MJH, Buffalo County NEGenWeb Project © 2001

The Kearney Land and Mortgage Company Drs. Smith and Smith
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Name, Post Office Address, Route Number, Township and Section Number, in order
Parker, Lester; Amherst 1. Grant 10.
Parker, Byron; Amherst 1. Grant 14.
Parks, J. F.; Gibbon 2. Gibbon 33.
Parks, Emil; Kearney 2. Thornton 30.
Parrish, Clarence; St. Michael. Cherry Creek 11.
Partsch, P. J.; Gibbon 3. Valley 29.
Patterson, Neal S.; Kearney 5. Odessa 35.
Patterson, W. R.; Miller 1. Armada 9.
Patterson, A. J.; Kearney 5. Collins 5.
Pazdernik, Adolph; Ravenna Star R. Loup 19.
Pearson, Wm.; Sweetwater 1. Loup 24.
Peck, H. E.; Shelton 1. Platte 2.
Peck, Orin O.; Shelton 1. Platte 35.
Pederson, O. H.; Gibbon 1. Valley 28.
Pemberton, Claud C.; Kearney 4. Center 5.
Perkins, I. E.; Kearney 3. Riverdale 10.
Perkins, Geo.; Ravenna 1. Garfield 17.
Perry, John; Sweetwater. Beaver 4.
Pesek, Albert; Gibbon 3. Valley 6.
Pesek, Frank; Riverdale 1. Cedar 31.
Pesek, John; Ravenna Star R. Garfield 8.
Pesek, Hubert; Ravenna 1. Schneider 28.
Peters, Leo & Ben; Pleasanton 1. Loup 29.
Peters, John L.; Ravenna Star R. Rusco 3.
Peters, Henry; Ravenna Star R. Rusco 2.
Peters, E. J.; St. Michael 1. Cherry Creek 26.
Peterson Ernest; Kearney 3. Riverdale 2.
Peterson Arthur; Kearney 3. Riverdale 20.
Peterson Mrs. F. O.; Kearney 5. Odessa 16.
Peterson John A.; Kearney 1. Center 24.
Peterson R. W.; Elm Creek. Elm Creek 26.
Peterson 1. T.; Shelton 1. Shelton 10.
Peterson T. R.; Kearney 3. Riverdale 4.
Pettett, Chas. E.; Elm Creek 2. Elm Creek 5.
Pettett, Mrs. Etta; Elm Creek 2. Elm Creek 20.
Pettett, Joseph R.; Elm Creek 2. Elm Creek 21.
Pettit, Geo.; Gibbon. Gibbon 13.
Pfeiffer, Andy; Amherst 1. Sartoria 30.
Pfeiffer, Harry; Amherst 1. Sartoria 32.
Pfeiffer, James M.; Amherst 1. Sartoria 32.
Pfeiffer, Ralph J.; Amherst 1. Sartoria 32.
Pflaum, Jos.; Elm Creek 2. Elm Creek 25.
Phillip, Levi; Sumner 2. Armada 6.
Phillips, Vincent; Elm Creek 2. Elm Creek 36.
Phillips, D. & D. J.; Ravenna Star R. Cedar 8.
Phillips, W. A.; Poole 1. Cedar 8.
Pierson, E. K.; Kearney 1. Valley 31.
Plischke, Rudolph; Elm Creek 2. Elm Creek 3.
Plischke, Fred; Amherst 2. Scott 28.
Plischke, Jos.; Amherst 1. Logan 26.
Pokorney, Jos.; Gibbon 1. Valley 12.
Pokorney, John; Gibbon 3. Valley 12.
Pokorney, Chas.; Ravenna 1. Schneider 18.
Polka, Chas.; Ravenna 1. Schneider 23.
Polka, Jas.; Poole 1. Cedar 34.
Pool, R. E.; Gibbon 1. Sharon 19.
Pool, J. A.; Kearney 1. Center 10.
Pool, Floyd; Gibbon 1. Sharon 18.
Pool, H. R.; Gibbon. Gibbon 13.
Pope, Robert; Shelton 2. Gardner 17.
Pope, Henry; Gibbon 1. Sharon 9.
Pope, Arthur & Herman; Shelton 2. Gardner 31.
Pope, Edwin; Gibbon 1. Sharon 6.
Pope, Clarence; Shelton 2. Sharon 10.
Post, C. A.; Kearney 5. Center 27.
Post, Ross; Shelton 2. Gardner 21.
Postula, Jim; Amherst 1. Scott 12.
Posusta, Joe; Riverdale 1. Rusco 29.
Posusta Bros., Amherst 1. Odessa 5.
Potter, Melvin; Elm Creek 2. Elm Creek 5.
Potts, Chas.; Elm Creek 1. Elm Creek 4.
Powers, Tracie; Gibbon 3. Gibbon 15.
Prascher, Ralph; Kearney 3. Riverdale 4.
Prascher, G. A.; Kearney 3. Riverdale 9.
Pratt, Fred; Kearney 3. Riverdale 10.
Pratt, Clarence; Kearney 3. Riverdale 16.
    Preston, Roy; Gibbon 3. Gibbon 13.
