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C.E. Ericson | L.E. Hult, 1970 |
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Clifford and Catherine Ericson | William and Mary Pruss, 1981 |
Mr. Charles E. (C.E.) Ericson moved to Ceresco, Nebraska from Chicago in 1890 with his parents.
In 1907 Mr. Ericson started the Ericson Furniture Store and Funeral Business in Ceresco. In 1915 he graduated from the Hohenschuh-Carpenter School of Embalming. He continued to operate this business in Ceresco until 1924.
Mr. C. E. Ericson in 1924, moved his family to Wahoo and started a Furniture Store and Mortuary in downtown Wahoo. He added ambulance service to his Funeral Establishment in 1927.
In December of 1935, his son Clifford graduated from the Cincinnati School of Embalming. He received his license in March of 1936, and joined his dad in the operation of the funeral and furniture business.
The Ericsons, in April 1939, purchased the Stratton property at 9th and Linden, and remodeled the house into a funeral home, holding their opening of the home in October 1939.
In February of 1960 the Ericson Funeral Home purchased the L. E. Hult Mortuary from Mr. Hult, keeping both locations open.
Mr. C. E. Ericson died in March of 1964. In December of 1964 Cliff closed the furniture store to devote his full time to the funeral profession.
The Ericson's-Hult is a member of the Nebraska Funeral Directors Association, National Funeral Directors Association, Associated Funeral Directors of America, and is also a 25-year member of the International Order of the Golden Rule, in which a firm receives membership by invitation only on the reputation of their dignity and professional standards shown to the families and the community they serve.
In August of 1970 Willam and Mary Pruss joined Clifford and Catherine Ericson in the funeral home. In July of 1972 the funeral home discontinued ambulance service because of State regulations governing ambulances and the attendants and equipment.
The Ericson's-Hult Funeral Home has served the people of Saunders County for the last seventy-six years with Dignity, Courtesy and Understanding to all Faiths, and will continue to do so in the future.
On January 1, 1984, the funeral home will be purchased by William and Mary Pruss from Clifford and Catherine Ericson. The firm will be known as the Ericson-Hult-Pruss Funeral Home.
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