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Johnson County, NE - Family Histories


Submitted by Barb Cook. <[email protected]>
Associated surname: WALBRIDGE

Andrew Lair WELSCH

Crab Orchard, Johnson County, Nebraska
Friday, May 13, 1910
Re: A.L. Welsch
     Andrew Lair Welsch, second son of Simon Welsch and Elizabeth Lair, was born near Flemington, Hunterdon county, New Jersey, July 21, 1844, and died at Crab Orcahrd, Neb., May 5, 1910, aged 65 years, 9 months and 14 days.
     Mr Welsch emigrated with his parents to Mt Vernon, OH, where he lived until he was a young man. Being seized with the idea to go to the gold fields of CA, he journeyed by rail and water to Omaha, but on account of the depredations of the Indians on the plains, he turned back, and settled in Henderson county, IL. There he met and married Martha Ann Adair, who preceded him in death April 23, 1908. To this union there were born five sons, viz, Lyman H., North Platte, NE; Isaiah (deceased); Harvey A., Crab Orchard, NE; Clinton E., Nelson, NE, and Charley W., Rock Island IL, and three daughters, viz, Mrs. Ditla Richardson, Lewiston, NE; Mrs Lillie Logsdon, Deshler, NE; and Mrs. Bessie Strong, Rock Island, IL. There are also fifteen grandchildren, twelve of whom are living, and one great grandchild. Two brothers and three sisters also survive him.
     In 1878, Mr Welsch with his family settled near Crab Orchard, where he has been actively engaged ever since. The death of Mr Welsch was caused by an internal cancer. He suffered much during his last sickness. He was aware of his condition, knew every day that the end was not far off. But he faced death as bravely as in former days he had faced life. He arranged his wordly affairs, like a man going on a long journey, and gave directions regarding his funeral. He was a good citizen, respected for his sturdy integrity and the simple honesty which characterized all his dealings.
     Funeral services were held in the U.B. church Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock and were conducted by Rev W.G. Rooke and Rev. J.B. Wylie. Interment was in Crab Orchard cemetery. The out of town relatives present were: Simon Welsch of St. Paul, KS; L.H. Welsch of North Platte; Mrs P.V. Richardson of Lewiston; and Mrs. C.E. Logsdon of Deshler.
     To the friends and neighbors who so nobly assisted us during the last illness of our father, and for the kind words of sympathy and condolence at his death, and to those who furnhised the beautiful floral tributes: We most earnestly thank you, each and all.     The Children.
Submitted by Barb Cook. <[email protected]>
Associated surname: WALBRIDGE


Martha (Adair) WELSCH

Crab Orchard Herald, Johnson County, Nebraska
May 1, 1903
Re: Martha (Adair) Welsch
     Martha (Adair) Welsch born in Henderson Co, IL, Sept. 27, 1850. Married to Andrew L. Welsch, Febr. 20, 1868. Died at Crab Orchard, Nebr., April 23, 1903. To this union were born five sons and three daughters, all are still living except the second son. Two sons and two daughters are married. There are eight grandchildren. Mrs Welsch was a pioneer of Nebraska, having settled on a farm in Gage Co. with her husband, in March 1878, on which they resided until two years ago, when they moved to Crab Orchard, Neb. where they have since resided.
     Mrs. Welsch's age was 52 years, 6 months and 26 days. Funeral at the M.E. Church, Friday afternoon at two o'clock, conducted by Rev. Frank Mills, assisted by Rev. H.O. King of the Baptist Church, and Rev. S.B. McVay of the U.B. Church. Mr Mills selected for his text lst Samuel, 20, 18. The following relatives were here and attended the funeral service with the bereaved husband. Lyman Welsch and family of Lincoln, Pliny Richardson and family of Lewiston, Charley Logsdon and wife. Clinton Welsch and wife. Harvey Welsch, Bessie Welsch and Charley Welsch of Crab Orchard, Nebr. The above include the sons, daughters, and grandchildren. Mrs. Julia Morris, and Mrs. Irene Carr of Raritan, Ill., the only sisters living, and William Welsch of Nelson, Neb., a cousin, were also present.
Submitted by Barb Cook. <[email protected]>
Associated surname: WALBRIDGE

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