Part 12
FRANCES VAVRA -- born Feb. 18, 1886,on a farm near Brainard. She dropped out of school after the 4th grade to work in the fields. She married at an early age, had 2 sons and I daughter. She is very alert at 97 years of age.
EMMA DOCKWEILER VOGLER -- born Aug.31, 1887, at Wahoo and lived all her life in Saunders County. She had 3 children.
Mrs. Frantiska Voda Pallas celebrated her 101st birthday April 9, 1983, at the Saunders County Care Center in Wahoo. The occasion was observed with visits from relatives and friends, cake and ice cream, and the traditional Happy Birthday song.
Frantiska Pallas 100th Birthday Party April 9, 1982 Care Center, Wahoo |
Frantiska Voda was born April 9, 1882, in the Bavarian region of Czechoslavakia and immigrated to the United States in 1903 at the age of 21 with a friend, Francis Sklenar. Leaving her family behind was not an easy decision for the young woman, but economic conditions in Europe made it very hard for many. When the opportunity came to go to the "new land" and with a chance to begin a new life, the young Czech woman accepted the challenge.
A year after coming to Nebraska, Frantiska married Joseph Pallas and they settled near Bruno, Nebraska, where they lived a rigorous farm life. The couple had three children, Alice Pallas Palm (75), James (73), and Fred (63). They were kept busy with the general farm work and chores, such as cutting wood for the stove, carrying cobs, carrying feed for the livestock, and carrying water for the house. Most of the socializing they did was visiting close neighbors and relatives and playing cards. One adjustment they had to make was learning to speak English.
Mrs. Pallas and her family relied on their faith to carry them through many hardships of the early twentieth century in rural Nebraska, but she was very devoted to her faith in God, attended church regularly, and always took communion.
Mrs. Pallas has five grandchildren and nine great-grandchildren. Her life is a good example of courage, determination, and faith in God.
Saunders County residents are becoming more aware of the subject of energy efficiency through county projects, speakers on the topic ofenergy, and the news media.
Ray Cada Home |
Our first major solar home was built over 5 years ago in the county. The Ray Cada home, located 5 miles north of Wahoo, is a concrete dome home which has showed much energy conservation over the past few years. This home has seen many tourists from all over the United States.
On May 12, 1982, over 200 extension club members toured 4 homes in the county through the Home Extension Council Tour. The homes were viewed from the energy viewpoint. The housing tour homes were: Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Houska, RR2 -- Wahoo; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Meduna, RR2 -- Wahoo; Mr. and Mrs. Richard Flessner, RR2 -- Wahoo; and Mr. and Mrs. Richard Limbach, near Morse Bluff. Various types of insulation, heating-cooling systems, and exterior construction materials were viewed in terms of energy efficiency.
Tom and Judy Gray Home near Colon. This 3800 sq. ft. home was converted from Dist. 65 school house. It is entirely heated by an outside wood-burning stove built by
Tom. |
Today, 1983, many homes in the county have or are in the process of installing new methods of solar energy or other energy efficient means to their homes; either through solar heaters, large windows with southern exposure, fireplaces, water heat extractors, insulation, and other new methods.
Solar heated finishing hog house -- 1976 Vennie Kavan |
Many farms are building hog units or farrowing hog houses with energy saving methods in mind.
Our attitudes of energy efficiency is being influenced by our income, education, property, and awareness of our individual needs.
The Nebraska Federation of Women's Club, Inc. convened April 8-9, Regency West, Omaha. The convention theme, A Time to Crow.
Mrs. Arnold Hibbs, NFWC Chairman of Creative and Performing Arts Division, presented Audrey Nelson, rural Ceresco, an anthology and second place award for her poem "Mead, Seed" which was read before the assembly.
A fresh look at the Mead Ordnance Plant, past and present, provided the concept of this symbolic composition.
Over 100 poems from across the state were judged by Dr. David B. Anderson Professor of English at Kearney State College. Dr. Anderson teaches contemporary American literature and creative writing. He applauded the continued publication of the NFWC Anthology.
Audrey was one of three poets honored for their significant and faithful contributions of 10 years; each were recipients of a corsage and citation. She selected one of her favorite writings, "Prairie Voices" which she read. This 1974 first place poem was inspired by a desire to create a memorial to the remnants of virgin prairie.
