Clay County Nebraska


REUTZEL, SHULTZ posted by Judy Reutzel Berreth on Tuesday, January 5, 1999

My great grandparents were George and Kathryn Schneller Reutzel, and Josiah and Magdalena "maggie" Krieger Shultz. The Reutzels' homesteaded west of Sutton, and the Shultz people homesteaded northeast of Sutton, on School Creek. I have some genealogy gathered on these people, but would like more. Anyone interested in these names I would be very glad to hear from. I am very interested in find what happened to James Garfield Shultz, birthyear 1887, Clay co. NE, married Vernie Keeber l906, then married Tracy Kalberg with whom he had several children, tow of whom were Robert and Mildred. Thanks loads.

REIMAN posted by Bill Oliver on Tuesday, January 5, 1999

Looking for information on Karl REIMAN who arrived in Red Cloud in the spring of 1880, spent a very short time here enroute to St Stephens [Lawrence] parish.

BRINKEMA, WILLIAMS posted by E. Dean Williams on Monday, January 11, 1999

Looking for information about Henry Williams and Margaret BRINKEMA Williams. Lived in Clay County, Glenvil, Fairfield and farming communities. Previous info gave marriage in Grundy Center, IA, 1882, but no record in state archives. Mainly interested in country and city of origin along with naturalization records. Any info would be appreciated. Thanks, Dean

CHALLBURG, JOHANSON posted by Marjorie Johnson Hopkins on Wednesday, January 20, 1999

Researching grandmother Amanda Kristina Johanson Daughter of: Johan Peter Johanson & Maja Stina who settled in Clay County in 1885. Other children were: Johan Linus; Carl Simon, Hanna Mathilda, Anders Gustav and Lotta Emelia Johansdotter. Amanda married: Henry Leonard Challburg son of: Henry Leonard & Augusta (both buried in Saronville Cemetery) Amanda's siblings were: Johan

COLE, NEWMAN posted by Marge Mercer on Friday, January 22, 1999

I am searching for the families of Isaac J. Cole and his wife Eliza and Marion Newman and his wife Jennie. They were knowen to be in Clay Co. Nebraska in 1888 when they signed a Quit Claim Deed to there Mother. Eliza and Marion are brother and sister and they were born in Adams Co. Ohio. Eliza b. 1847 and Marion b. 1851. Isaac J. b. 1845 and Eliza had two daughters, Hannah b. 1866 and Ruanna b. 1868 in Ohio. Last on the 1870 Census here. If any one has any information, I would be glad to share with you. I have all of the family. Thank You Sincerely, Marge

SWENSON posted by Jim Bailey on Monday, January 25, 1999

My wife, Norma Swenson Bailey, and I are researching her family. We are specifically trying to collect information on Frederick Nels Swenson, born December 10, 1845 in Sweden; married Maudie in 1866 in Illinois. They lived in Illinois and Iowa, and in Shickley, Saronville, and Harvard, Nebraska. Frederick Nels Swenson died February 6, 1916 in Harvard and was buried in Ong, Nebraska. Norma's Father, Elmer Clarence Eugene Swenson, was born in 1886 in Burlington, Iowa. We believe that Elmer may have lived in this area, also. We understand that there were lots of Swensons in Clay County, particularly around Ong. Any help would be appreciated.

KEITH posted by Bill on Tuesday, February 16, 1999

My grandfather's cousin, who signed himself Worthy Keith, left a letterhead showing that he was C.W. Keith, MD in Edgar, NE in about 1920 or so. Anyone in a position to check that out?

REINEBERG, UDEN posted by gerry wrigley on Friday, February 19, 1999

Searching for information on Mary Gesena Uden who was born in minonk ill.but married Federick William Reineberg 1/17/1907 in Glenville NE.

HOOD, YOUNG posted by L. Swindler on Thursday, March 18, 1999

I am looking for any information on my grandmother-Lucy Pearl Young and my grandfather Harold Hood

ALLEN, GORMAN posted by Betty Jackan on Saturday, April 10, 1999

I am looking for William Allen. He was born 12 Mar 1862 in Dubuque, IA. I have a photograph of him taken in Fairfield, NE, but with no date. He was mar & lived in Ogle Co., IL in 1886. He disappeared in 1899. He worked for a railroad. His par were James Allen and Martha Gorman.

BURNS, FRENCH posted by Mary Burns on Wednesday, April 14, 1999

Ancestors and descendants of Luther French who settled in Sutton in 1870

DODGE, FOWLER, ILIFF, POTTER posted by Jan Kugler on Wednesday, April 14, 1999

POTTER, ILIFF, DODGE, FOWLER surnames; I am seeking information on several of my relatives that lived in Clay County, I believe Fairfield. Martha DODGE married a POTTER. Children were Rolland H. POTTER, Maude D. POTTER who married Clarence F. ILIFF (1887-1973). Clarence and Maude Iliff's children are: Laura Martha Iliff who married Jake Lindaman. Jake and Martha's children are Dean Lindaman, Nancy Lindaman, Virginia Lindaman. Maude's sister Mollie B. Potter married Winifred Iliff. I also believe Lucinda Dodge, sister of Martha Dodge settled in Clay County as well. Lucinda Dodge (1896-1980) married William Fowler (1897-1979). Children of Lucinda and William Fowler are Orvid Fowler, Matilda Fowler.

HUBL posted by LeRoy L. Hubl on Thursday, April 15, 1999

Anton Hubl and Frances {Ezna} Hubl came from Cz in 1883, and settled different places west of Deweese Nebr., and finally retired in the town of Deweese, Nebr.. My Address is LeRoy L. Hubl 8102 Chukar Rd. Yukon, OK, 73099, USA

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