Part 11
The Senior Diners Program was well-established in Wahoo, Ashland, and Ceresco by the beginning of 1979. Each site averaged over 58 meals per day. Both congregate and home-delivered meals were available.
In April, 1979, the following officers were elected: Alice Wall, Chairman, Alice Houfek, Vice-Chairman, and Maxine Thompson, Secretary. One of the matters concerning the Board was the cost of winter fuel. At the October meeting Jim Craig from the State Technical Assistance Office explained the Energy Crisis Assistance Program. This included furnace repairs as well as cleaning and checking furnaces. John Taylor from the Lincoln Action Program explained the weatherization self-help program. This project aimed to reach the elderly and help them reduce their winter energy costs. Board members were asked to bring names of anyone needing this service to the next meeting.
The Board received word that the Nebraska Green Thumb Program was now authorized to begin work in Saunders County. This was reported at the February meeting. Alice Wall attended a meeting at the State House on LB665. After the meeting she presented a letter to Senator Cullan. John Robbins attended the Mid-America Conference on Aging in Omaha.
Elections were held in May, 1980. The new officers were: Herman Pearson, Chairman; Maxine Thomsen, Secretary. The following committees were appointed: Transportation -- Roy Johnston, Ed Schoen, Emma Ecklund; Community Centers and Activities Committee -- Carl Stange, Tom Svoboda, Pastor Dick Woolard.
A rise in cost for rides on the Handi-Bus resulted in a decrease in the number of riders outside the County. The following goals were adopted by the Board in August, 1980: 1) to undertake a project to educate families and elderly people as to the services
available, and 2) to refer the needs of these people to the Help-at-Home Program. A training session for Board members was scheduled for September 10 at Ceresco. Those who attended included: Alice Wall, Roy Johnston, Herman Pearson, Pastor Woolard, Carl Stange, Alice Houfek, Bessie Kucera, Virginia Pokorny, and Maxine Thomsen.
March 16, 1982, Ruth Shockey announced her resignation as co-ordinator for the Wahoo Senior Center. Board members were asked to encourage senior citizens to write to their senators concerning proposed legislation. Numerous cuts in federal programs were brought to the attention of the Board, including the Green Thumb Program. The Board discussed ways to cope with the loss of funds.
In April the Board was informed that the funds were re-instated by the Government. New officers were: Mildred Keane, Chairman; Virginia Vice-Chairman, and Alice Clinkenbeard, Secretary,y,
At the end of the year, 1982, this is the state of affairs:
- The Handi-Van program continues to thrive. A general policy is being formulated regarding conduct of passengers, luggage, etc., for those using this service.
- Emphasis is being placed on those people who are presently inactive or not attending centers. Efforts are being made to encourage these people to return.
- A program evaluation is being made. This will assess the center activities and services to determine if they meet the interests of the older people in the service area.
- A County Recognition Day will again be held in 1983. Board members will try to get different community organizations to sponsor this event.
- Donations for the Senior Diner meals are now suggested as being $1.25. This price will be posted near donation boxes.
"Heaven smiles, nature blooms, death reaps all."
1. Killian (Czech National) 1870 32. Evangelical Presbyterian, 1883
2. Sacred Heart Cedar Hill, 1873 33. Vavak Family, 1883
3. Odvody Family, ca. 1880 34. Talhot Family, 1882
4. St. Mary's, 1870 35. Bohemian National, 1877
5. Willow Creek, 1874 36. St. Vitus, 1903
6. St. John's, 1901 37. Bethel, 1866
7. Bohemian National, 1888 38. Ockander Family, ca. 1880
8. F1eming, 1871 39. Weston, 1873
9. Holy Rosary, 1862 43. St. John's 1885
10. Johannes,1876 41. Pokorny,1877
11. Weigand, 1872 42. Znojmesky (Znami), 1884
12. Maple Grove, 1866 43. Czech Presbyterian, 1879
13. Union, 1875 44. St. Francis, 1894
14. Platteville, 1875 45. Sunrise, 1860
15. Pohocco Lutheran, 1884 46. Alma Lutheran, 1870
16. Little Flower of Jesus, l873* 47. Morningside, 1896
17. Critten, 1869 48. Indian Mound, 1862
18. Estina, 1914? 49. Parmenter, 1875
19. Pleasant View, 1874 50. Clear Creek (Carr), 1859
20. Bender, 1871 51. Zion Lutheran, 1891
21. Hollst Lawn, 1873 52. Zion Evangelical, 1876
22. St. James, 1871 53. Old Pleasant Hill, 1873
23. Greenmound, 1871 54. New Pleasant Hill, 1873
24. Marietta Presbyterian, 1881 55. Fridhem, 1873
25. Greenwood, 1870 56. Swedish Covenant Mission, 1873
26. St. Wenceslaus, 1879 57. Rock Creek (Mt. Zion), 1872
27. Poor Farm,? 58. Ingram, 1870
28. Edensburg Lutheran, 1874 59. Jensen, 1869
29. Bethesda, 1872 60. St. Mary's, 1917
30. St. John's, 1877 61. Valparaiso, 1875
31. Plasi (Cuda), 1872 62. Ashland, 1865
*Formerly Our Lady of Sorrows
Remember me as you pass by.
