Part 14
The meeting for the organization of the Tri-M's Extension Club was held at the home of Mrs. Forrest Hanson on Dec. 3, 1954. Miss Fossum, the County Agent, began the meeting by explaining Extension club work, its goals and purposes. Officers elected were: President -- Mrs. Forrest Hanson; V. President -- Mrs. Harlan Von Seggern; Secretary -- Mrs. Burniel Ecklund; Treasurer -- Mrs. Robert Scoles.
Other members were: Mmes. Kenneth V. Anderson, Mitchel Bodzek, Ray Carlson, Ted Erickson, Norman Henrichson, Wayne Johnson, Dale Konecky, Lyle Kuhr, John Ostrom, Charles L. Parsons, Robert Pearson, Melvin Simpson, R.B. York.
By ballot they selected Tri-M's, meaning the "Merry Matrons of Mead," as the name of their club. It was also decided that the meetings would be held on the 2nd Thursday of the month, in the evenings at 7:30.
The goals of the Tri-M's club have always been "to find practical and better ways of improving our homes, of furthering friendship and good experiences in our club, and to become better acquainted with community projects and state and world affairs -- always striving to help ourselves and others" as stated in the first secretary's book in 1955.
Charter members who are still active in the club in 1983 are Mmes. Ted Erickson (Treasurer), Forrest Hanson (V. President), Dale Konecky (President), Robert Pearson (Historian).
Other members in the club in 1983 are: Mmes. Richard Nygren (Secretary), Leland Nygren, Lauren Kuhr, Kenneth Schuette, Dale Johnson, Vorda Westergard, Douglas Gustafson, Raymond Beam, Darrel Carlson. Submitted by Mrs. Richard Nygren
The Westside Homemakers Extension Club was organized in the Spring of 1947 in the country home of Mrs. Joe (Hazel) Houfek four and a half miles northwest of Malmo. Charter members were: Mrs. Harold (Fern) Anderson, Mrs. Joe (Hazel) Houfek, Mrs. David (Tekla) Anderson, Mrs. Hildur Person, Mrs. Walter (Carol) Sorenson, Mrs. Victor (Adeline) Vermeline, Mrs. Tony Saathoff, Mrs. Joe (Amelia) Vrana.
Westside Homemakers |
Others joining the club within the following two years were: Mrs. Albert (Alice) Nau, Mrs. Francis (Blanche) Booth, Mrs. John (Terry) Booth, Mrs. Bernard (Margaret) Chvatal, Mrs. Edward (Roseann) Vanek, Mrs. Henry (Edmie) Bachand, Mrs. Tom (Alice) Vrana.
Some lessons which were used were making dress forms of papier mache, aluminum trays, Swedish painting on wooden plates, huck toweling. Also, they enjoyed the county tours of homes.
Due to members moving away and lack of interest, the club disbanded in 1960.
Saunders County Extension Achievement Party held January 10, 1983 drew over 200 club members. Program was on "Hats". Many members wore hats which brought back many memories of days gone by.
County Agents 1982-1983 |
There are 55 4-H Clubs in Saunders County with a membership of 650.
