County Queries

Posted Queries
- GIBBS, VANHORN posted by Ed Van Horn on Tuesday, May 19, 1998
- Looking for any information on Cornelius A. Van Horn, born about 1842, New Jersey, or
Micnigan, enlisted in Co H, 16th Michigan Inf, in Civil War was wounded at 2d Battle of
Manassas and lost an arm. Later lived in Nebraska. Nebraska veteran lists placed him in
Hays Springs. One daughter Rosa Belle married William C.Gibbs. Cornelius died in Nebraska.
Would like to have as much informmation as possible. Would appreciate a private message
prior to research efforts. Cornelius is brother to g grandfather Thanks. Ed Van Horn
- HERBERT, MILLS, PENSE, PRICE posted by Trudy Spanier on Saturday, May 23, 1998
- My PRICE family lived in Hay Springs in mid-late 1890's. I am looking for marriage for
Eva Clara PRICE to George MILLS Before 1899 and for Orin PRICE TO Jennie PENSE SHEFFNER
ABOUT 1900 TO 1901. Also looking for information about 2nd marriage for Eva Clara PRICE
MILLS to Earnest Arthur HERBERT. Any information welcome. Thanks.

Monday, June 8, 1998
- Looking for former students at Rushville High School [1959-1960] who might have an
annual for sale. Our house burned to the ground in 1986 and we lost our copy. Bill NICKELL
was a teacher, and also director of the acclaimed "Time Out for Ginger." Also
looking for fellow teacher, Alice MACKEY and former students of Mrs. Bill NICKELL at
Lakeside Elementary for a short period of time in 1959, particulary Miss BLACKFOOT [a
non-Indian] Thank you, Nikki NICKELL
- BARGER, MEISNER posted by Sam D. Lawson on Thursday, June 11, 1998
- I would like to find persons interested or knowing of Henry C. MEISNER and his wife,
Susan BARGER. Henry was born in Holzthaleben, Germany, on 19 February, 1827. He immigrated
to the U.S. about 1845, became a naturalized citizen in 1851 while in Harrison County,
Indiana, marrying there to Susan BARGER on 20 February, 1856. They had 8 children. At age
57 (in 1884) he and family moved to Nebraska, near Gordon in Sheridan County. There he
became a homesteader. (Southeast quarter of section 29 in township 34, north of range 41,
west of the 6th principle meridian in Nebraska containing 160 acres) He later went on to
Elgin, Nebraska about 1899-1900. He and family returned to Indiana, in Harrison County
about 1905. He died 16 November, 1914 in Harrison County, Indiana and is buried in
Rehoboth Church Cemetery near Laconia. His wife, after his death, went back to Nebraska,
near Petersburg, in Boone County, to be near her sons. She died there and was transported
back to Indiana for burial next to her husband. Anyone descending from these families or
interested in exchanging info, please contact me at [email protected] or write Sam D.
Lawson, 1929 Hiker Trace, Columbus, Indiana, 47203-3541

- BABBY, LEHMAN posted by Lori Bostock on Monday, June 15, 1998
- I am looking for any information on Wilber Beau Babby. He was known as Beau Babby. He
was married to Emma Lehman and had four children, Louis Wilber Babby, and three daughters
Grace, Irene, Wilma, and Lula. Louis was born in White Clay on July 10,1902. Any
information would be appreciated. Thank you.
- HAUSHERR, MOORE posted by Fred Apel on Tuesday, June 23, 1998
- I am researching two of my great uncles who settled in the Rushville, Nebraska area
during the Homestead Act Days. They were Harry and Charles Hausherr. I think they had farm
land that was eventually sold to someone named Holstein. Other members of the family in
that area were Myrtle Hausherr who married Alonzo (Lonie) Moore and who may still have
decendants in the area.
- BECKMAN, PARKER, VOLLINTINE posted by Stan Heginbotham
on Tuesday, July 7, 1998
- Carl and Sophia BECKMAN came to Sheridan County in the 1880s as far as I can tell. They
had two children, Charles Henry BECKMAN, who married Blanche VOLLINTINE (they settled in
Box Butte County) and Anna Louise BECKMAN, who married Cassius Clay PARKER (son of Joshua
and Mariah PARKER). We will be visiting Sheridan County during the week of July 14,
seeking information on the BECKMANs and the PARKERs. We have family contacts to current
PARKERS, but have completely lost contact with the history of the BECKMANs.