In the Senior Citizens Center in Cedar Bluffs, a program aimed at probing this county's different cultures has resulted in some Czech language classes and possibly some in German. Ray Pecena, Pearl Crawford, and Helen Gaughen, and others have sparked this project. They started by teaching the group the Czech alphabet. They have also used the idea of learning Czech songs.
Laurie Pokorny, from Wahoo, was named 1983 Nebraska State Student Nurse of the Year. Miss Pokorny is a senior at Midland Lutheran College in Fremont, Nebraska. She is most interested in the medical surgical area of nursing.
Tommy Sears entered a work of art that was awarded a second place ribbon at an art show in Lincoln in April sponsored by the Federation of Women's Clubs, Dist. 1. Tommy is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Mike Sears and is in third grade at Valparaiso Elementary School.
Jim Swartz, son of Mrs. Eugene Swartz, Malmo, will represent the Arthur Adolphson Legion Post #232 and Security Home Bank at Boys' State activities in Lincoln.
Jim attends Wahoo High School where he has been active in basketball, track and has lettered in cross country. He has been a class officer and has been or is a member of Scholastic Club, W-Club, Speech team, Spanish Club and is on the newspaper staff. He is a member of the Edensburg Lutheran Church, Malmo.
Valerie Niday, daughter of Jerry and Darlene Niday, Ceresco, Nebr., was selected to attend the 1983 Cornhusker Girls' State June 5-11, by the Ceresco American Legion Auxiliary. Valerie is a junior at Raymond Central High School where she is active in drama, concert choir, swing choir, triple trio, pep club, speech, volleytall and serves as secretary of the junior class. Valerie is an honor roll student and was selected as a member of National Honor Society and Society of Distinguished American High School Students. Valerie is a member of the United Methodist Church of Ceresco, where she is also a Sunday School Teacher.
Julie Polacek has been named the Girls' State representative from the Western Legion Auxiliary Post #308.
Julie is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Polacek of rural Weston. She is a junior at Neumann High School and a member of St. John's Parish, Weston.
Yes, the yesterdays or years of fashion are back into our lives of 1983. Trends have changed in the world of fashions over the years, but fashions always seem to come back several decades later in a new or different facet.
The Tuxedo Look can be seen in classically-pretty tuxedo styled dresses with a touch of the old-fashioned charm -- a close fit and yokes.
Now, yesterday's petticoats and camisoles are today's skirts and tops. It has been generations since last seen.
We still have the prairie look and feeling in our dresses and skirts -- both in plaid and calico prints. This was so popular in the year of 1982.
Skirts with rows of ruffles have become a favorite among children, teenagers, and women of all ages. Eyelets and ribbons are popular with the younger set.
The colors of spring are bright, bold, soft, -- examples are red and blue, black and white, pastel colors, jungle colors, and clear colors.
Popular fabrics are the denim, corduroy, polyester, cotton, twill, knits, and chambray. These fabrics are seen in men's fashions of knit shirts, jackets, and slacks. The Western look is popular again in 1983, jackets with patch pockets, and for the sporty look, sweats and warm-ups for sportswear.
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The younger set has clothing designed with Sesame Street Characters, Strawberry Shortcake, Smurfs, E.T., and Pac-Man, along with many other characters of today.
Pre-teens and teen-age girls found leg warmers to be popular for fall of 1982 and winter of 1983.
Times do change in the ways of fun and play. Today we have pre-schools, television, gymnastics, sports at youth centers, and voice or drama lessons for children. In the 1930's thru the 1950's, children played with their pets a lot, made mud pies and other pretend foods using their imagination, had tree houses, had an old tire swing, climbed trees, or walked wooden fences for fun. There was no television to watch, just a radio to listen to and comic
books to read.
Boys found fun making homemade guns, whistles, airplanes, and tin can walkers or telephones. Everyone thought they were really tall when they used the good old walking stilts. Children then really had no allowance so they became more involved with their grandparents or parents making them some homemade toys along with investigating the great outdoors.
As a family -- going to the great summer outdoor movies on a Friday or Saturday evening was great. Everyone took a blanket to sit on, bought popcorn, and glued their eyes to the screen to see those western movies or cartoons. No one minded sitting on an electrical cord, having those mosquitoes flying around their heads, or that hot sticky weather
around them. After the movie came a great big ice cream cone to finish off the evening of fun and laughter. It was fun seeing the neighbors and relatives at the outdoor movies.
