad, Wahoo 1917; Worsham Sch of Embalming, Chicago, 1929; m Zelpha Bray July 10, 1923 Lock Springs Mo; s Dan; 1919-26 in bldg & construction bus, Wahoo; 1927-38 ptr of E A Dailey in furn & undertaking bus, Wahoo; 1938- furn dlr & mortician with L E Hult Furn & Mortuary, Wahoo; 1929 lic mortician; during World War priv 1st class, 45th CAC, 7 mos in France, disch Feb 20, 1919; Amer Leg post 82, past comm; 40 & 8; Neb Funeral Dirs Assn; past dir, C of C; Lions; AF&AM 59, past master; RAM, past high priest; OES; Presby Ch; hobbies, hunting, fishing; res Wahoo.
HULT, S MARTIN: Paint & Wallpaper Dealer; b Kearney, Neb Oct 14, 1890; s of Henry Edward Hult-Johanna M Lind; ed Luther Acad, Wahoo, 1911; m Isabelle Ostenberg Feb 3, 1923 Mead; s Robert; d Betty Lou; 1911 traveled for publishing co; 1911-13 with H K White Shoe Store, Wahoo; 1913-18 ptr of Mr Swanborn in bakery & confection shop; 1919-20 in shoe dept Killian Bros; 1920-39 oprd paint & wallpaper bus, Wahoo; 1939- owner & opr Hult Wallpaper & Paint Co Wahoo; mgr 120 A farm for mother; 1928-32 mbr city coun; mbr vol fire dept; during World War enl in US army, Dec 26, 1917, 1st class sgt QMC, in France June 9, 1918-Nov 23, 1919, disch Nov 29, 1919; 1921 comm Amer Leg post 82; ch mbr Lions; Neb coun Painting & Decorating Contrs of Amer; ch mbr Lions; AF&AM 59, past master; OES, past patron; Presby Ch, clk 2 years, trustee; hobby, farming; res Wahoo.
IRWIN, JAMES LAVERGNE: Superintendent of Schools; b Niles, Mich Mar 19, 1898; s of John William Irwin-Ella Lilly Finch; ed Chadron HS 1914; CSTC, BA 1918; U of N, MA 1933; Phi Delta Kappa, past pres; m Mary A Wilson May 27, 1922 Mitchell; s Jack La Vergne; 1918-20 HS prin & coach, Morrill; 1920-27 supt of schs at Mitchell; 1927-30 supt of schs at Kimball; 1931- supt of schs, Ashland; mbr vol fire dept; during World War 18 mos in OTC, commd 2nd lt; Amer Leg, Americanization com chmn; NSTA, past dist pres; Neb Schoolmasters Club; NEA; Neb St Vol Firemens Assn; Rotary; ch mbr C of C; AF&AM 158, Shrine; BPOE; Episc Ch; hobbies, hunting, fishing; res Ashland.
JEFFERY, ARTHUR EDWARD: Farmer; b Lincoln, Neb July 24, 1886; s of Sherman Jeffery-Sarah Hartsook; ed Cherokee Ia HS 1905; m Lillian French Nov 24, 1909 Sioux City Ia; d Lola (Mrs Lawson Housle), Wilma (Mrs Arbor Thorne), Betty Jean; 1905-15 farmer, Cherokee Co Ia; 1915- farmer 240 A in Cass Co, also stock raiser; exhibited prize eggs & oats at Cass Co Fair; 1938-39 dir Fed Land Bank, Omaha; dir Saunders Co Farmers Union Oil Co; 19 years mbr Cass Co sch bd; during World War distributer Liberty Bonds, secy; Farmers Union, dir 9 years, Ashland; Linoma Beach Gun Club; AF&AM 110; Congl Ch, past dir; hobbies, hunting, fishing; res RFD 1, Greenwood.
