1891-1892 City Directory for the City of York and York County
J. M. Wolfe & Co., Publishers
509-510 Paxton Block, Omaha, 1891Farmer's Listing
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
This is a partial index. The balance will be linked as it is completed.Additional menu options | Abbreviations used in directory
Name Post Office Gable James Charleston Gaines Reuben McCool Junction Galaway D S McCool Junction Galaway J J McCool Junction Galaway Jos S McCool Junction Galaway T M McCool Junction Galaway W H McCool Junction Gallagher James Lushton Gallagher James E Lushton Gallagher W H Lushton Galusha Charles Exeter Galusha Frank Exeter Galusha Fred Exeter Galusha Geo Exeter Galvin G A York Galvin S P York Galvin W W York Galvin W J Thayer Gardner Geo Thayer Gardner J W York Gardner T M Waco Garner Curtis Bradshaw Garner E C York Garner Ed York Garner Wm York Garretson F M Arborville Garrott Matt Benedict Garton M Benedict Garver Samuel S Lushton Garwood Alden Arborville Gastineau Henry Charleston Gausman Charles Bradshaw Gebbers C Bradshaw Gebbers C M Bradshaw Geiger S P Benedict Geiger W H Waco Geiger Wm Benedict Geiger Wm E York Gemar Jacob Sutton Gempler D Farmers Valley George Daniel Lushton George Edward Thayer George Jacob E Henderson George L Henderson George Laura B Henderson George N M York George W A Thayer Gerhto Val Charleston Gerris Charles Exeter Gerris J B McCool Junction Gerris Joseph Jr Exeter Gerris Joseph Sr Exeter Getty R F Waco Gewz August Utica Geyser J J Waco Giangue A T Benedict Gibbers Henry Bradshaw Gibbers Wm Bradshaw Gibson Wm T Benedict Giersdorf Joseph Bradshaw Gilbert Geo E Benedict Gilber J A Waco Gilber R N Utica Gill S K Benedict Gilbert Wm H York Gilbert Wm Gresham Gillam Jonathan Waco Gillam Levi Waco Gillan Alex Cordova Gillan Robert L Cordova Gillen John A Blue Valley Gillett B F Waco Gilmore A Blue Valley Gilmore A J Blue Valley Gilmore Charles Blue Valley Gilmore Elias Blue Valley Gilmore J H Blue Valley Gilmore Jonas Blue Valley Gilmore J W Blue Valley Gilmore M McCool Junction Gilmore S Blue Valley Gilmore Walter Blue Valley Gilmore W C Blue Valley Gilmore W L York Glade Henry Henderson Gladson James Arborville Glamy F M Arborville Glasser John F Bradshaw Gleim Edward Gresham Gleim Ernest R Gresham Gleim Geo Gresham Gliesting Gerhard Waco Gaben Wm T McCool Junction Gocke Fred Waco Gocke Gerhard Blue Valley Gocke Henry Utica Gocke Wm Blue Valley Goetzen Peter Henderson Golden Wm Charleston Gonsolus J H Benedict Goodwin Enoch Gresham Goosen Johann Henderson Gordon D R Gresham Gordon J H Gresham Gordon W H Gresham Gorham H H Bradshaw Gorham H H Charleston Gorham S C Bradshaw Gorham Joseph Charleston Goudy Henry Gresham Gould Wm H York Graham A M York Graham C Benedict Graham C V Benedict Graham David York Graham H Bradshaw Graham I Bradshaw Graham James W Bradshaw Graham John McCool Junction Graham M McCool Junction Graham R W York Graham S W Arborville Graham W R York Grant Miron Houston Grass Frank Thayer Grass J E Waco Grass W F Lushton Grass W Waco Graves Charles McCool Junction Graves Daniel Arborville Graves S A Benedict Gray A L York Gray Charles Bradshaw Gray E L Arborville Gray J C Gresham Gray Geo J Bradshaw Gray H C Bradshaw Gray J S Bradshaw Gray Thomas Bradshaw Green Abel McCool Junction Green Benjamin McCool Junction Green D S York Green Enoch McCool Junction Green Gilbert Bradshaw Green L P Benedict Green Martin Waco Green Thomas Benedict Green Thomas McCool Junction Greenwood J H Gresham Greer F J Arborville Greer G M McCool Junction Greer Harvey Henderson Greer J A Arborville Greer James McCool Junction Gregory A H Benedict Gregory S R York Greiss Heinrich Lushton Greiss Johann Henderson Greiss John P Lushton Griffen F P Benedict Grobe Henry Benedict Grueber Richard Gresham Grueber Wm Gresham Grun Charles F Bradshaw Gunlach C F Waco Gunlach Ghristain Sr [Christian] Waco Gunlach John Waco Gunnell John Benedict Gunnell Louis Benedict Gurnett J M York Gustafson F A York Farmer's Listing
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
This is a partial index. The balance will be linked as it is completed.Additional menu options | Abbreviations used in directory
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Copyright © 1997-2001, York County Historical Association, or the compiler. All rights reserved.