In Loving Memory of Gust and Cordia Barry
From Their Daughters Leila Lehnert Ruth Anne Schoen
Gust C. Barry, 1885-1963, was the son of Barney E. Barry and Anna Peterson Barry and was the first white child born in Section 35 of Douglas Precint. Barney E. Barry, the first of 4 brothers to immigrate to Saunders County from Sweden, arrived here in 1875.
Cordelia Lehmkuhl, 1887-1969, was the daughter of Alonzo Lehmkuhl and Jeanette Hughart Lehmkuhl, who was born in Valparaiso, Indiana. Cordia's grandfather, John D. Lehmkuhl, came to Saunders County in 1868 and homesteaded here.
Gust and Cordia, married in 1910, farmed northeast of Weston until 1949 when they moved to Wahoo.
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