JENNY, JOSEPH: Barber; b Rouffach, Alsace Lorraine Mar 7, 1894; s of Charles Jenny-Catherine Gross; ed Rouffach, Alsace Lorraine HS 1908; m Josephine Louise Holtorf Oct 28, 1925 Malmo; 1908-12 appr in groc bus; 1912 came to US, 1918 became citizen; 1912-14 barber, New Orleans La; 1914-17 farmer, Yutan; 1919 barber at Ashland, 1919-21 at Lyons; 1921- in barber bus, also dlr in radios & confections Malmo; owner & opr 320 A farm; mgr movie circuit in SE Neb; opr pub address system for carnivals; owner amateur radio station W9FXF, Malmo; 1926 Springer Spaniel won 3rd in Amer Kennel Show; 1933- mbr town bd; during World War in Co A 314th ammunition train 89th div, sgt, in France, St Mihiel sector, disch June 5, 1919; Amer Leg, past adjt; Amer Radio Relay League; hobbies, radio, hunting, fishing, farming; res Malmo.
JENNY, MRS JOSEPHINE LOUISE HOLTORF: Postmaster; b Malmo, Neb Oct 3, 1896; d of Jurgen H Holtorf-Wiebke Knuth; ed Wahoo HS 1914; U of N 1917; LBC 1918-19; m Joseph Jenny Oct 28, 1925 Malmo; 1919-20 emp at First Trust Co, Lincoln; 1921- P M, Malmo; state pres Neb League of Dist P Ms, mbr 19 years; ARC, chmn; Amer Leg aux, ch mbr, pres 4 years; St Johns Luth Ch, past pres & past secy ladies aid; hobbies, stamp collecting, knitting; res Malmo.
JOHNSON, CARL 0: Contractor; b Hjo, Sweden May 17, 1990; s of Alfred Johnson-Charlotte Swanson; ed Korsberg Sweden HS 1908; m Edith Peterson May 3, 1923 Wahoo; 1908-12 carp, Hjo Sweden; 1912 came to US a passenger on Titanic, rescued after 8 hours in water; settled in Swedeburg; 1917 became US citizen; 1912- contr, Wahoo; dir Wahoo B & L Assn 7 years; pres city coun 6 years; mbr vol fire dept; during World War sgt 355th inf, in France 13 mos, St Mihiel, Verdun, Meuse-Argonne, on line Armistice Day, recd Victory medal, disch July 1919; Amer Leg 82, past comm; VFW; C of C; IOOF, past noble grand; AF&AM 59; Presby Ch, bd mbr 14 years; hobby, fishing; res 1359 N Elm, Wahoo.
JOHNSON, GUS: Real Estate & Insurance Agent; b Malmo, Sweden Mar 30, 1884; s of Charles A Johnson- Matilda Ericson; ed Shickley HS 1900; Rochester N Y Bus Inst, 1906; Internatl Law & Bus Inst, Minneapolis Minn 1911-12; m Lottie Gibbs Feb 24, 1909 Ceresco; d Eunice, Sylvia (Mrs William Hellrich), Zelpha; 1907-11 grain dlr, Ceresco; 1911-20 bkkpr State Bank of Ceresco; 1920-26 grain & lbr dlr; 1926-27 real est & ins agt; 1927-36 P M; 1936-37 dept asst in FSA off, Lincoln; 1938 asst cash Wahoo State Bank, Wahoo; 1939- real est & ins agt, Ceresco; clk town bd 14 years; mbr sch bd 22 years; mbr vol fire dept; notary public 24 years; past J P & police judge; during World War sold bonds, was registrar, mbr Ceresco HG; Comml Club; Neb Good Roads Assn; Izaak Walton; AOUW; MWA; AF&AM 229, Scot Rite, Lincoln; Luth Ch, coun mbr; hobby, collecting news clippings; parents came to US 1886, among first settlers in Ceresco dist; res Ceresco.989
Part 1 (ANDERSON - EYER) - Part 3 (JOHNSON - O'KANE)
Part 4 (O'KANE (cont.) - ZIEGENBEIN)
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