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Kathie Harrison submitted the following Valparaiso High School Senior Class of 1950 information.

Valparaiso High School
Senior Class of 1950

Names List
(Image is a link to a larger image.)



Erma Jakoubek, tall and fair,
Has blue eyes and light brown hair,
She is vice president of our class,
Now we'll describe another lass.

Emil Bouc is the next boy,
He is our pride and joy,
He didn't play on the basketball team,
But in class he could scream,
In his studies he is very bright,
Because he stays up after midnight.

Here again is another boy,
He is full of pep and has lots of joy,
He gets in mischief and likes to joke,
You've guess it already, it's Tom Tracy.

Next is the shortest girl of all,
She really isn't very tall,
Carolyn Jasa is her name,
She has brown eyes and brown hair,
She sits in the front row,
Right up there.

A light-brown-haired girl is next on the list,
She is one who likes to persist,
Gladyce Kubik, one of our class officers again,
And everything she does,
She does the best she can.
She has blue eyes and is of medium height,
Now we'll talk about another tonight.

We're going to talk about Ludvick Walla this time,
He has brown hair and is quite tall,
I'm quite sure he likes to play ball.
He, too, is another athlete,
And he is noted for his speed.
He lives near Touhy,
And goes here to school,
So he wouldn't grow up to be a fool.

Harlan States is next on the list,
He is the one who's never been kissed,
He is quite tall and has dark brown hair,
He has played basketball every year.
He is the one who used to be late,
But he's found it's important to be up to date.

CLASS POEM (Continued)

Barbara Pokorny we'll talk about next,
She has blue eyes and light brown hair,
She was a cheer leader in her senior year,
Of all the boys she is always testin',
She found the one she like best!
He lives in Weston.

JoAnn Parker we'll talk about now,
She is of medium height and has brown hair,
She too, was very cheering in her four years,
She has had many a date,
In Cecil Nichelson's V8.

Next we have a curly haired lad,
He is the one who looks like his dad.
Larry Nichelson is this one's name,
We wonder if he will win his way to fame.
He played ping-pong this year,
But I don't think it will be his career.

Esther Rezac is the next on the list,
She is rather tall and has brown hair,
She didn't start to school until her freshman year.
She is one with many pleasant smiles.
She sang in the glee club, too.
Now we'll start on someone else,
'Cause we're still not through.

Now a boy we'll tell you about, 
He lives in the country about three miles out,
Eugene Matulka answers this call,
He is one who won't ride for a fall.
He is one who always studies hard,
And he has a good report card.
In his subjects, he is very bright,
Now we'll talk about someone else tonight.

Now we have a girl and her name is Margaret Krafka,
She has dark brown hair and brown eyes,
Her friendship for you never dies.
She has a very sweet personality,
Quite a few years she has been in our locality.
She started to Val High in her freshman year,
We'd all miss her if she was not here.

CLASS POEM (Continued)

Edwin Tvrdy
has blue eyes and brown hair,
He's full of fun when he goes anywhere,
He was the class's prize kisser,
When he runs, you cannot catch him.
He was cheerleader for this one year,
But next year, he won't be here.

Andy Steyer, another boy again,
He drives his folks' Ford now and then,
He has blue eyes and dark brown hair.
He is tall and his skin is fair,
Few of his hobbies are drinking and dancing,
So to dances he will always go.

Now we have a dark-haired lass,
She too is in the Senior class,
She stays with her folks and goes to school.
She's always on time, as a rule.
We don't know for sure if she will win her aim,
But Marilyn Nichelson is her name.

And now we have another lad,
He too looks like his dad,
He is very prompt and always on time,
Especially when it's close to dinner time.
He does not stay in town or board,
But he drives to school in his Ford.
In football he is good on a drop kick,
His name is Don Machacek.

Here is another boy,
He is always full of joy.
He is crazy about Marilyn Hakel,
You ought to hear him cackle.
He is tall and fair is he,
His name is Patrick Barry.

Now we have a boy that gives all girls a thrill,
Just call him plain Bill,
In typewriting he is very keen,
In shorthand he is a dream,
On his report card he has not a blotch,
His name is William Rezac.

Now gather around, if you want to hear,
Of our sponsor who is so dear.
From port to port,
You'll never find a better sport.
On the typewriter he is slow and jerky,
But on his farm he can raise a real turkey.
On Sunday, you will never see him in the town of Denton,
His name is Merl J. Benton.

(Kathie's notes are in blue)
Left to right from top row
Larry Nichelson
Gladyce Kubik
Merle Benton
JoAnn Parker
Patrick Barry

left to right 2nd row
Margaret Krafka [Mrs. Tom Tracy]
(* Kathie's note - she and Tom are good friends of our family)

Eugene Matulka
Erma Jakuuber
Tom Tracy
Marilyn Nichelson

left to right 3rd row
Harlan States
Marilyn Jasa
Edwyn Tvrdy
Barbara Pokorny
Ludvik Walla [brother to two of my step-uncles, George & Ray Walla who are both now deceased]

left to right 4th row
Don Machacek
Bill Rezac
Ethel Rezac
Emil Bouc
Andy Steyer [my stepdad]

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