As you are now so once was I,
As I am now so will you be,
Prepare for death and follow me,
THE 1980's
The early 1980's will be remembered as the time of the highest inflation rate in history and the highest interest rates of all time.
A deep recession, nearly as bad as the Depression of the 30's, settled on the county as well as the whole nation. Natural gas rates increased 700% from 1973 to 1983. The Department of Agriculture was hard put to find grain for their proposed PIK Program. Some farmers were "bidding in" their stock piles. Secretary of Agriculture Block thought enough would turn back grain to the government.
The U.S. Georgetown Center for Study recommended that the nation should go back to a peace-time draft.
In April, 1983, the residents ofthe county, served by Omaha Public Power, were outraged at the 29% pay raise granted to managers by the O.P.P.D. In view of the many recent rate hikes and the general unemployment in the area, customers were extremely angry.
Grandma's days of canning returned to Saunders County in great force in 1979-82. This was true for the young homemakers who began gardens. The need to find fruit jars and canning lids regained its popularity. In the summer of 1979 there was a shortage of canning lids -- prices rose from 39¢ a box to $1 a box. Everyone was ordering lids from great distances or having relatives buying them while vacationing in other states as there was a shortage of lids on the shelves of grocery stores. Also, many families turned to drying foods on their own; apples, carrots, peas, plums, and beef jerky. Many people also went to farm or garage sales looking for fruit jars, canning items, freezer items, kraut cutters, as well as crock jars, just like in Grandmother's day. By Marlene McDonald
The late 1970's began the trend for garage sales in late spring, summer, and into early fall months. People priced items from 10¢ to $1.00. One could find articles of any category to fit one's need. The purpose of the garage sales was to clean out an attic, garage, closet, etc. -- sort of a spring or fall housecleaning trend. These sales were held mostly in garages; but if one had no garage, one would use their patio, driveway, porch, or basement. Sometimes two or five families went together to hold a garage sale. Sales of one or two days were held. People would arrive early to get the bargains. These garage sales were advertised in the newspaper, by posters, or garage sale signs. They are a county-wide trend, even in smaller towns or out in the country homes now in the year 1982. By Marlene McDonald
On Monday, April 6th, National Commander of the Veterans of Foreign Wars, Arthur Fellwock of Evansville, Indiana, visited Wahoo VFW. He made 22 visits across the state of Nebraska. He spent four days in Nebraska discussing the VA hospitals and government cutbacks that would affect the quality of hospital care.
Mike McDonald, 1980-81 Commander of the Beaver-Bartek Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 4502 in Wahoo and National Commander, 1980-81, Fellwock. |
In May, 1981, a group of Saunders County women began writing to other hospitals for copies of their auxiliaries' constitutions and by-laws, and for pertinent information about forming such an organization. The group met monthly for five months comparing notes and drafting a constitution which was subsequently approved by the Hospital Board of Trustees.
An organizational meeting was held in October, 1981, and the following month, election of officers was held.
Charter officers included Beverly Tejral, President; Janet Lindley, Vice-President; Mary Meysenburg, Secretary; Marie Havel, Treasurer; and Jean
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Svoboda, Maralee Taylor and Kathy Cherovsky, Members-at-Large. Other Board members, standing committee chairmen: Donna Hall, Nominating; Helen Hansen, Membership; Adeline Ludi, Publicity; Muriel French, Historian and Peg Woita, Memorials.
