Braxton James came to operate a merchandise business in Battle Creek during which time he married Anna Sesler. However, the call of the land was too strong and he sold out to move to a farm at Tilden.

Though some lived at Tilden, home ties with Battle Creek folks made them a part of this community.

James (Jid) T. James, the oldest, farmed at Tilden and may have come to Nebraska ahead of his parents. He married Lenora Bartee and this marriage, it would seem, pre-dated their coming to Nebraska as the Bartee family did not come until about 1910.

S. R. (Robert) James farmed south of Tilden. His wife was Mary Susan Van Hoy. Two of their sons, Alva and Marvin, married Wm. Flesner daughters. Alva has passed away but Marvin still makes his home in Battle Creek.

Sarah (Sallie) married Zedekia Sesler. More about this couple in the following lines. She lost her life in an auto accident while riding with her brother Crocket when he was here from Texas on a visit.

Elizabeth married Kyle Boyer. For years, Kyle worked for L. B. Baker, also for John Lederer in the service station where Milton Praeuner is now located and for the Battle Creek Cooperative Creamery. Kyle has passed away, Elizabeth now makes her home with her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Quintin Hunt, in Norfolk.

Mike D. James who also came with his parents as a youth married Sarah Bartee and then farmed at Tilden.

Thomas L. married Flossie Hoover, daughter of a pioneer, John D. Hoover. Tom lost his life by drowning. The family lived on the farm northwest of Battle Creek where Maden Bland now lives. On a summer evening with his family and some friends they went swimming in Hill Lake which is on the ranch now owned by Dr. Hunt. When his daughter Luella stepped into deep water, he went to her rescue and himself drowned while other members of the party saved Luella. It was a great shock to everyone in the community as Tom and Flossie were well liked by everyone. Later Flossie married Pat Kirby.

Crochet James married Elizabeth Carter, daughter of another Virginian, M. T. Carter. (The Carter home was the house north of Klein's Service where the Donald Bartee family now live). After working around Battle Creek for a while, they moved to a farm at Tilden and later went on to Texas.

Willie, the youngest of the James clan worked around Tilden for a number of years. He and his wife, the former Lorilla Bomar, have retired and live in Tilden.

Also about 1890 came the Daniel brothers, Letcher to buy the southwest quarter of the section where Paul Sesler now lives, and Warner the land to the west which is now owned by Elfrida Klein. Both, upon retiring, came to Battle Creek to make their home. Letcher where the Jesse Reeves now live and


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