© MJH 1999 - 2010 for Buffalo County NEGenWeb Project
ANCESTORS in Buffalo County
Looking for your ancestors? Here are many lists of surnames.
- Business Directory -
A list of towns, their locations, and the business people in them.
- Farmer List - An alphabetical list of farmers in Buffalo county and their post office addresses. Over 3,000 farmers listed here.
- Farmers, wives and children were listed in the 1919 Buffalo County atlas. Other information includes the township, section number, post office, and the number of years of residence in Buffalo County. Check the index to see if your surname is there. Or go to the Title Page if you know the township they lived in.
- Buffalo County entries from Biographical Souvenir, published in 1890. About 200 biographies here.
- Index of biographical articles from Bassett's 1916 History of Buffalo County.
- Biography Page - biographical articles of Buffalo County residents, some taken from the above two books. Submit bios of your ancestors.
- Family Group Sheets where you can view others' and post your family information.
- Buffalo County Booster, 1917-18 lists Buffalo County veterans of the Civil War and the Spanish American War.
- Buffalo County Homesteaders, Prior to 1880. See Bassett's listing from his book, Buffalo County and Its People
- Kearney City Directory of 1908-09. Lists residents and businesses alphabetically and also by street address.
- Kearney Phone Directory of 1915.
- Early marriages in Buffalo County, 1871 - 1883, and 1885 & 1887.
- Precinct officers elected in 1890. Includes assessors, clerks, constables, road overseers, etc.
- Probate Record Index, 1878-1926. Includes name and death date
- Squirrel Bounty List from 1894. What is a ground squirrel and why did Buffalo County offer bounties for them? Who cashed in on the offer?
- St. Paul's Lutheran Church at Peake, rural Riverdale. Early records on line, more recent ones available by look-up.
- Surnames submitted by others researching in Buffalo County.
- Vermillion's Guide to Buffalo County, 1931 lists all farmers alphabetically, and businesses by town and category of business.
- Who's Who in Buffalo County, taken from Who's Who in Nebraska, published in 1940.
- World War I Servicemen from Buffalo County.
- Search the archives of the USGenWeb Project.
- Index for Where the Buffalo Roamed, Stories of Early Days in Buffalo County. This book contains articles primarily about Kearney families, though many other county families are mentioned as well. Mona will do look-ups for you in this book.
- HIGH SCHOOL ALUMNI - Please see the Links page for off-site information about the alumni from Buffalo County high schools.
- CENTENNIAL BOOKS - Family history indexes from centennial books of Buffalo County towns. Currently we have:
Do you have a centennial book from any other town? Would you be willing to do look-ups? I'd love to post the list of families here. Please contact Mona.
If you have access to any lists of citizens, voters, school students, church members, etc., please submit them for including on this page. Thanks!

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