Of those days, one also recalls the scooter, little red wagon, clip-on shoe skates, kiddie car, and jump ropes for outdoor fun. We can still see youngsters using these items today.
Children were very lucky if someone could come over once a week to visit or play; it was really a treat.
Games in school were Run, Sheep, Run; Anti-I-Over; Pom, Pom, Pull Away; Mother, May I; Fruit Basket Up-set; Spin the Bottle; Cowboys and Indians; Hide-and-Seek; Cops and Robbers; Poor Pussy; Dodge Ball; Hot Potato; and Drop the Handkerchief.
Some things haven't changed too much over the years, such as; dressing up in mom's or dad's old clothes, playing with blankets -- using them as tepees over the clothes line or throwing them over two chairs for a house. Dragging out the pots and pans from cupboards is still a big entertainment item for little tots of today. Children still enjoy the winter fun of sleigh riding, iceskating, building snowmen and forts, a game of fox and geese, and a hot cup of chocolate afterwards.
Summer fun is still ball games, swimming, picnics, playing in the sand, flying kites, playing jacks, or using yo-yo's.
Times have changed though in the way of toys today due to toys needing batteries to operate and the cost change being lots higher.
With all the new changes in toys today, people can all recapture those thoughts and memories of those good old times of youth -- one's childhood days.
Listed are some of the price changes over the
years from the 1930's to the 1980's:
wagon, $2.50 -- now $15 to $30; sled, $1.45 now -- $25. to $35; movies, .25 -- now $1.25 to $2.50; comic book, .25 -- now .69 to 85¢; kite, .10 -- now .39 to $1.00; tricycle, $3.98 -- now $24 to $34; yo-yo, .10 -- now .79; ice cream cone, .05 -- now .50 to .75; child's book, .10 -- now .69; rubber ball, .03 -- now .59 to .80; rollerkating, .25 -- now $2.50.
Banks, attorneys, drugstores,
real estate, photographers, along
with the dry goods stores,
grocery stores, the livery, and blacksmith --
their ads were found
in the Saunders Plat, 1907, along with maps.
Ag implements, tailors, hatters and shoers;
pianos, organs, and sewing supplies
met the reader's eye
along with pictures of furniture;
also the undertaker and cattle breeder
had their say on those printed pages.
Folks living in the country then,
had their pictures in the plat
in between the ads and maps.
They came from everywhere
to settle in this land so fair.
Most towns came with the railroads
The Northwestern, CB and Q, Union Pacific
to name a few.
Many villages were born about the 1860s or so.
Thus the fragile pages of history
pass in review by way of the Saunders Plat.
Edna Mae (Hoevert) Klumpp
Mrs. Emma McDonald was Home Demonstration Agent for Saunders County. Theresa St. Martin was Secretary of the Homemakers Association of Saunders County.
Various projects were planned for the year by the County Demonstration Agent. Gardening being universal in the County, the plan was to improve gardens. Another interesting project in the county was on household conveniences. Various items were demonstrated at different meetings to illustrate some modern labor saving devices. Items brought to the attention of homemakers were: power washing machines, electric irons, pressure cookers, electric stoves, sewing machines, homemade driers, and fireless cookers.
Another topic which interested women of the county was dressmaking problems. Women would come together and discuss problems, especially cutting and fitting. They settled on a project of making dress forms. Also remodeling of hats and dresses, plans for childrens clothes, and new dresses for women were planned.
Other projects that were interesting in 1918-1919 were: food preservation; putting hot lunches into schools; planning better balanced meals through literature, classes, and meetings; feeding of young children, especially babies; First Aid and Home Care of the Sick.
Extension work has changed over the years but the emphasis is on many family projects. There are 49 Extension Clubs with 550 members involved in the 1983 program.
Originating in Pohocco Precinct then moving to Cedar Bluffs.
This was the first Home Extension Club organized in the county. It began somewhat as a social club early in 1929 with Mrs. J.F. Spoonhour as president. It was a real leader in the community. There was no organized "extension type" help at this time only occasional demonstrations by state homemakers.
Some of the early meetings were on hat making, sap making, dress fitting, and Dress Forms, (and did they have fun doing these.) Most of them were avid gardeners and flower growers, so many meetings were devoted to these skills.
Later the extension office developed regular programs and, finally, Saunders Co. had a Home Demonstration Agent of its own. Two leaders would attend these meetings; many times several would attend.
