Holt County NEGenWeb Project

The Atkinson Plain Dealer / Atkinsons Graphic

Jan 3,1901 Atkinson Plain Dealer
On New Year's Eve, a very pretty wedding took place at the home of the bride's parents in this city in which Frank Kiernan and Anna Walker were united in the holy bonds of matrimony, Rev Julian officiating.
M W Fehr of Stockton and Dora Roth of Atkinson were married at the Methodist parsonage Wednesday by Rev Rominger.
A pretty wedding took place at Amelia Christmas Morning where W A Peters was united in marriage to Minnie Carroll at the residence of the bride's parents

April 25,1901 Atkinson Plain Dealer
Mrs T F Morrow of 3325 Prospect Ave, Denver, was buried from St Domonic's Church.
Married John Farner and Kathron E Neiter, both of this place
Last Thursday evening a 6 year old child of S P Robinson, died of diphtheria and was buried Friday evening in the cemetery here.
Died in Atkinson on April 22, after an illness of 5 days, Arley, the infant daughter of George Stephens

Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before Register and Receiver at O'Neill, Nebr on May 18,1901, viz; JOSEPH MLINAR, H E, NO 14811 for the NE ¼, sec 14, T 28, NR 16W. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz;
Ferdinand Kodytek, Frank Pacha and Anton A Tosler of Green Valley, Nebr, and John Slaymaker of Francis, Nebr. S J Weekes, Register..,

May 2,1901 Atkinson Plain Dealer
Articles of incorporation have been filed with the county ? of Boyd County for a new town ? 6 miles east of Butte and 3 miles north, which is supposed to be a rival of Butte for the county seat. The place is to be named Kinkaid after the Honorable M P Kinkaid of their county. (? Are for the holes in the newspaper)

May 16,1901 Atkinson Plain Dealer
John Fallon, son of William Fallon, died at a little past 9 o'clock this morning of appendicitis, after an illness of about 2 weeks. The funeral will be held tomorrow morning at the Catholic Church. He was a student at the high school.
Mrs Frank Campbell of O'Neill, died at her home last Sunday, after a short illness. She leaves a family of 8 children and a husband. The funeral services were held at the Catholic Church Tuesday.
The saloon license in O'Neill was recently raised from $1000 to $1200 and licenses granted to T J Hiley, Wm Laviolette, and W J O'Connor and Co.
Henry Warner of Pleasantview township and Amelia Meyers of this place were married at O'Neill yesterday morning.
Stuart Ledger leased by Rosa Hudspeth of Newport.
Land claims were filed by Wesley Slaymaker, John Stevenson, Rozalia Sobon, Joseph Mlinar, Peter Schmitz, John Ballon, and Lorens Nissen.

May 23,1901 Atkinson Plain Dealer
The Interstate Telephone Co finished setting poles from Stuart to Atkinson.
Died at his home in Atkinson on Wednesday morning, May 22, C M Bowles after an illness of several months, he was over 70 years.
Born to Wallace Fullerton, May 7, a boy weighting 9 ½ pounds.
A M Hizeroate of Homer bought the Perry town site and plans to plant it to corn.
Married in Seattle, Washington on May 6, Warren H Greeley and Martha Sommers.

June 13,1901 Atkinson Plain Dealer
Mrs John Peterson died last week, Monday, at her home near Dustin, of paralysis and Wednesday was buried at that place. On the same day Mr Peterson became violently insane and was brought to Atkinson by the sheriff where he was taken before the insanity board and to the asylum.
Victor Roher and Hattie Eby were married at the home of the bride's parents, A S Eby, Wednesday at high noon.
James Robinson and pony were killed by lightning Thursday morning. The remains were shipped to Sac County, Iowa for burial.
Mrs Francis Tomsik was born Pavlicek, Bohemia, died Saturday, June 1, of lung trouble, age 63 years, 4 months and 16 days. She married John Tomsik on June 8,1857 and had seven children, John K, Anton, Lewis, Clement, Rosa, two deceased. She was buried from the St Joseph Catholic Church on Monday, June 3.
Homer Adams died at home at Clearwater, Tuesday. Aged 31 years, leaves a wife and child

June 20,1901, Atkinson Plain Dealer
S J Weeks of O'Neill and Emma Dickinson of Tekamah were married at the home of the bride yesterday.
John Deming and Ruby Hughes were married
Services held over the remains of John Robinson.
W W Page taken before the insanity board and then to Asylum.
Married at Omaha, June 12, George D McElroy and Sara McFarland.