Colon Hustlers Richard Meduna, Colon
Equiteens Arlene Murphy, Fremont #5
Cherry Gocken, Fremont #5
Greenview Livestock Ben Bergman, Jr., Ithaca
Marlin Keller, Ithaca
Mary Hass, Ithaca
Happy Horse Terry Sudik, Wahoo #2
Malmo Hi Lites Don Chvatal, Malmo
Kenneth Barry, Weston
Warren Barry, Malmo
Marietta Dairy Dale Brown, Mead
George Black, Ithaca
Marietta Livestock Mr. and Mrs. Jim Langemeier,
Renald Barrett, Mead
Joe Ondracek, Fremont #5
John Svoboda, Yutan
Gene Randell, Fremont #5
Merriman Livestock Mr. and Mrs. Milo Meduna,
Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Sabalka,
Mr. Ron Sabatka, Weston
Mid Bluffs Lynn Keller, Cedar Bluffs
Jack Nitz, Cedar Bluffs
Ron Dunn, Cedar Bluffs
Morse Bluff Wranglers Don Kavan, Morse Bluff
Gene Kavan, Morse Bluff
Ruhen Kavan, Morse Bluff
Mrs. Jim Hanson, Cedar Bluffs
Oak Creek Valley Clyde Nelson, Valparaiso
Edwin Benes, Valparaiso
Richard Benes, Valparaiso
Eugene Matulka, Raymond
Arnold Tvrdy, Ceresco
Piston Pushers Dave Woita, Colon
Louis Sandersen, Colon
Richard Meduna, Colon
Robert Meduna, Colon
Plasi Pirates Richard Kubik, Prague
Jim Smaus, Prague
Joe Stanek, Weston
Prague Pioneers Charles Prochaska, Prague
Jim and Roger Fujan, Prague
Platte Valley Farmers Dave McReynolds, Ashland
Bill Haldeman, Ashland
Platte Valley Wranglers Pat and Jean Stewart, Ashland
Barb Eliker, Ashland
Gene Hull, Ashland
Les Vosler, Ashland
Ridge Riders Dusky Vosler, Morse Bluff
Roamin Riders Leon Olson, 112W. 15th,
Rock Creek Rockets Eugene Tvrdy, Ceresco
Russell Swanson, Wahoo #2
Frank Jacobs, Ceresco
7-O-Livestock Jim Bauer, Colon
Vennie Kavan, Wahoo #1
Don Veskrna, Wahoo #1
Dale Kavan, Wahoo #1
Darrol Hoffman, Wahoo #1
Todd Valley Livestock Wally Leander, Jr., Cedar
Mrs. Waldo Leander, Cedar
Melvin Holtorf, Cedar Bluffs
Touhy Livestock Gordon Ohnoutka, Valparaiso
Mike Benes, Dwight
Paul Maly, Weston
Larry Ohnoutka, Valparaiso
Eldon Strizek, Valparaiso
Ken Sabatka, Valparaiso
Valley View Stockmen Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Adams,
Fremont #5
Wahoo Wheelers Donald Rood, Wahoo #2
Bernard Sladky, Wahoo #2
Waggin' Tails Betty Patzloff, 130 F. 8th,
Westside Hustlers Tom Konecky, Wahoo #2
Richard Rezac, Wahoo #2
Joe Sensibaugh, Wahoo #2
Al Greunes, Colon
Yutan Climbers Mr. and Mrs. Ted Schulz,
The Malmo Hi Lites Livestock 4-H club was organized after school at the Malmo Public School March 15, 1957. Frank Jacobs was the organizer and the leader; Joe Cihal was assistant leader. The projects were; beef, swine, sheep, dairy, rabbits, poultry, gardening. The first members were: Jerome Chvatal, Larry Hauschild, Jim Anderson, John Hicks, Tommy Hicks, Larry Dauel, Tommy Anderson, Clarence Hanke, Jim Volin, Daniel Houfek, Nathan Houfek, Wally Swartz.
Malmo Hi-Lites 4-H 1969 |
Other leaders were Warren Lindgren, Darrell Kemerling, Dale Swanson, Don Chvatal, Robert Knudson, Kenneth Barry, Warren Barry, and Dale Needham. Warren Lindgren served as leader for the longest time, sixteen years, also was county fair swine assistant superintendent for a number of years.
The club enjoyed the ballgames with other clubs on Sunday afternoons. At one time, much interest was in horses; about fifteen members would go on a group ride early Sunday mornings with leaders, Darrell Kemerling and Warren Lindgren. They would ride horses for several hours and return to Malmo school ground for a breakfast cookout prepared by Mrs. Kemerling and Mrs. Lindgren. Club tours of everyone's projects were held in July followed by a weiner roast or a watermelon feed. Club picnics, roller skating, sleigh riding and swimming parties were held at different times. They served lunch at the local Benefit Auction and donated
proceeds to the benefit for eight organizations.