Among the club presidents through the years were Mrs. Spoonhour, Mrs. Fred Jesse, Mrs. Henry Staats, Mrs. Paul Kepper, Mrs. Norma Rhode, and Mrs. H.R. Wild.
Some of the other active members were Rose Beck, Lydia Engel, Martha Engel, Vida Barret, Ethel Scott, Mary Wilcox, Violet Scott, Mabel Lichtenberg, Harriet Keller, Ida Hurst, Martha Peterson, Ester Fritz and Arlene Rhode. The only living member of the original group that began meeting in Pohocco precinct is Mrs. Nellie Baltz of Fremont. When the members retired from the farm, they moved to Cedar Bluffs and the meetings were held there.
The Country Clatter Extension Club was organized on February 8, 1978 with 8 members on the roll. There are at present 11 members in the club.
The meetings are held at the members' homes in the Swedeburg area once a month with the exception of the summer months. In July a family picnic is held. The club members present 5 required lessons during the year. Some of the extra programs have been Metric Conversion, a representative from the Saunders County Organization for Abuse, a representative from the County Health Department, and a speaker on diet and the heart. A funeral home tour was made. A flower arrangement program was held. Crafts are made at some of the meetings.
In September the club members eat out, and in December a Christmas party is held with the husbands. At this time our secret pals are revealed.
In 1979, 6 members completed the CPR training. The club has given cookies to the Bloodmobile. In 1979 a food sale was held to raise money for the Bilirubin Light for the Saunders County Hospital. A donation was made to the Rock-a-thon at the Saunders County Care Center.
The club is represented at Council meetings, the salad luncheon, achievement night, and the county fair.
The DB Extension Club was organized at the home of Mrs. Joseph Rezac in the fall of 1954. The charter members were Luella Barry, Frances Eggers, Virginia Jasa, Marie Rezac, Mary Ann Roberts, Rose Storm, Sandra Storm, Selma Sutton, and Viola Thorston. The first president was Selma Sutton.
All of the charter members have held offices in the County Extension Council and five have served as county chairman. One member has served as District E Director. Four of the charter members and Evelyn Houska belong to the club at the present time.
The club has always been active in all extension projects. Members have attended National and State Conventions and Area Workshops. Something worthwhile is always learned at these meetings.
The DB Club has always completed the county goals as well as their club goals. Some of their special club projects have been: adopting a girl at the Beatrice State Home as she had never had any mail or gifts; helping at the Bloodmobile and furnishing sandwiches and cookies; assisting at nursing homes; interest in county, state, and national government; current events; and special demonstrations and tours. In 1976, the DB Club sponsored an essay contest for extension club members. The title of the essays was "Home Extension Clubs Make a Better America."
Now, in 1983, the DB Club Members are striving to make America a better home for all families. Submitted by Virginia Jasa, President
The Farmerettes Extension Club held their meeting in December, 1963 at the home of Mrs. Donald Woita of Valparaiso with 7 members joining at that time. By the end of the first year our membership had grown to 14 members and has remained at that number most of the time.
Original Charter members of the club who still belong are Mrs. George Bouc Jr., Mrs. Clyde Nelson, Mrs. Arnold Tvrdy and Mrs. Don Woita.
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Other members who joined later that first year and are still members are Mrs. Stanley Kavan, Mrs. Kenneth Tvrdy, and Mrs Larry Bouc.
The club is made up of women living in the Ceresco-Valparaiso area and has earned its certificate of recognition almost every year of its existence. We have been active in local and county events as well as being a social and educational club.
Some of the special events we have taken part in are: we have an adopted girl, Linda Jo Free, at the Beatrice State Home; we've contributed cookies and sandwiches to bloodmobiles, solicited contributions for charities like the Red Cross, contributed money to the Saunders County Hospital, 4-H, fire departments, Drug and Alcohol Awareness Committee and other worthy causes; sent clothing to the Beatrice State Home, given books to the library and helped improve our community by doing such things as painting picnic tables and fire hydrants and having floats and booths.
Farmerettes Extension Club |
We have a family picnic every summer and enjoy a Christmas Party with our husbands every year, contribute to Pennies for Friendship. Our members have donated blood and worked at bloodmobiles and other worthy causes, in addition to these.
