Holt County NEGenWeb Project

The Atkinson Graphic

Feb 7,1902 Atkinson Graphic
Mr and Mrs Trout kill a wolf with a pitchfork and club
Two bowling teams were organized Monday night. Merry ten pin war now raging.
Oliver Anderson of Stanton ordered to the Insane Asylum
Married Gilman V Davis and Jennie Weekly

Feb 21,1902 Atkinson Graphic
Daniel R O'Connell killed in explosion at Telluride, Color, son of John, age 37 years, the day of his funeral his daughter was born.
Frank Dohman succumbs to heart failure, age 64 years

March 14,1902 Atkinson Graphic
B P Nehr, 15 miles sw of Atkinson, finished a flowing well, 75 feet deep, that raised the water 4 ½ feet above ground, and flows 16 gallons a minute.
W H Chamber - groceries and flour
Palace Livery Stable - Jonas and Davis
P W Devaston bought the bowling alleys
R H Jenness works on the paper at Okmulgee
Jud Woods works on the Mustang Mail at Mustang, Okla
Doc Matthews works on the State Republican at Little Rock, Ark
Ham Kautzman works in a cigar factory
Civic organizations - Atkinson Fire Dept, Hose Co No 1; GAR post 39; Modern Woodman of American No 1081; Royal Highlanders, Atkinson Castle No 90; Rebekahs Lodge No 49;
Churches - St Joseph Church, Presbyterian , Methodist Episcopal, Episcopal
Died J N Hovey at Stuart, The funeral last Sunday was conducted by the Masonic Order
A 32 member colony of Swedes bought 3,000 acres of land in Holt County near Emporia.
John B Jonas, William H Backhaus, and Joseph Tasler proved up on their land claims

March 21,1902 Atkinson Graphic
Edward Fisher died, age 26 years

March 28,1902 Atkinson Graphic
Married Dell Aken and Luella Boehme in Omaha, Nebr
Dr J L McDonald spent some time chasing his cows and now wants an athletic club in town.
A Scheinost will leave next week for Bonesteel, where he will remove his family and harness shop and reside in the future.

April 4,1902 Atkinson Graphic
Ed Fisher died
Mrs E J Miller died at 5 o'clock yesterday afternoon, aged 76 years. Funeral services tomorrow.

April 11,1902 Atkinson Graphic
Mrs Nancy G Hart died
Eliza J Humphrey Miller obituary- born Oct 18,1826, died April 2,1902- married Jas Buchwalter and had four children. Married John Miller and had five children. Buried in Atkinson
Fred Gregory died, aged 55 years
Henderson Fullerton obituary - born Aug 18,1836 - died April 5,1902 - married Martha Boyd, had 7 children
Nancy G Hart obituary - born April 17,1827 - died April 6,1902 - married Robert T Hart, had eleven children, buried Atkinson Cem, her children included Mrs A C Crossman and Emma Slater who died Aug 2,1901. Robert Hart died March 18,1894
A boy born to Mr Moon

April 18,1902 Atkinson Graphic
Stuart won the baseball game against Atkinson
Thomas Jennings obituary - born Dec 13,1873 - died April 12,1902
Married Leopold Steskal and Mary Seger at the Catholic Church, Wednesday morning, Father Meunich officiating.
Married John N Sturdevant of Long Pine and Clara Zimmerman of O'Neill at the residence of the bride's parents in O'Neill, Rev A R Julian officiating.
Married Morton Greeley and Kittie Price at high noon Wednesday. Rev A D Hyden officiating.
If the owner of a certain ungainly old black and white sow with three little pigs does not soon get them corralled on his own premises and keep them there, your editor are very apt to have a mess of luscious young roast pig.
Minnie F Conrad filed for divorce from John R Conrad.
Nora Fritchoff, Charles R Davis, Anna D Newton(Anna D Slaymaker) proved up on their land claims.