This club is still in existence and the purpose has been to teach youth to enjoy and care for animals, to work with others, and to keep the youth interested, active and busy in a community group, as children came from several schools. The local businesses have supported the 4-H auction sale of the livestock, at the county fair. Mrs. Deloris Lindgren
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A lot of interest was gaining momentum in tractors, small engines, and tractor driving safety, so it was decided to form a tractor club in the Malmo area. Donald Chvatal, William Novak, and Robert Knudson were the leaders who organized the club in 1966, with eighteen members. Monthly meetings were held at the Legion Hall and Fire Hall in Malmo.
First members were; Steven Houfek, Dennis Krumel, Douglas Lindgren, Dennis Pacal, Chuck Cihal, Burniel Chvatal, Russell Lindgren, Jim Chvatal, Mike Swanson, Gary Odvody, Dean Lindgren, Eldon Barry, Clark Peterson, Kenny Chvatal, Mike Chvatal, Norman Lindgren, Don Krumel, Leslie Veskrna. Several of these boys were top tractor driving contestants, receiving first place purple ribbons and later the county awarded trophies. A number of the boys drove to Colon to meet with the Colon Piston Pusher Tractor Club and study under Louis Sanderson to obtain operator tractor permits to drive on the roads if they were under 16 years old.
The club disbanded in 1972 when the members were: Bob. David, Jim, Kenneth, Martin, Mike Chvatal, Curtis Cihal, Kipp Jensen, Keith Knudson, Gary Nice, Robert Nice, Dennis Person, Jim Chmelka, Charles Persinger, Kevin Swartz, Kevin Persinger. The projects that year were: tractor, small engines, and electricity. Mrs. Warren Lindgren
One spring evening, forty-eight years ago, 1935, Rev. J.M. Brown, the rural minister of the Marietta Presbyterian Church, organized a small dairy 4-H club. This small club had seven members with Harold McCord of Colon serving as assistant leader. Today this club is one of the oldest active 4-H clubs in Saunders County, with forty-eight continuous years of achievement. Because of pressing duties, Rev. Brown gave up his leadership to Roland Nelson, Mead. During his leadership the club grew to almost forty members. Because of the large area the membership covered, the meetings were rotated between three schools, Mead High, Dist. 70, and Lothair schools.
In 1937, the club was chosen for the first time State Champion Dairy Club of Nebraska. Since that time, the Marietta Dairy Hustlers has been honored with the award many times, the most recent in 1974. In 1941, Wallace Thorson, Mead, served as leader with Fred J. Nelson, Mead, assistant leader. That year, a dairy demonstration team won both state and national top honors at Memphis, Tenn.
In 1944, LeRoy Nelson, Mead, became leader and Kenneth Anderson, assistant. LeRoy Nelson served as leader for 25 years. Other leaders have been Kenneth Johnson, Mead '48-'49; Burneil Ecklund, '55-'60; Ray Magnuson, '52-'53; Gayle Behrens, '55-'63; Anton Svoboda, '64; Phillip Johnson, '67-'75; Dale Brown, '73-'81, all of Mead, and George Black, Ithaca, '78-'82.
The effect of this club upon community life has been outstanding. The association of the young people of the community in club work has drawn the parents more closely together and revived the community spirit that we like so well to see in rural areas. LeRoy F. Nelson
The club was chartered in 1973, with Jim Fujan and Richard Kubik as leaders the first year. Leaders following were; Frank Sousek, Charles Prochaska, and Jim Fujan. Victor Sousek is the leader at the present time.
The club has 12 members. They show beef, swine, sheep and dairy. Each year members take turns at having meetings at their homes. The older members help the younger ones to master the art of handling their animals. Through the years we have shown outstanding animals. In the fall after the County Fair, the members and their families enjoy a picnic held at the Prague Family Park.
There are nineteen golden seals on the Charter that was presented to the South Side Dairy Hustiers, Wahoo, upon its organization. Each golden seal represents one year of completion for the club members.