Present members of the club are Mrs. Charles Augusta, Mrs. David Barry, Mrs. John Barry, Mrs. Alice Benes, Mrs. George Bouc Jr., Mrs. Lawrence Bouc, Stanley Kavan, Mrs. Clyde Nelson, Mrs. Larry Nelson, Mrs. Tom Sabatka, Mrs. Arnold Tvrdy, Mrs. Bernard Tvrdy, Mrs. Kenneth Tvrdy and Mrs. Donald Woita. Submitted by Carol Woita
The Evening Belles Extension Club was formed in November, 1961. Our charter members were Joyce Egr, Karen Frahm, Nancy Havranek, Irma Pharaoh, Jackie Blaser, Margaret Clough and Jolene Buck. Since we were all young mothers with children, we decided to have evening meetings so our husbands would be able to baby-sit with the children. We chose the name Evening Belles to fit the fact that we met in the evening and were "belles" (young ladies). Through the years our membership has changed many times over and the original members' children have grown to adulthood. Our club has served the community in many capacities. Some of our projects include community auctions, soup suppers and dances, scholarships to Yutan seniors, donation of a Reader Sign to the new high school, "adoption" of clients at SCOMR and the Beatrice Home for Children, involvement with the Community Club, assisting with various other fund raising projects and many other activities of benefit to the Yutan community.
Our 1983 membership consists of Cindy Barnes, Rosann Belik, Jolene Buck, Geri DeGroff, Jan Fields, Kathy Frahm, Linda Graeve, Sharon Josoff, Pat Mommsen, Marilyn Quinn, Jackie Romans, Nancy Sellin, Pat Zaugg, and Ellen Saathoff.
The Freedom Finders Extension Club was chartered December 6, 1978, with 11 members. We now have an active membership of twenty. We have Susie Huscher representing us on the council.
The Freedom Finders have had several bake sales, along with having a food stand at a farm sale where we netted $305. From these fund-raisers we have donated $110 to S.C.O.A.P., $107 to the Wahoo hospital for the Bilirubin Light, $20 to the Saunders County Care Center, $60 to Reyes Syndrome, and $50 to 4-H camp. In 1982, we gave $100 for a scholarship to a local senior and $112 to sponsor a child to camp.
Civic activities included decorating the Senior Citizens Center in Cedar Bluffs. Each year we take our children to pass out nut cups, alternating between the Care Center and Haven House in Wahoo. Our members also donate to the Cedar Bluffs Community Auction.
In 1981, a Mother-Daughter tea was held. In 1982, our club offered CPR classes to the community.
Yearly, we hold a spring-fling, family picnic, and Christmas Party. We all participate in open class at the county fair. Several have netted "Best of Lot" ribbons.
The Get-Together Extension Club was organized in November, 1947, at the home of Lydia Karpisek of Morse Bluff with eight members present. They were Lydia Karpisek, Wilma Dvorak, Vlasta Vopalensky, Mable Cippera, Esther Otte, Lillian Bauer, Juanita Vopalensky and Marge Vopalensky. At the tenth anniversary, six of these were still members. The first officers were: Marge Vopalensky, President; Juanita Vopalensky, Vice-president; Esther Otte, Secretary-treasurer; and Lillian Bauer, News Reporter.
In 1948, several packages of food and clothing were sent to the Kratky family in Czechoslovakia, and a letter of thanks was received. By 1951, the club had grown to 13 members. Pennies were saved each year to give to Crusade for Freedom and later changed to Pennies for Friendship. In 1952, the club collected $85.50 from the community for the polio drive; in 1953, $63.50 was collected and $72 in 1954.
Tours were taken almost yearly. The tour for 1954 was a program held in Lincoln at the agriculture college. One very interesting tour was a visit to the May Museum in Fremont in April of 1979.
Service projects have continued to be a very important activity of the club over the years. In 1979, $12 was sent to the Mrs. Richard Kunkle Club at Ithaca toward a Bilirubin Light for the Saunders County Hospital. In 1982, the club gave to Camp Kitaki, located 35 miles northeast of Lincoln. It is owned and operated by the Lincoln YMCA. This was to go for children who cannot pay their own dues. Each year the club entertains at Birchwood Manor in North Bend with Bingo.
Many changes have occurred in home extension projects and workshops between 1947 and 1983. "Breakfast, a Family Affair" and "Laundry Conveniences" were but a few. Present-day lessons are on "Wellness," "Twinges in Your Hinges," "Holiday Food Gifts," "Time Savers and Makers," "Patchwork" and "Preventing Home Burglaries."
