Named for James G Blaine (1830-1893), an American Statesman. 
Established 5 March 1885.

Volume 1, 1988
Surnames are listed in the below tables, reading left to right.

-I, J, and K -

Ibmsen Imlay Irwin Isaac Isaacson Isli Isaacs Iverson Iwanski

Jackson Hacobitz Jacobs Jacobsen Jacobson Jacoby Jahradnik James
Jameson Jamison Janiea Janike Jardine Jarmin Harvis Jefferies
Jenkins Jenning Jennings Jensen Jewel Jewett Jezbera Jividen
Jocelyn jocems Jochem Jochum Joedman Johansen John Johnson
Johnston Jolley Jones Jonuscheit Jonushit Joslins Judd Juett
Juker Justus




Kacik Kahler Kaiser Kalina Kamery Klasper Kasten Kastrup
Keating Keeney Keim Kelch Kellar Kellenbarger Keller Kelley
Kellog Kellogg Kelly Kemp Kendall Kennedy Kent Kepler
Kerchera Kern Kerns Kesler Kessler Kestner Kettleborough Keys
Kidd Kiester Kile Kilpatrick Kimberly Kimes Kind King
Kinney Klint Kircher Kirk Kirkpatrick Kitch Kivett Kizer
Klang Klassen Kleeb Klein Klick Klindowrth Klingler Kloppel
Klumbach Kmiec Knag Knaus Knepper Kniseley Knoell Knoll
Knox Koch Koeling Konersman Kopege Kope Koppe Kosmicki
Kramer Krause Krebs Kreiger Krenz Kretzachmar Kreycik Kreig
Krotz Krussell Kugler Kuhna Kupl Kurpjuweit Kuszak Kutlas
Kwiatkowski Kyle




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Updated 2020 By David Gochenour