June 27,1901 Atkinson Plain Dealer
18 month old dau of Clyde Ferguson went on a ten mile ride with a run away team and was found unhurt playing beneath the buggy.
10 inches of rain the last two weeks
a long tapering cloud dropped down over Keya Paha, dead were Jacob Greening and his four children, Jacob age 3, John age 4, Maggie age 8, Mary age 6; three children of August Anderson, Clara age 7, Ida age 5, Theodore age 9-Boyd County Register
Alfred T Blackburn, deceased probate notice

July 11,1901 Atkinson Plain Dealer
Antonia Leightner filed for divorce from Frank Leightner
Whiting's Bridge declared unsafe
Fred Williams of Harrisburg, Ill was killed by Elkhorn Passenger No 3
Married by Judge Selah at the county court room, Thur, June 27, Isaac Millspaugh and Mrs Emil V Carter
Freid Smith sold his share of Star livery barn to Frank Weller of Green Valley
James D Gray, probate notice

July 18,1901 Atkinson Plain Dealer
Races and baseball tournament July 19 and 20th.
John Peterson of Dustin, who had been judged insane and taken to asylum at Norfolk, a few weeks ago, died and was buried at that place. William Hewitt was the guardian.
Mrs Chittick died on Sunday morning and was buried Monday at Stuart, Iowa, son is R E Chittick
Joseph Mlinar, Rozalia Sobon, John Stevenson, August Intorn, Charles Moulton, John Ballon, Peter Schmitz and Peter Grof proved their land claims
There is a dog training place north of O'Neill. About 50 dogs are in training at a time.
James D Gray probate notice
Frank Recknor bought Beebe property. Mrs Beebe is moving to Washington where she has a married daughter.
John Ingling established a shooting gallery in the alley east of the Boston Store

Aug 1,1901 Atkinson Plain Dealer
Sent to penitentiary from Keya Paha - five members of the Hellver Bingham gang - Brewer Hellyer, Joseph Bingham, George Prenz, William Hastings, Ira Johnson, all except Prenz were ranch owners.
Robert Alworth probate notice

Aug 8, 1901 Atkinson Plain Dealer
Died Emma Slater at her home in Baltimore, Maryland, Aug 2, of cancer of the liver, born in Indiana County, Penn Nov 19,1862, married Oct 1,1889 to Dr G W Glater in Atkinson. Buried Old Grave Yard at Miller's Run, Canonsburg, Penn, dau of Nancy G Hart of Atkinson
John McKee sale declared off
James Butler resigned barbering for Bailey and went to Newport
Walter J Trullinger got a spot in the Oklahoma land rush, Fred Mlinar did not
Telephones for John McNichols, Carl Wilson, Frank Carson, Father Muenich, Alex Hart
Jesse Mellor of O'Neill sold his interest in the livery barn to his brother George of Boyd County and retired to the Pacific Coast.

Aug 15,1901 Atkinson Plain Dealer
Sarah J Sturdevant born Wyoming County, Penn Nov 16,1820, died in Atkinson, Aug 10,1901, age 80 years 8 months and 25 days, dau of Rev Elijah Sturdevant.
George Simpkins is the game warden
The 3 year old child of Pat Hayes of Sheridan township died Saturday from effects of drinking water off a plate of poison fly paper. Interred in the Cemetery here after services at the Catholic Church

Aug 22,1901 Atkinson Plain Dealer
Ivan John Hayes, infant child of Patrick Hayes died Aug 11, born Aug 4,1899
Born to A W Miller on Tuesday morning, 11 pound girl
John Robinson is an officer of Keya Paha Stockgrowers Association of Springview.
Married at the Catholic Parsonage on Wed morning last, Dr Hunt of Stuart and Barbara Ziska.

Sept 5,1901 Atkinson Plain Dealer
Frank Reed, ranchman in Boyd County near Butte, fatally injured by a vicious bull one day last week.
Married at O'Neill on Wed Aug 28 at the home of county judge Selah, Bert L Sutherland of Valley, Nebr and Daisy Musser.
T D Hanley lost their 18 month old baby and old child. Funeral 4 pm Monday

Sept 12,1901 Atkinson Plain Dealer
Married at the Presbyterian Church in Atkinson on Tuesday evening, Leon W Henry and Bertha B Brown. Rev Hyden officiating.
CY Murphy died at Spencer Tuesday night. An Attorney from Red Oak, Iowa
Married, Clinton Lowery of Lincoln and Nena Mercedes Johnson of Auburn on Wed, Aug 28 at the home of the bride
Marriage licenses in O'Neill granted to George A Hess of Chambers and Carrie Benson of Turner; B Sutherland of Valley and Daisy Musser of Atkinson; Walter Richard and Lillie B Wyant of Chambers; William Spangler and Sophia R Forsland of O'Neill

Oct 10,1901 Atkinson Plain Dealer
Bert Martin, recently sentenced from Springview for stealing a horse is a woman.
R J Seoberg proved up on his land claim

Oct 17,1901 Atkinson Plain Dealer
Harry Green got a baby girl last Friday noon.
Cattleman named Tissue, committed suicide up in Keya Paha County last week.
Dr R P Johnson of Chicago, Illinois died, a brother of Col B W Johnson.