Prindle, Mrs. Jessie; Kearney 2. Divide 26.
Pritchard, Martha & Sons; Litchfield 1. Loup 5.
Pritchard, Harry; Sumner 2. Armada 6.
Pritchard, Arthur; Litchfield 1. Loup 7.
Pritchard, Joe; Pleasanton 1. Loup 17.
Prochaska, Martin J.; Ravenna. Garfield 5.
Prochaska, John; Shelton 2. Sharon 3.
Prochaska, Frank; Ravenna 1. Schneider 11.
Pruitt,Roy; Gibbon 3. Gibbon 20.
Psota, Louie; Ravenna 2. Beaver 2.
Puchart, Fred; St. Michael 1. Gardner 7.
Putman, J. A.; Kearney 1. Thornton 27.
Puttergill, Chas.; Gibbon 1. Valley 24.
- Q -
Quackenbush, L. V.; Gibbon 1. Valley 34.
Quail, Floyd; Miller 1. Armada 14.
Quail, Chas.; Miller 1. Armada 14.
- R -
Rall, Wm. Elm Creek 2. Elm Creek 35.
Rall, Mrs. Kate; Elm Creek 2. Elm Creek 36.
Rameiza. Marcelino; Gibbon 2. Shelton 19.
Randecker, Geo.; Shelton 1. Shelton 12.
Randall, Floyd; Gibbon 3. Gibbon 4.
Randall, Mrs. John; Gibbon 3. Gibbon 7.
Randall, J. E.; Gibbon 1. Gibbon 2.
Randolph, Jess; Kearney 4. Center 8.
Rasmussen, Carl; Sweetwater 1. Beaver 6.
Rasmussen, Bert; Sweetwater 1. Beaver 18.
Ray, Arnold; Amherst 2. Scott 8.
Rayback, Wm.; Shelton 1. Platte 4.
Rayback, Ed.; Gibbon 1. Gibbon 24.
Rayburn, Ben; Gibbon 3. Gibbon 5.
Rayburn, Vernon; Gibbon 3. Gibbon 8.
Rayburn, Chas.; Gibbon 3. Gibbon 8.
Razey, J. G.; Pleasanton 1. Loup 36.
Razey, Dana S.; Ravenna 2. Beaver 12.
Redding, John; Elm Creek 2. Elm Creek 7.
Reddington, Mrs. F. H.; Shelton 2. Sharon 36.
Redfern, T. F.; Kearney 1. Thornton 22.
Reeve, Albert; Elm Creek 2. Elm Creek 17.
Reese, W. H.; Poole 1. Cedar 22.
Reese, Carl E.; Poole 1. Cedar 27.
Reese, August; Poole 1. Cedar 28.
Reese, Lou; Poole 1. Cedar 28.
Reese, Fred; Shelton 2. Gardner 27.
Reese, Clyde & Geo.; Pleasanton 1. Loup 26.
Reese, C. B.; Pleasanton 1. Loup 26.
Reese, Herman; Shelton 2. Gardner 22.
Reese, Ernest; Shelton 2. Gardner 22.
Reeve, D. E.; Elm Creek 2. Elm Creek 30.
Reeve, Albert; Elm Creek 2. Elm Creek 17.
Reeves, Jas.; Elm Creek 2. Odessa 32.
Reeves, Robert, Elm Creek 2. Elm Creek 30,
Reichenecker, John; Kearney 6. Odessa 2.
Reier Bros., Miller 1. Armada 32.
Reimers, Elmer V.; Shelton 2. Gardner 13.
Reinertson, Albert; Sweetwater 1. Beaver 9.
Reinhardt, C. B.; Kearney 1. Center 35.
Reinold, Ferdinand; Mason City 1. Sartoria 6.
Reissland, Fred; Amherst 1. Sartoria 27.
Reissland, Harry, Amherst 1. Scott 14.
Reiter, E.J.; Gibbon 3. Valley 17.
Reiter, Jobert J.; Elm Creek 2. Odessa 18.
Reiter, John; Elm Creek 2. Odessa 6.
Reiter, Geo. A.; Poole 1. Thornton 10.
Reynolds, E. A.; Gibbon 3. Gibbon 17.
Reynolds, Maude; Kearney 4. Center 6.
Reynolds, E. C. & Warren, Kearney 1. Center 36.
Reynolds, J. A.; Miller 1. Armada 2.
Rhode, Frank; Poole 1. Schneider 7.
Rhode, Herman; Poole 1. Schneider 19.
Rhode, Otto; Miller 1. Harrison 3.
Rhodehorst, R. J. Sweetwater 1. Beaver 10.
Rhodehorst, Ed.; Pleasanton 1. Rusco 20.

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Dobash - Fiedler | Fiedler - Grimes | Griss - Hemmann | Hemmann - John |
John - Klein | Klein - Long | Lopeman - Monson | Moore - Parker |
Parker - Rhodehorst | Rhodehorst - Schram | Schram - Steinhauser | Sitz - Steinhauser |
Stengel - Thompson | Thompson - Vopalensky | Voss - Wilcox | Wild - Zwiener |
Buffalo County NEGenWeb Project