Since there was no visible date on this Charter (it could have been covered by the seals) we do not know for sure what year the club was organized. The first recorded leaders were Henry Rood and Percy Olson. Over the years other names were added to the list serving as Leaders and Assistant Leaders namely: Allan Scheuneman, Don Larson, Wallace Person, Frank MeKlem, and Donald Rood.
As time went on the number of families having dairies declined, thus eliminating the need for a 4-H Dairy Club. Also, the 4-H members grew older and some left the community, going on to other vocations. So in the early '60's this club disbanded and it is now only a memory.
In the spring of 1968 there were several young men south of Wahoo who were interested in tractors and wanted to learn more about them. A couple fathers spoke of the idea to Gayle Hattan who immediately suggested they form a 4-H Club.
The Charter members of this club were David Rood, Ronald Sladky, Larry Houfek, Larry Ludvik, Bryan and Tim Nordstrom, David and Steve Janecek with Donald Rood and Bernard Sladky as Leaders.
This club was nameless for only a short time. Each member suggested a name to be used for identification. Upon voting, the name chosen was "Wahoo Wheelers." Larry Ludvik was recognized as having presented this suggestion.
Through the years members have come and gone. The original charter members are no longer involved, but skills have been developed and interests have grown into a number of different vocations.
There have been many good memories of meetings, picnics, fairs, parades, and achievements. This club was organized not only as a club for 4-H members. It was also a family gathering with the parents attending the meetings in support of their children and their projects.
Ashland Busy Bees Kittie Neilsen, 690 Dale,
Jerrie Whitlow, 689 Fir, Ashland
Busy Hands Mrs. Joe Bordovsky, Valparaiso
Chapman Charmers Mrs. Carol Meduna, Weston
Classy Clovers Marcia Fick, Ashland
Audrey Williams, Ithaca
Mary Bartek, Ithaca
Clover Cuties Mrs. Ed Virka, Cedar Bluffs
Cloverettes Mrs. Don Woita, Valparaiso
Mrs. Stephen Benes, Raymond
Country Cuties Mrs. Rita Divis, Wahoo #1
Mrs. Robert Meduna, Wahoo #2
Country Gals & Pals Mrs. Anthony Osmera, Weston
Mrs. Eugene Maly, Weston
Mrs. Raynold Woita, Malmo
Creative Cats Mrs. Sandra Dammann, Cedar
Daisy Mae's Mrs. Cheryl Sudik. Wahoo #2
Mrs. Gerald Specht, 459 W. 6th,
Do Rights Mr. and Mrs. David Hibler,
Donna Kahler, Valparaiso
4-H Fun & Friends Mrs. Karen Houfek, Prague
Flour Power Mrs. Eugene Tvrdy, Ceresco
Mrs. Wayne Sabatka, Ceresco
Mrs. Ron Hajek, Ceresco
Handy Homemakers Mrs. Richard Komenda,
Mrs. Larry Woita, Valparaiso
Mrs. Reynold Walla, Valparaiso
Helping Hands Mrs. Ray Huscher, Cedar Bluffs
Mrs. Hilda Lemke, 1743 N.