- HECKENLAUER, HICKER, PFEIFFER, SCHULTZ posted by Jennifer Baker on Monday, July 13, 1998
- Does any one have any information on Martin von Heckenlauer? He was from Germany and
changed his name to Hicker. His son was Otto (Hicker) Pfeiffer, who was married in Gordon,
Nebraska and lived there most of his life. Martin von Heckenlauer married Henriette

- HECKENLAUER, HICKER, PFEIFFER, SCHULTZ, VON posted by Jennifer Baker on Monday,
July 13, 1998
- Does any one have any information on Martin von Heckenlauer? He was from Germany and
changed his name to Hicker. His son was Otto (Hicker) Pfeiffer, who was married in Gordon,
Nebraska and lived there most of his life. Martin von Heckenlauer married Henriette

- PORTER, ROBERTS, RODGERS posted by Pat Merrell on
Friday, July 17, 1998
- Looking for information on Charles RODGERS b 1872 IL d 1959 Rapid City, SD m 1889 N.
Platte, NE Ida May ROBERTS b 1872 IN? d Mar 1922 Whiteclay, NE. Children: (1) Eutoka Jane
Rodgers b 1890 Farnam NE d 1949 Martinsville IN m 1908 Mullen, NE Victor Ernest PORTER.
(2) Melvin Markie Rodgers b 1892 Farnam NE. (3) Nathan Albert Rodgers b 1894 Red Oak
Montgomery Co., IA (4) Minnie May Rodgers b 1897 Mullen, NE d abt 1955. (5) William
Charles Rodgers b 1904 Mullen NE d 1927. (6) David Alexander Rodgers b 1910 Mullen NE. I
believe this family had a large farm somewhere in the vicinity of Rushville. I have a
letter from Melvin Rodgers dated 1955 in which he mentions the farm. I am at a stone wall
with this line, and will appreciate any help at all. Thanks,

- PORTER, ROBERTS, RODGERS posted by Pat Merrell on
Friday, July 17, 1998
- Looking for information on Charles RODGERS b 1872 IL d 1959 Rapid City, SD m 1889 N.
Platte, NE Ida May ROBERTS b 1872 IN? d Mar 1922 Whiteclay, NE. Children: (1) Eutoka Jane
Rodgers b 1890 Farnam NE d 1949 Martinsville IN m 1908 Mullen, NE Victor Ernest PORTER.
(2) Melvin Markie Rodgers b 1892 Farnam NE. (3) Nathan Albert Rodgers b 1894 Red Oak
Montgomery Co., IA (4) Minnie May Rodgers b 1897 Mullen, NE d abt 1955. (5) William
Charles Rodgers b 1904 Mullen NE d 1927. (6) David Alexander Rodgers b 1910 Mullen NE. I
believe this family had a large farm somewhere in the vicinity of Rushville. I have a
letter from Melvin Rodgers dated 1955 in which he mentions the farm. I am at a stone wall
with this line, and will appreciate any help at all. Thanks,

- CAMPBELL, COLCLESSOR, KUCHERA, RAY posted by Virginia Restuccia on Friday, July 31, 1998
- I am looking for any information on the KUCHERA family who live 12 Mi. south of
Rushville from 1880s to about a decade ago. FRANK, SR. committed suicide 1893, Fanny
survived with children Mary, Agnes, Mike, Fred, Harry, Frank and Jennie. VINNE KUCHERA was
a beloved aunt. Also, would like any info on HENRY COLCLESSOR who ran the mill on Pine
Creek and Married AGNES KUCHERA and her husband, LOUIS CAMPBELL. Looking also for
information on HARVEY RAY, grandfather.

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Tuesday, 10-Mar-2009 20:10:42 MDT