Once known as the "Deep Well Irrigation Center of the World", Hamilton County farmers are blessed with abundant crops. Industrial sites have expanded over the past few years, as well, with an ethanol plant, Bonnavilla Homes, IAMs Pet Food, and B.K. Heuermann's famous Microwave Popcorn to name a few.
Please feel free to submit your family surnames and queries. If you have information you feel would be an enhancement to this site, please submit it to me. I would also love to hear your comments. I have no further information, than what you see here, but would be happy to direct you to the agency/office that may be able to help you.
November, 2015: I will be the coordinator for the Hamilton County NEGenWeb Project site in the future. A very special Thank-you goes to Barb Hruza for all her hard work since she first started this county site. Barb was a pioneer in the NEGenWeb Project and worked very hard to get us going in the early years. Also, A big thank you to Connie Snyder for her invaluable assistance for this county and the NeGenWeb!

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