Main, Fremont
Mrs. Galen Johnson, Cedar
Kountry Kids Mrs. Roman Maly, Weston
Mrs. Eugene Kadavy, Weston
Magic Homemakers Mrs. Doris Leander, Cedar Bluffs
Mrs. Sharon Ankersen, Colon
Mead Musketeers Miss Keryl Nygren, Mead
Needles & Nails Mrs. Elaine Borer, Morse Bluff
Mrs. Adolph Nemec, Prague
North Star Jets Mrs. Rose Walla, Valparaiso
Mrs. John Hladik, Jr., Valparaiso
Mrs. Jim Chmelka, Valparaiso
Platte Valley Sewettes Mrs. Gail Wagner, Ashland
Saunders Shamrocks Mrs. Sherry Treptow, Ithaca
Mrs. George Black, Ithaca
Robi Black, Ithaca
Saunders Supergirls Mrs. Judy Zakovec, Cedar Bluffs
Sewing Chefs Mrs. Vennie Kavan, Wahoo #1
Mrs. Delano Bohac, Wahoo #2
Stitch & Stir Mrs. Marlene McDonald, 1045
W. 8th, Wahoo
Mrs. Grace Ketner, 506 E. 14th,
Mrs. Marilyn Volin, 1617
Walnut, Wahoo
Sunshine Girls Mrs. Gordon Ohnoutka,
Mrs. Salley Jacobs, Raymond
Mrs. Alice Benes, Valparaiso
Mrs. Judy Ohnoutka, Valparaiso
Super Do'ers Rita Pleskac, Weston
Merrimen Mrs. Milo Meduna
Mrs. Darrell Sabatka
Marietta Livestock Mrs. Jim Langemeier
Oak Creek (Farmers
Daughters) Mrs. Clyde Nelson
On February 2, 1962, the Bright-Eyed Susans 4-H Club of Wahoo, was organized by Mrs. John Meysenburg and Mrs. Al Bartek, both of Wahoo. The following Wahoo area girls were the charter members: Denise Bartek, Cynthia Beranek, Elizabeth Brown, Laurie Cajka, Myrna Christenson, Ramona Divis, Margaret Meysenburg, Joan Sullivan, Carol Svoboda, and Judy Voboril. The members met in their homes.
The original leaders were succeeded in later years by Mrs. Ernest Cajka, and Mrs. Eugene Shalon. Between 1962 and 1981, the club's last year, the members participated in many activities in addition to covering the regular projects offered by the 4-H program. There were song contests, prize-winning booths and floats, parades, bake sales, demonstrations at meetings, county and state fairs and on an Omaha television station, bicycle trips, picnics, swim parties, trips to Omaha and Lincoln, dress revues, and exhibits at the county and state fairs. A special highlight was the participation of the entire club in the Wahoo Centennial Pageant in 1970. Two members were honored with trips to the 4-H Congress in Chicago.
Members of the club in 1981 were Lisa and Lanette Dvorak, Stacey and Shelley Savery, Rene Pearson, Jill Smith, and Stephanie Hall. Ann Mumm was an independent member. Submitted by Gladys Cajka
The Clover Cuties 4-H Club of Morse Bluff was organized on May 19, 1959, by Elizabeth Wild, Saunders County Home Extension Agent, with Mrs. Edward Virka of Cedar Bluffs as leader. She was assisted by Mrs. Raleigh Robertson of Morse Bluff. Six charter members on the roll were Kathy Chromy, Mary Jane Kavan, Mary Jo Robertson, Marcia Vopalensky, Nancy Vopalensky, and Claudine Zeller.
After 25 years, present day members are two of Kathy Chromy's daughters, Kris and Debbie Bauer, and Cindy Hruza making the club a second generation affair.
At various times there have been between 30 and 40 members in the club and holding a high percentage of the County's Junior Leaders.
The Club was active in exhibiting and demonstrating at both the County Fair and the Fremont District Fair, plus various community events. Mem-
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bers took active part in camping, counselor's training, speech contests and other activities.
One of the outstanding projects was a nationally recognized float entered in several parades with the theme, "Unity in the World Through the Links of 4-H." It won top prizes in county, district, and community fairs.
One of the 4-Hers, Suzie Hruza, was a National Award winner in Home Living, going to Washington, D.C. from Nebraska.
Bread Baking was a very popular project as well as clothing and Style Revue activities. Some other popular projects the girls enjoyed were "Groom Your Room," "Cake Decorating," and "Learn to Bake."
At the present time of 1983, Mrs. Edward Virka still remains the Club's leader with Mrs. Tom Hruza as assistant.
The Country Cuties 4-H Club was first organized on May 30, 1964. That first year eight girls, under the leadership of Mrs. Harvey (Eileen) Wageman and Mrs. Francis (Rita) Divis, took the Let's Groom Your Room project. Those first members were Diane and Kathy Arney, Jeanette and LuAnn Bartek, Carol Divis, Mary Ann Divis, and Carol and Nancy Wageman.