May 9,1902 Atkinson Graphic
James Udy died, April 23, at Portland, Oregon, Married Addie Neely, age 44 years, got a sliver in his thumb, died of blood poisoning.
J W Gallaher moved to University Place
William O Stephenson, Anna Kolena (widow of Anton Kolena deceased), and William B Hewett proved up their land claims
Bertha May Stephenson filled for divorce from Chancey D Stephenson, had one child

May 16,1902 Atkinson Graphic
H W Transue, auctioneer will hold public sales on the streets of Atkinson every two weeks
Stuart won the baseball game against Atkinson

May 23,1902 Atkinson Graphic
George Malone, section hand on the rail road was instantly killed last Saturday. Left one small child
Herman Sandman and William Gray, two farmers living near Lynch, fought and Sandman was killed.

June 2,1902 Atkinson Graphic
Good old fashioned fourth of July celebration
Will close stores at 8 pm
A C Powell of Stuart died, buried Stuart
Albert Rosenberg, John C Deming, Antoinette Green, and James H Hotaling proved up their land claims

June 13,1902 Atkinson Graphic
Judge Hubbard died at Cedar Rapids, Iowa
Married J M Morgan and Elizabeth Beck at Neligh last Thursday.
Ella A Moulton Jury obituary - dau of Chas Moulton and Cordelia, born Jan 26,1855, died May 28,1902 - age 47 years 4 months and 2 days - married Clarkson Jury, had three children, Nellie, Clyde, Gracie
Three towns in Boyd County will open in June, Anoka will go on sale June 18, Bristow on June 25, and Monowi on June 26.

June 20,1902 Atkinson Graphic
Married Wednesday morning at Catholic parsonage, George Gift of Omaha and Anna Winkler
Married Charley Bartlett and Lizzie Williams, both of York
John J Slaymaker proved his land claim

June 27,1902 Atkinson Graphic
Pictures of the town in the next several issues, also a story written by a local person
Two women swindled people in Atkinson, one caught in Butte and charged, Nellie Baker
Lazelle Brantley Sturdevant story, born June 4,1879
Jacob Clippinger obituary - born March 5,1830 - married Ellen Cochran, had seven children, died June 21,1902 - Cancerous tumor of the bowels, funeral and burial on Monday, Son, Carl is his only surviving child
Married Edward Nehlsen and Emma Hahn, June 23, at the home of the bride's parents near Stuart. Rev A R Julian officiating.
Married W R Bitney and Florence McDonald, by Rev J E Young on Wednesday afternoon at the residence of V W McDonald, Allen, Nebr.
A china wedding for Mr and Mrs Will Dickerson, last Saturday

July 4,1902 Atkinson Graphic
Pictures of Atkinson flour mill,
George Roswell was born to Rev Roswell.
Married J C Schindler of Hammond and Bertha Stephenson on June 26, at Sioux City, Iowa

July 18,1902 Atkinson Graphic
Warrant for Byron and Claude Gray for assault of the mail carrier, Harley Porter
Mary H Smyth obituary, died July 14,1902, age 24 years 6 months 23 days, born Dec 20,1877
Hugh Burgess proved up his land claim, and is moving to Otoe County,

July 25,1902, Atkinson Graphic
Picture of Frank Bitney

Aug 8,1902 Atkinson Graphic
Picture of the residence of H A Allen

Aug 22,1902 Atkinson Graphic
Married Frank Clark and Mayme Chapla in Algona, Iowa on Aug 12
John T Beavers judged insane, and sent to Lincoln June 25

Aug 29,1902 Atkinson Graphic
William John Donnelly takes own life, Wednesday morning, Born Sept 18,1873, died Aug 27

Sept 5,1902 Atkinson Graphic
Picure of Havens and Stilson store
Frank Sheldon died
Smauel Ruby Carter died

Sept 12,1902 Atkinson Graphic
Christian Gathje fell from a hay stack and was impaled on a pitchfork,
Picture of B E Sturdevan

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