NEGenWeb Project

County Sites List

If you know the name of the town but don't know the county, check the Locations List on the County Unknown site to see if it is listed. See the Note below about some confusing town/county names.
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Nebraska became an official territory on May 30, 1854, and then a State on March 1, 1867. You can find more about it's history in our NEGenWeb Project Resource Center.

The dates and parent county columns are as close as we can get them. We have found conflicting resources in some areas, simply because some counties that were organized during Territorial days were either renamed, relocated, or combined with other counties after we became a state, two after 1900. If you have a county name for your ancestor from before 1909, it may not mean that that's the name of the county today. Be sure to check our Locations List for town names. That will give you a county to research today.

To see a list of former County Coordinators (and counties that are up for adoption) please go to Former Coordinators

Special Note: There are a few town names that might be confused with county names. Please double-check that you have the correct county before entering a query for the following towns/counties:
          Town              County
         Buffalo            Dawson County not Buffalo Co.
         Creighton          Knox County
         Dawson             Richardson County not Dawson Co.
         Garfield           Lincoln or Valley Co. not Garfield Co.
         Grant              Perkins County not Grant Co.
         Johnson            Nemaha County not Johnson Co.
         Kearney            Buffalo County not Kearney Co.
         Lincoln            Lancaster County not Lincoln Co.
         Loup City          Sherman County not Loup Co.
         Morrill            Scotts Bluff County not Morril Co.
         North Loup         Valley County not Loup Co.
         North Platte       Lincoln County not Platte Co.
         Pleasant Valley    Dodge County not Valley Co.
         Sarpy              Douglas County not Sarpy Co.
         South Sioux City   Dakota County not Sioux Co.
         Sioux              Dakota County not Sioux Co.
         Table Rock         Pawnee County not Rock Co.
         Thayer             York County not Thayer Co.
         Valley             Douglas County not Valley Co.
         West Lincoln       Lancaster County not Lincoln Co.
         Juniata            Adams County
         Wauneta            Chase County