Upon the birth of her daughter, Jayne, on February 16, 1966, Mrs. Wageman terminated her leadership roll and for several years Mrs. Divis led the group alone. Later she was helped by Mrs. Bernard (Emily) Sladky, and, in 1972, Mrs. Robert (Dorothy) Meduna, also, became an assistant leader. Mrs. Divis and Mrs. Meduna continue to lead the group.
Over the years a great many young men and women have belonged to this 4-H club. On many occasions the boys received better prizes on their cooking and baking than did the girls. The list of projects taken have been many and varied and included not only the homemaking skills of foods, clothing, and child care but also hobbies, crafts, garden and weather projects, and even the more manly arts of woodworking and rope. Many of the products of these projects have been of good enough quality to find their way to State Fair, including 1982 exhibitors Marian Meduna in dress revue; Paula Meduna in demonstrations; and Kay Lynn Dostal in judging.
The last couple of years the group has been recycling aluminum cans in an effort to help beautify the community as well as a small money-making project The climax of our 1982 year was having the first place 4-H float in the Saunders County Fair Parade. Theme of the float "Capture the 4-H Spirit was depicted in a fishing scene.
Members in 1982 included Troy Cada, Kay Lynn Jared and Jamie Dostal, Henry Hrdlicka, Jr., Marian Paula and Robert Meduna, Jr., and Patrick and Andy Phelps. Submitted by Rita M. Divis. Leader
The 4-H Fun and Friends 4-H club, was organized in April of 1982. Members are Prague area children interested in the variety of projects offered in the 4-H program. This last year we had 12 members running in age from 8 to 14 years. Anyone between 8 and 19 may belong to a club. Each child took a variety of projects that they were interested in and demonstrated something at the 6 meetings held in the summer. In August they took their finished projects to the County Fair and several then were able to go on to the State Fair. We finished our year with a family picnic in the park.
The 44 Sallies 4-H Club was organized in the spring of 1950 at School District 44 with Marilyn Lindau, the teacher, and Mrs. John Rezac as leaders. The name "44 Sallies" was suggested by Mrs. Roland Sutton. Charter members were Rosemary Rezac, Mary Kay Wotipka, Phyllis and Patricia Holubek Mary Ann Cihal, and Dorothy Ludvik.
In 1951, Mrs. Joe Jasa and Mrs. John Rezac assumed leadership of the club. Other assistant leaders during the next years were Mrs. Reuben Caha, Mrs. Donald Proett, Mrs. John Auch, Mrs. Julius Lanik, and Mrs. Paul Martin.
Membership in the club increased as younger sisters, other girls in the neighborhood, and friends reached club age. The club was always active in all club, county, and state activities. All members exhibited at County, District, and State Fairs. With the 4-H motto "Make the best better" always in mind, soon purple and blue ribbons took the place of red and white ones. The girls also took part in speech contests, demonstrations, song contests, club booth exhibits, floats at County Fairs, and helping at County, District, and State Fairs.
Winning a trip to Club Week, 4H Club Congress in Chicago, and Safety Congress are coveted prizes for all 4-H members. In the 44 Sallies six girls won trips to Club Week, four to Safety Congress, and five to Club Congress in Chicago.
During the twenty-five years that the 44 Sallies was an active club over forty girls had been members. Some were in the club for only a few years but most of them remained members until graduation from high school. When membership dropped to four or five Mrs. Jasa suggested that the girls join other clubs. The money in their treasury was given to the 4-H Camp at Gretna.
A group of young girls and mothers met at the Malmo School March 8, 1957, to see if there was enough interest to form a 4-H club. Seventeen girls formed the Mariposa Maids. Mrs. Frank Jacobs and Mrs. Bernard Chvatal were the first leaders. Sewing was chosen as the first project. Other leaders were Mrs. John Booth, Mrs. Edwin Swartz, Mrs. Ivan Barry, Mrs. Larry Hauschild, and Mrs. Robert McPeck.
