the County Council of Defense and worked tirelessly for the Red Cross.

In 1918 he was stricken with cancer and died at his farm home in May 1919. He was survived by his widow Mary. There were no children of this marriage.

After his death Mrs. Berry sold the farm and came to Battle Creek where she built a home. In 1922 she married Dr. Edward Tanner, whose first wife had been Laura Hurford, her sister. Dr. Tanner died in 1935 and she continued to live in the home until her death in January 1946 at the age of ninety.

—Mrs. J. B. Dufphey


Paul Renner was born in Wurtemburg, Germany May 21, 1860. Was the son of Fredrick and Caroline Renner.

In 1882 he came to America by the way of Switzerland to France from thence to England embarking on the steamship, "Germainique." Landed in New York City and started for the west locating in Madison County, Nebraska.

In 1886 when for the first years he worked out until he could get a farm. Then bought what is known as the Johnson homestead, and improved same to a beautiful home, a good farm and orchard and grove. He was engaged in agriculture and cattle feeding. Cattle feeding was his specialty.

In 1885 he married Marie Hettinger, and they were the parents of eleven children, Emil, Clara, Paul, Fred, Willie (deceased), Otto, Charles, Robert, Emma, John, and Albert.

In 1911 Paul and Marie Renner sailed from New York for their old home in Germany, staying two months and visiting relatives and friends. Returned home in August the same year. Going by way of a big ship the voyage was rough but they really enjoyed their first visit to their home land.

Paul Renner passed away in June 1919, and Marie Hettinger Renner on December 26, 1926.

Emil Renner married Polly Halsey (both are deceased).
Clara Renner married Charles Busteed (both deceased).
Paul Renner married Mary Heath (Paul deceased).
Fred Renner married Luella Green.
Willie Renner died in infancy.
Otto Renner married Melba Smith (Melba deceased).
Charles Renner married Marie Hase.
Robert Renner married Clara Reeg (Robert deceased).
Emma Renner married Earl Fichter, Corning, Calif.
John Renner, never married (deceased).
Albert Renner married Ollie Van Owens and they live on the old home place.

—Mrs. Fred Renner


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