County Coordinator

County Seat

Parent County

ADAMSCatherine RenschlerHASTINGS1867 - Clay
ANTELOPELinda ZiemannNELIGH1871 - Pierce
ARTHURDavid Gochenour IIARTHUR1887- Unorganized Territory
BANNERJudy Leafdale/Sherry GiffordHARRISBURG1888 - Cheyenne
BLAINEadopt meBREWSTER1885 - Custer
BOONEadopt meALBION1871 - Platte
BOX BUTTELaRae Halsey Brooks/Eireann BrooksALLIANCE1887 - Unorganized Territory
BOYDLinda ZiemannBUTTE1891 - Holt
BROWNDoris Jones-HarrisAINSWORTH1883 - Unorganized Territory
BUFFALOMona HouserKEARNEY1855 - Original County
BURTadopt meTEKAMAH1854 - Original County
BUTLERLinda ZiemannDAVID CITY1856 - Unorganized Territory
CASSDavid Gochenour IIPLATTSMOUTH1854 - Original County
CEDARKristi Lam/Carol TrampHARTINGTON1857 - Original County
CHASEIMPERIAL1873 - Unorganized Territory
CHERRYDoris Jones-HarrisVALENTINE1883 - Unorganized Territory
CHEYENNEBob JenkinsSIDNEY1871 - Lincoln
CLAYadopt meCLAY CENTER1871 - new Clay County
Old Clay county formed in 1855 later became part
of Gage and Lancaster
COLFAXSherri BrakenhoffSCHUYLER1869 - Dodge
CUMINGCarole MeyerWEST POINT1855 - Burt
CUSTERMichael LewisBROKEN BOW1877 - Unorganized Territory
DAKOTAGreg BrownDAKOTA CITY1855 - Original County
DAWESLaRae Halsey Brooks/Eireann BrooksCHADRON1855 - Sioux
DAWSONadopt meLEXINGTON1860 - Buffalo
DEUELadopt meCHAPPELL1888 - Cheyenne
Linda Ziemann
PONCA1856 - Original County
DODGERenee BunckFREMONT1854 - Original County
DOUGLASadopt meOMAHA1854 - Original County
DUNDYadopt meBENKELMAN1873 - Unorganized Territory
FILLMORESharlene MillerGENEVA1856 - Unorganized Territory
FRANKLINPatti SimpsonFRANKLIN1867 - Kearney (org 1871)
FRONTIERadopt meSTOCKVILLE1872 - Unorganized Territory
FURNASTom CoreyBEAVER CITY1873 - Unorganized Territory
GAGELori LairdBEATRICE1855 - Original County
GARDEN adopt meOSHKOSH1909 - Deuel
GARFIELDadopt meBURWELL1884 - Wheeler
GOSPERadopt meELWOOD1873 - Unorganized Territory
GRANTadopt meHYANNIS1887 - Unorganized Territory
GREELEYadopt meGREELEY1871 - Boone
HALLadopt meGRAND ISLAND1858 - Original County
HAMILTONadopt meAURORA1867 - York
HARLANPatti SimpsonALMA1871 - Unorganized Territory
HAYESJennifer StingleyHAYES CENTER1877 - Unorganized Territory
HITCHCOCKJennifer StingleyTRENTON1873 - Unorganized Territory
HOLTadopt meO'NEILL1860 - (once named West) Knox
HOOKERadopt me  MULLEN1889 - Unorganized Territory
HOWARDLenise CookSAINT PAUL1871 - Hall
JEFFERSONadopt meFAIRBURY1856 - Gage
JOHNSONJudy CoeTECUMSEH1855 - Original County
KEARNEYLinda ZiemannMINDEN1860 - Original County
KEITHadopt meOGALLALA1873 - Unorganized Territory, Lincoln
KEYA PAHADavid GochenourSPRINGVIEW1884 - Holt, then Brown & Rock
KIMBALLadopt meKIMBALL1888 - Cheyenne
KNOXJacquelyn Romberg/Tom RisingerCENTER1873 - L'Eau Qui Court, Emmet (orig. names)
LANCASTERBob JenkinsLINCOLN1856 - Original County
LINCOLNBob JenkinsNORTH PLATTE1860 - Unorganized Territory
(once named Shorter)
LOGANadopt meSTAPLETON1885 - Custer
LOUPadopt meTAYLOR1855 - Unorganized Territory
Renamed Loup in 1883
MADISONBob JenkinsMADISON1856 - Platte
MC PHERSONadopt meTRYON1887 - Lincoln, Keith
MERRICKadopt meCENTRAL CITY1858 - Original County
MORRILLFloyd Smith IIIBRIDGEPORT1908 - Cheyenne
NANCEadopt meFULLERTON1879 - Merrick
NEMAHAJudy Coe AUBURN1854 - Original County
NUCKOLLSadopt meNELSON1860 - Clay
OTOEBob JenkinsNEBRASKA CITY1854 - Original County
PAWNEEadopt mePAWNEE CITY1855 - Original County
PERKINSadopt meGRANT1887 - Keith
PHELPSPatti SimpsonHOLDREGE1873 - Unorganized Territory
PIERCEKathleen CarlsonPIERCE1856 - Madison
PLATTESherri BrakenhoffCOLUMBUS1856 - Original County
POLKBeth SparrowOSCEOLA1856 - Original County
Part of York County in Territorial Days
RED WILLOWTom CoreyMCCOOK1873 - Frontier
RICHARDSONNorma ThompsonFALLS CITY1854 - Original County
ROCKSusan BlattnerBASSETT1857 - Brown
SALINEadopt me1855 - Gage, Lancaster
SARPYLee Marlin SchneiderPAPILLION1857 - Original County
SAUNDERSadopt meWAHOO1856 - (formerly Calhoun) Sarpy, Douglas
SCOTTS BLUFFFloyd Smith IIIGERING1881 - Cheyenne
SEWARDJoan ShurtliffSEWARD1855 - (once named Greene) Lancaster
SHERIDANLaRae Halsey Brooks/Eireann BrooksRUSHVILLE1885 - Sioux
SHERMANadopt meLOUP CITY1871 - Buffalo
SIOUXFloyd Smith IIIHARRISON1877 - Unorganized Territory
STANTONadopt meSTANTON1855 - (formerly Izard) Dodge
THAYERadopt meHEBRON1871 - Jefferson
THOMASadopt meTHEDFORD1887 - Blaine
THURSTONadopt mePENDER1865 - (Blackbird Co. - Indian Reservation) Burt
VALLEYadopt meORD1871 - Unorganized Territory
WASHINGTONEric WillardBLAIR1854 - Original County
WAYNEadopt meWAYNE1871 - Thurston
WEBSTERBob JenkinsRED CLOUD1867 - Unorganized Territory
WHEELERadopt meBARTLETT1871 - Boone
YORKNancy BeachYORK1855 - Original County
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With a LOT of help from
John McCoy, Barb Hruza, Bill Oliver, Ted and Carole Miller, and Chris Christensen.

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