The first members were: Karen Chvatal, Nancy Schultz, Phyllis Hicks, Doris Hanke, Judy Schultz, Betty Nielsen, Phyllis Dauel, Bernita Barry, Mary Ann Vrana, Lorraine Dvorak, Mary Ann Pokorny, Patsy Hicks, Judy Needham, Lene Jean Chvatal, Janet Swartz, Venita Volin, Rosann Veskrna.
The club continued till 1976 when some of the projects were: Foods, clothing, foreign foods, child care, photography, gardening, junior leader. Members then were: Danette Hauschild, Colleen Lindgren, Shelly McPeck, Lori McPeck, Marilyn Jaroska, Nancy Nelson, Sheryl Swartz, Laurie Vanek, Susan Jaroska, Wendy Nice, and Nancy Chmelka.
They enjoyed and had fun singing in the annual Music contests in Wahoo and Fremont, also the style shows and dress revues. Some were chosen to be on judging foods and clothing at the State Fair and Fremont Fair. Mrs. Warren Lindgren
Peppy Pals, a home economics 4-H club, was organized by Ruth Thorston, Wahoo, and Ruth Anne Schoen, Weston, early in 1959. Charter members were Lynn Caha, Amy Pestal, Sharon Peterson, Anne Schoen, Sharon Svoboda, Annette Thorston and Roseann Wotipka. Additional leaders through the years were Elaine Pokorny and Eula Jane Peterson.
Peppy Pals 4-H Club |
Through the next twenty years nearly thirty more girls became Peppy Pals, learning not only the skills of sewing, cooking, home-making and gardening, but participating in other life-enriching experiences. Peppy Pals participated in the 4-H song contests most of those years, earning many purple and blue ribbons in county, district, and state contests as well as singing in nursing homes, on T-V, and for numerous other groups.
Premium money earned in song contests, floats, booths, etc. was used to purchase four benches for the county fair grounds, a flag pole at the Saunders County Historical Museum, and helped pay for a flagpole base in the Weston Park. Over $100 was given to help build the state 4-H camp at Gretna.
Peppy Pals' last meeting was held in the summer of 1979.
The Stitch and Stir 4-H Club of Stocking Precinct organized in the fall of 1977 with eight members. As of 1982 the club has ten club members. Leaders of the club are Mrs. Mike McDonald, Mrs. Jared Ketner, and Mrs. Jerald Volin. Mrs. McDonald is a 4-H Council Member for a three-year term.
Stitch and Stir |
Club activities for 1982 included 4-H Idea Day, Speech Contest, entertaining the residents at the Saunders County Care Home, having a window display during National 4-H week, the 4-H Parade and Fair, and Song Contest.
A 4-H Father-Daughter outing consisted ofbowling and a pizza party. A coffee outing at a local cafe was held for the mothers. A very rewarding year for the club.
The first 4-H Clubs in Leshara began in the late 30's or early 40's. There were two clubs. The Leshara Livestock Lads was led by Walter Raether and Eldon Williams. The Leshara Lassies was led by Mabel Eggers and Evelyn Williams. After some time, this club was led by Orlinda Karloff, followed by her daughters, Myrtle and Myrna.
After being dropped for some time, it was organized again in 1967, as the Leshara Lads and Lassies, by Elaine Stamp and assisted by Mary Lou Johnson. The club continued until the end of the 1977 club year, being led by Elaine Stamp, Mary Lou Johnson, Mary Mattes, Mary Ann Cernin and Clara Hull. There were from 10-25 members from the Leshara area.
A variety of projects were completed by members including livestock projects, food preparation, photography, clothing construction, room decoration, safety, yard beautification, entomology, electricity, gardening, wood working, and others.
The club meetings were held in the homes of the members and leaders, or in the Leshara Community Building.
4-Hers exhibited projects at the Fremont 4-H Fair, Saunders County Fair and at Ak-Sar-Ben. Many ribbons were earned as well as premium money.
The 4-H work served to develop talents, community interest and constructive use of time, as well as leadership training for the youth of the community. Submitted by Mary Lou Johnson and Mary Ann Cernin
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