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Please remember that most of these indexes are copyrighted.  We encourage you to use these indexes for research, or establish links to them, but please don't print or distribute them in any format without written permission of copyright holder.

Please don't abuse this right, as these people have spent long hours compiling and transcribing these indexes...making your research so very much easier. They have gratiously (and generously) given us the opportunity to share them with you. It would be sad if we lost the right to have these indexes on the Internet because you chose to disregard their rights.


Many of the resource materials listed here are available through your local libraries and genealogy centers. We suggest you try there first.

Some indexes are for sale, and instructions have been included for ordering them.

Photocopies are available through the York County Historical Association if you cannot find any local materials. If you choose to order copies from us, please print the first page of the order form when mailing your request. You will need to use your back button to return to this page.

If you need additional, specific, information from one of these resources, you may e-mail us with your request. Requests are handled on a first come, first serve basis.


We are in a constant state of researching, indexing, typing, proofing, or coding new files. (even if it sometimes doesn't appear like we are)

You can help, too!  If you would like to add all or a part of a database you compiled to our site, or know of York County materials not listed here, please e-mail us. Or if you would like to help us type and/or proof-read, we can usually find something to send your way (grin).


Death records from Mortuary records and cemeteries.


1887 City of York 1887
1890 State Gazetteer
1891-1892 City of York & York County


York County Naturalizations
1870 York County Census


York County Homesteaders
1889 Atlas of York County, Nebraska


Roster of G.A.R. Post, York (1895)
Roster of Womens' Auxiliary to GAR Post (1895)


1882 History of Nebraska. Andreas
1888 Illustrated York, York Nebraska. Democrat York
1899 Compendium of Local Biography. Ogle
1921 York County Nebraska, Vol II/Bio Section. Sedgwick
1937 Cradle Days in York County. York Republican


Alumni Listings - York High School 1884 - 1902


Family Bibles

Fred Kailey and the Easter Blizzard of 1873

George Gray and the Easter Blizzard of 1873

You may link to these records, but do not frame, copy, or reproduce them without written permission.
Copyright © 1997-2005, York County Historical Association, or the compiler. All rights reserved.