Oct 25,1901 Atkinson Plain Dealer
New Railroad a reality, not a dream
Died, Mrs Sidney Smith at O'Neill, daughter of Sam Wolfe
Born to Martin Walrath on last Thursday, a girl

Oct 31,1901 Atkinson Plain Dealer
Died Sat morning, Effie M Smith, wife of Sydnie Smith, shortly before death gave birth to a child, daughter of Sam Wolfe. Age 21 years, 5 months 27 days. Funeral Sunday at Methodist Church in O'Neill.
Died, Stella Bunger near Endicott, a sister of Mrs Dickerson.

Nov 7,1901 Atkinson Plain Dealer
Died, Willie Sweet, on the train Oct 29 of consumption, buried at Weatherford, Texas

Nov 14,1901 Atkinson Plain Dealer
Census for April 1900 had 595 people in Atkinson, today there are 750 people.
Atkinson Mill Flour prices- May flower per sack 1.05, Bouquet .95, half Patent .80
Havens and Stilson are dealers in farm machinery, wagons, buggies, windmills, sewing machines.
Gallagher and Co bankers
James Brook dealer in general hardware, gun, cutlery, tin ware, harness, aerometer windmills, A 8 ft pumping Aero motor is $25.
Boston Store- American lady lace shoe is 3.50
Thomas Richard is successor to S S Henrix
William H Graves, Catherine M Friedt, Eilert Rippen, Robert J Seaberg proved up their land claims
Royal Highlanders new castle is growing stronger every day
Atkinson and Long Pine were to play football, but called off due to small pox at Long Pine. Johnnie Sturdevant's "gridiron freaks" are: Dell Aken, Lee Henry, Dan Gaines, Drs Douglas and Thompson, Robert Bitney, Ray Julian, Billy Murphy, Hi Nightingale, Dick Boehme, and Tommy Campbell.
Legal notice to appoint a guardian for Hulda L Wilhelm, because of insanity
Legal notice to appoint an administrator for Sarah Bigelow, deceased
J F Brady, real estate
New Park Hotel - I Hammarley and son - $1.00 per day
City barber shop - T C Brown
B B Adams - Barber
Frank Carson - dealer in wines, liquors and cigars
Hotel Forney - MT Jack - $2.00 per day
Palace Livery Stabel - Mlinar and Radcliff
Galena Lumber Co - M Campbell

Nov 21,1901 Atkinson Plain Dealer
T S Armstrong is editor of Butte Gazette
Married B B Swett of Ainsworth and Martha Stephens, Monday evening by Rev A R Julian

Nov 28,1901 Atkinson Plain Dealer
Judge Selah died from typhoid fever in O'Neill at 2 o'clock Tuesday morning. Leaves wife, son and a brother at Ewing.
J W Burleigh visiting old home in England
Shot Mrs Henry Stewart of Lynch, perhaps fatally injured, while helping husband doctor a sick horse
James Brown returned from Copper River Gold Country, he had gone with John and Cheever Hazelet, Jack Meals and Ralph Evans.
Married at the Catholic Church yesterday morning Matthew Mich and Carrie Seger.
Married Fred Ziska of Green Valley and Agnes Kramer, Tuesday morning at the Catholic Church, Rev Edward S Meunich officiating.
A W Marshall- Parents whose children have 22 caliber rifles take notice, I will enforce the ordinance in regard to shooting with in city limits, Penalty is $5.00
Died the 3 year old son of T H Marcellus of Gross, he fell into a lime pit.
Charles Borger lives at Baker, Boyd County

Dec 17,1901 Atkinson Graphic
R A Utely and wife took in a homeless four year old boy.
Joseph Bercha, a farmer 6 miles sw of Atkinson, on Dec 17 was granted a patent on an improved feed grinder.
Newport wants a rail line to Carns. Carns has a store, hotel, livery barn, stock yards.
Baby girl arrived at Ernie Fullerton home

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