Saunders County Hospital Auxiliary, 1981-82 Officers. |
In the first year, the organization gained 130 members: 88 active members, 36 associate members and six lifetime members.
Fund-raising activities included a Garage Sale, which netted $709.00; participation in the Mrs. Jaycees' Craft Fair, which netted $248.15; and an April Salad Buffet, which produced $1810.04. An Open House was held at the Hospital in September. A Memorial Fund has been established which made possible the purchase of nine, wall-mounted, blood pressure cuffs for patients' rooms. General Treasury Funds have provided 12 new bedside stands and 12 overbed tables; another two bedside stands and 16 overbed tables have been ordered.
The Saunders County Community Hospital Auxiliary is a service organization rather than a social organization. Its chief purpose is to promote and benefit the Hospital, and, indirectly, its patients, by providing hospital improvements, such as new equipment and furnishings, beyond the limits of the Hospital budget.
Present officers include Muriel French, President; Jean Svoboda, Vice-President; Jean Swanson, Secretary; Marie Havel, Treasurer; and Audrey Williams, Pam Pospisil and Pat Hunter, Members-at-Large. New standing committee chairmen: Peg Graff, Publicity; Milrae Anderson, Historian; and Irma Morris, Memorials. Submitted by Peg Woita
The Saunders County Genealogical Club was organized to further the cause and provide information on finding your roots. We also teach proper care and handling of records, photographs, and artifacts for future generations.
Our first meeting was held in October, 1980, at the Museum.
At present we have two microfiche viewers which were donated to us. We are hoping to locate a microfilm viewer to be donated to the library for public use.
Members of the club also gain membership of the museum when they enter the club. Members pay five dollars every year and 50¢ at every meeting to cover the cost of newsletters and handouts.
The club has taken trips to Omaha to visit the Mormon Library, Omaha Public Library, a Genealogical Workshop, and the Archives in Lincoln. Shirley MeNeely
The Saunders County History Book Committee held a county-wide Poster Contest as a means of promoting interest in writing family histories. Theme of the contest was: 'Family History: Why Is It Important?" The young people in grades four through six were eligible to enter. Chairmen of the contest were Gladys Cajka and Marlene McDonald. The contest was held in September, 1982, with over 140 entries throughout the county. Judging took place at the end of September with Mrs. Lindholm, Mrs. Johnson, and Mrs. French, Judges.
Cash prizes and ribbons were awarded. Ryan Barry, a sixth grader, was selected as first-place winner. Second place went to Mark Specht, and 3rd place to Tammy Potter, 4th to Sara Turman; 5th to Kelly Fujan. The first five winners received money and ribbons. The remaining winners received ribbons only: 6th place -- Shelly Odvody, 7th -- Jason Chisholm, 8th -- Eric Simanek, 9th -- Patrick Phelps, and 10th place to Eric Miller. Posters were then displayed in the surrounding communities throughout the county to stimulate interest in writing family histories for the new book to be published.
Poster Contest |
ARTHUR ANDERSON -- born Dec. 10,1884, on a farm near Springfield, NE. He is a member of a very long-lived family. He is the holder of the Jordan Medal as the oldest living Mason in the state. Don Graham is his nephew.
EMMA ANTHONY -- born Sept. 1, 1888, on a farm near Cedar Bluffs. She attended school 6 years, then gave it up to help her mother at home. She married at 19 and lived on a farm near Malmo. They had 3 children.
ARTHUR EUCKOR -- born at Lincoln, NE, but grew up in Kansas City, MO, a life-long fan of the Kansas City baseball team. He was married to Mignon Marcy of Ashland, and they returned to her home town from Omaha. She died August, 1982.
WALTER FLEMING -- born April 16, 1887, near Morse Bluff and Mrs. Walter (Louise) Fleming -- born June 11, 1887, near Morse Bluff. They recently celebrated their 70th wedding anniversary.
ALBERT HAGEMAN -- born April 29, 1889, on a farm near Ithaca. Married in 1916 and had 3 sons, all very active in church.
IRENE HOLUBAR -- born Dec.15, 1886, on a farm near Wahoo. Married in 1905 and moved to a farm near Weston. Had 6 children.
AARON JACKSON -- born Dec. 5, 1886, in Kansas and moved to Nebraska when young. He returned from California in 1981 to be near his daughter, Ardelle Booher.
