Named for James G
Blaine (1830-1893), an American Statesman.
Established 5 March 1885.
Volume 1, 1988
are listed in the below tables, reading left to right.
-L and M-
LaBau | Lafgreen | Lage | Lagenour | Lair | Lake | Lamb | Lamond |
Lamoureau | Lamprecht | Land | Landen | Landholm | Landis | Lane | Lang |
Lange | Langenbach | Langford | Langhenback | Langhofer | Langston | Lanterman | Larison |
Larsen | Larson | Lattimer | Lauer | Laurel | Lawson | Layman | Layne |
Leach | Leas | Lease | Leavitt | Lecher | Leck | Lee | Leech |
Leeds | Leegard | Leep | Legadone | Lehman | Lehmann | Leibbrandt | Leibhart |
Leigh | Leinscott | Leith | LeLaCheur | Lemon | Lemric | Leonard | Lepke |
Leppin | Lesher | Lester | Lethert | Lewandowski | Lewis | Leibert | Likens |
Lillie | Lilly | Linder | Lindgreen | Lindly | Lineback | Linscott | Litchicum |
Lisk | List | Lister | Liston | Little | Lloyd | Lockie | Lockmiller |
Loder | Lofgreen | Logan | Logsdon | Long | Lore | Losh | Lotspeich |
Lotzien | Loudon | Lough | Lough | Loughran | Loutzenheiser | Lovelace | Lovell |
Lowe | Lowry | Loy | Lucas | Luce | Lucht | Lucky | Lucy |
Luddens | Ludwig | Lukens | Luther | Luthye | Lynch | Lyon | Lyons |
Mabee | MacAlvey | Macek | Mackey | Mackrill | MaClain | Macon | Madden |
Maddox | Madearis | Madison | Madrid | Madron | Magallanes | Mailand | Maine |
Majers | Malchow | Malkentin | Maloy | Manck | Mandeville | Manion | Manning |
Manweiler | Mapes | Maple | Marcy | Marik | Marke | Marken | Marsh |
Marshall | Martelle | Marten | Martin | Martindale | Maseberg | Maseburg | Maslack |
Mason | Massey | Mast | Maston | Mastrudes | Mathauser | Matheny | Mathew |
Mathewson | Mathouser | Matthew | Mattox | Mattson | Mauck | Maxfield | May |
Mayhew | Maynes | McAdams | McBride | McCalgan | McCall | McCallum | McCarthy |
McCarty |
McClain |
McClaster | McClellan | McClement | McClung | McClure | McComas |
McCombs | McConnaha | McConnell | McCord | McCormich | McCormick | McCrall | McCreath |
McCrells | McCullough | McCullum | McCunes | McDermott | McDonald | McDuffee | McElgunn |
McFadden | McGee | McGinn | McGinnis | McGooden | McGrath | McGregor | McGuire |
McGune | McIntire | McIntosh | McInture | McIntyre | McKee | McKeith | McKeith |
McKelvey | McKelvie | McKenna | McKimmey | McKnight | McLaughlin | McClean | McLeod |
McMichael | McMillan | McMillian | McMullan | McMullen | McMurtry | McNamee | McNary |
McNeff | McNichols | McNulty | McNutt | McPeak | McPherson | McTygue | McWilliam |
Meades | Medearis | Mediger | Meeker | Meeks | Mehaffie | Meidel | Meininger |
Meisner | Melcher | Mellema | Mellot | Mellott | Melton | Mendenhall | Mercer |
Merrill | Messenger | Messerly | Meyer | Meyers | Mianulli | Micheel | Middleton |
Mielke | Miles | Mill | Millard | Miller | Milleson | Milholin | Milligan |
Mills | Millsap | Milroy | Miltenburger | Miner | Minert | Minogue | Minor |
Mintken | Mintler | Minus | Minzer | Mishka | Mitchell | Mizner | Moessner |
Moffatt | Moger | Mohan | Molotte | Monaghan | Mondevile | Moninger | Montilius |
Moody | Moon | Mooney | Moor | Moore | Moran | Morehouse | Morgan |
Moss | Motzkus | Moulton | Mueller | Muirhead | Mullen | Mulligan | Mullins |
Munn | Munnell | Murphy | Murray | Myers | Mygatt | Myrberg |
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G - H | I, J, and K | N, O, P, Q, and R | S - T | U, V. W, X, Y and Z |