Named for James G
Blaine (1830-1893), an American Statesman.
Established 5 March 1885.
Volume 1, 1988
are listed in the below tables, reading left to right.
- A and B-
Aaird | Abbott | Abnee | Ackart | Ackerman | Adams | Adamson | Addis |
Addy | Adee | Akins | Ahrens | Aikins | Ailes | Akers | Albrecht |
Albrick | Albright | Alcorn | Alder | Alexander | Allam | Allen | Allred |
Almonrode | Amsberry | Anderson | Andrew | Andrews | Annabel | Antes | Anthony |
Anthony | Arens | Arkfeld | Arms | armstrong | Arnold | Arthaud | Arther |
Ashcroft | Assarsson | Atherton | Athey | Atkins | Akinson | Atwell | Aukney |
Aurther | Austin | Avey | Avery | Awishus | Axtell | Ayers |
Baack | Baade | Babbitt | Babcock | Bacon | Bailey | Bailie | Baily |
Bain | Baird | Baker | Baldwin | Baline | Ball | Bals | Bamforth |
Baine | Banie | Banning Barben | Bare | Barger | Barker | Barna | Barnes |
Barnwell | Barr | Barta | Bartholomew | Bartholow | Bartlett | Barton | Bartram |
Bartsch | Bartunek | Baskin | Bass | Bates | Batt | Battersaw | Bauer |
Bauman | Baumfolk | Baumgardt | Baxter | Bayner | Bayne | Beauchamp | Beal |
Beam | Bean | Beanblossom | Beardsley | Beatty | Beauchamp | Beaver | Bechtly |
Beck | Bednar | Bedsell | Beebout | Beegle | Behar | Behrendt | Beisel |
Bell | Bellamy | Bellars | Belle | Bennet | Bennett | Benning | Bennington |
Benson | Bentley | Berg | Berger | Bergsten | Bergstrom | Berlin | Berry |
Bertheau | Besley | Bessey | Bestol | Bestrolz | Betz | Bichel | Bidgood |
Biever | Biltoft | Birkholz | Bishop | Biveness | Bivens | Bixby | Black |
Blackburn | Black Neetle | Blackstad | Blake | Blakely | Blakeman | Blanchard | Blisht |
Blincow | Blix | Block | Bloominial | Blume | Blumenthal | Boas | Bobbit |
Bocknau | Bodenhamer | Body | Boeh | Boehmer | Boettcher | Bolich | Boller |
Bolich | Boller | Bollwitt | Bonds | Booker | Booknaw | Books | Booth |
Booton | Boots | Boren | Boro | Borris | Boswell | Bottom | Botts |
Boughssott | Bove | Bovee | Bowen | Bower | Bowmans | Boyd | Boyer |
Bradens | Bradford | Bradley | Bradtke | Brady | Brainard | Bramer | Brammer |
Brando | Brandon | Brandt | Brannens | Branscom | Brass | Brayden | Brayton |
Brevard | Brewster | Brian | Bridge | Bridges | Bright | Briney | Brinson |
Brittan | Broadfoot | Brock | Brodie | Brolyer | Bromwell | Brong | Brooke |
Brooks | Brosius | Brown | Broyler | Bruce | Brunell | Bruner | Brunk |
Bruveleit | Bryan | Bryant | Bubak | Buchta | Buchtel | Buck | Buckley |
Buel | Bug | Bummers | Buner | Burbach | Burden | Burdick | Berger |
Burgett | Burke | Burner | Burnett | Burnham | Burns | Burr | Burris |
Burton | Bush | Bushnell | Butcher | Butrick | Butterfield | Button | Butts |
Buxton | Byers |
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I, J, and K | L - M | N, O, P, Q and R | S - T | U, V, W, X, Y and Z |