Today, there are 10 members including Mrs. Duane Pfeiffer, Mrs. Alvin Dvorak, Mrs. V.G. Bauman, Mrs. Anton Soukup, Mrs. George Hynek, Mrs. John Hines, Mrs. William Vopalensky, Mrs. Mervin Otte, Mrs. Joe Bauer and Mrs. Paul Freeman.
Happy Matrons of Weston was organized as an Extension Club in 1944 by Mary (Borreson) Nelson.
Former members were: Mildred (Olson) Ecklund, Sophia (Stritecky) Havelka, Darlene (Lees) Kemerling, Lucille (Ekdahl) Larson, Clara (Groves) Lawver, Helen (Olson) Maxson, Vernola (Turnwall) Miller, Mary (Borreson) Nelson, Alice (VanHorn) Nygren, Edna (Anthony) Ockander, Virginia (Benson) Pokorny, Emma (Maly) Samek, Ruth Anne (Barry) Schoen, Ruth (Jordan) Sklenar, Ruth (Gustafson) Turnwall, Marie (Sibal) Vasa.
Happy Matrons meet the first Wednesday afternoon in a hostess' home with a leader during January, February, March, April, September, October, and November. The COLLECT is always recited in unison and Roll Call answered with different ideas. They also hold an annual Spring, Fall, and Christmas dinner, with spouses, at local party rooms. Officers take their turn in alphabetical order.
Present members are: Irene (Erickson) Fjellin, Dorothy (Taylor) Kemerling, Gladys (Erickson) Martinson, Vernola (Turnwall) Miller, rejoined, Mary (Carlisle) Olson, Anne (Carlsen) Pacal, Eula Jane (Cheney) Peterson, Virginia (Benson) Pokorny, rejoined, Mary (Pallat) Ruzek, Georgia (Pallat) Svara, Florence (Hamilton) Swanson, Ileta (Dooley) Turnwall.
1983 Officers: Dorothy Kemerling, President; Gladys Martinson, Vice-President; Mary Olson, Secretary-Treasurer and Courtesy Chairperson. Submitted by Virginia A. Pokorny
The Hints and Helpers Extension Club was organized in October of 1972 with the help of Extension Agent, Elizabeth Wild. As of 1982, we have 13 club members. Club officers are: President, Mrs. Robert Meduna; Vice President, Mrs. Ron Bottorff; Secretary, Mrs. Tom Konecky; Treasurer, Mrs. Steve Randell; News reporter, Mrs. Mike McDonald; Courtesy, Mrs. Bill Kremlacek; and Health, Mrs. Nick Woita and Mrs. Tom Johnston. Mrs. Robert Meduna is Vice Chairman of the Saunders County Extension Council.
Major club projects have been donating money towards the hospital Bilirubin Lamp, a roll-away bed for the hospital, and the purchase of a table for county extension club use.
The club members support the Saunders County Community Hospital Auxiliary through various projects throughout the year.
Our club members enjoy the many interesting projects and lessons of extension work.
The Jolly Neighbors Home Extension Club of Cedar Bluffs, NE was organized in 1949. The by-laws were the dues would be .50 a member each year, to include council and state dues. The club was limited to 12 members, but had 13 members the first year.
The first officers were; President, Mrs. Luzurne Whidden; Vice-President, Mrs. Ray Malloy; Secretary-Treasurer, Mrs. James Vanek ofWahoo; News Reporter, Mrs. Anton Soukup; Song Leader, Anna Soukup.
Officers for 1983 are President, Alvena Lubker; Vice President, Mrs. Glenn E. Hansen; Secretary, Mrs. Ray Janovec; Treasurer, Mrs. Carl Runte; News Reporter, Mrs. Albert Albertson.
Members belonging to the club 30 years and over are Mrs. Albert Albertson, Mrs. Albert Murphy, Mrs. Anton Soukup, Mrs. Glenn Hansen, and Mrs. P.H. Knuth. The club follows the County Extension Program given out by the county extension agent.
The club sponsored a retarded boy at the Beatrice State Home for 20 years. Other activities include sending cards to several shut-ins at Easter, and remembering the elderly of the club with fruit baskets at Christmas, and sponsoring a yearly valentines party at our Cedar Bluffs Senior Center. Mrs. Glenn E. Hansen
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