STELLA JIRVOSKY -- born April 1887, in Weston, her hometown in Wahoo. She loves plants and has many flowers. She enjoys going through nursery catalogs and comparing prices with what she used to pay.
ADOLPH JOHNSON -- born March 2, 1889, on a farm near Ceresco with a twin brother, Frank. He had 4 brothers, helped raise a nephew from age 4 mo. to adulthood. Married late in life. She passed away in 1971. He continued living on the farm with his twin brother. Very alert.
FRANK JOHNSON -- born March 2, 1889, on a farm near Ceresco with a twin brother, Adolph. He said he had no time for anything but farming. Married late in life. She passed away in 1978. Very alert.
HANNAH JOHNSON -- born Feb. 4, 1887, near Mead. Lived with and cared for her mother until she died. Married late in life. Had no children.
JIM KUCERA -- born Feb. 1886, at Plasi, hometown is Prague. He loves Czech music and is always cheerful and smiling.
FRANCES MALM -- born Oct. 1887, in Plasi, hometown is Wahoo. Frances is now blind but gets along very well with her cane.
ANNA MEDUNA -- born July 17, 1887, in Wahoo. At about 14 years of age she took jobs doing housework, then was a telephone operator, took nurse's training and was a Doctor's assistant, then was a companion for a wealthy Jewish lady in California. Now resides in Wahoo with her sisters.
FLORENCE MEINSEN -- born in Indiana, was very young when her family moved to Nebraska. As a single woman she homesteaded near Buffalo, Wyoming, still owns this land and an interest in the family farm near Ashland. After a Secretary at the State Capitol in Lincoln, she traveled on a freighter. Even after a massive stroke and heart attack, she reads the daily papers and magazines, and uses her extensive vocabulary well
NELLIE METHENY -- born Aug.24, 1887 near Ashland. She was a registered nurse, assisting her husband, Dr. Samuel Metheny of Lincoln, NE. She retired at Ashland -- to be close to a sister and niece.
LILLIE MINER - Born May 30, 1887, at Burwell, NE. She and husband John had 9 children, 49 grandchildren, over 50 great-grandchildren, and 5 great-great-grandchildren.
HENRY PEARSON -- born Sept. 9, 1888, near Swedeburg in a family of 10 children. Married in 1923 and had 4 children. Farmed near Ithaca before moving to Mead. Lived there about 40 years. Retired from farming in 1947 and then drove trucks for 11 years.
MARY PRIBYL - born July 31, 1884, in Czechoslavakia. Lived in Paxton with her parents, moved to Weston after her marriage. They had 6 children.
PHOEBE PROSKOVEC -- born January 1886, at Prague. She is a very quiet person. She loves her prayer book and rosary.
ANNA REZAC -- born January 13, 1887, in Omaha. She had 3 brothers and 2 sisters and in one day she lost one of each from diptheria. Mary Pribyl is her remaining sister.
Back Row: Ethel Snodgrass Haswell, Clarence Snodgrass, Mr. Schrader, Snack Worddrip, Albert Bloom, Art Euckor, Harvey Lehr, Eva Roeber. Front Row: Mable Lambert, Florence Meinsen, Art Anderson, Mrs. Dill, Anna Reddick, Hallene Anderson, _____. |
LOUISE HAGEMAN SCHLAPHOF -- born Jan.20, 1888, near Ithaca, attended School Dist. #22, married Daniel Schlaphof of Murdock, whose nephew, Dr. Dan Ruge, is President Ronald Reagan's personal physician. Louise is now living in Wahoo with her sister, Selma.
EDGER SCHRADER -- born July 21, 1885, in rural Lancaster Co. He had his first motorcycle ride on his 93rd birthday and his first helicopter ride on his 97th birthday last year. He moved to Ashland to be near his daughter, Marjorie Bower. His hair is still quite brown and his eye-sight and hearing are great.
PHOEBE ANN STAMP -- born Sept.22, 1888, in Wales. Her hometown is Yutan. She was well-known for her famous smile.
MILDRED LODER SUDIK -- born July 7, 1888, near Wahoo.
ALOISE SVOBODA -- born Feb. 1, 1886, at Weston. Valparaiso is her hometown. She crochets beautifully in spite of arthritis in her hands.
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