Named for James G
Blaine (1830-1893), an American Statesman.
Established 5 March 1885.
Volume 1, 1988
are listed in the below tables, reading left to right.
-G and H-
Gabbert | Gabriel | Baedke | Gage | Gahn | Gallant | Gallington |
Galloway | Gannon | Gano | Ganser | Gardiner | Gardner | Garner | Garniss |
Garretson | Garrett | Garrison | Garska | Garvin | Gaskins | Gass | Gatliff |
Gatten | Gaylor | Gebhard | Geiser | Genbel | Gerhardt | Gestwhite | Biggon |
Giberson | Giddings | Giem | Gilbert | Giles | Gillespie | Gillett | Gillette |
Gilligan | Gilson | Gimpetl | Gion | Gladson | Glancy | Glasscock | Glause |
Glenn | Glidden | Gloagow | Glouse | Godat | Goddard | Godfrey | Godown |
Goehner | Goenring | Golands | Golden | Goldman | Goldson | Golson | Good |
Goodier | Goodrich | Goodwin | Gorball | Gornby | Gossad | Gould | Grable |
Gracey | Gradson | Graham | Grainger | Grandey | Gravely | Graves | Gray |
Gray | Green | Greening | Greenland | Greer | Gregory | Greibel | Grey |
Greyless | Griebel | Griess | Griffen | Griffit | Griffith | Grimm | Grinstead |
Grisamer | Gronroos | Gross | Grossman | Grove | Guernsey | Guggenmos | Guilliam |
Gunnarson | Gunnison | Gustin | Guzinski |
Haar | Haas | Habben | Haberles | Hachbert | Hackbart | Hackberry | Hacker |
Hadenfelt | Hadley | Hadlock | Hagadones | Hagadorn | Hagan | Hagbert | Hagburg |
Hageman | Hager | Hagge | Hagood | Hain | Haines | Haisch | Halbersleben |
Hale | Hall | Haller | Halligan | Halverson | Ham | Hamaker | Hamilton |
Hammer | Han | Hance | Hane | Hanley | Hanna | Hannah | Hansen |
Hanson | Harb | Harbaugh | Harder | Hardin | Hardisty | Hardy | Hargrove |
Harker | Harkness | Harmon | Harms | Harp | Harper | Harpham | Harrell |
Harrington | Harris | Harrison | Harroll | Harsh | Hart | Hartgraves | Hartley |
Hartman | Hartson | Harvey | Haseneck | Hastings | Haszard | Hatch | Hatchitt |
Hatton | Haught | Haughtaling | Hauman | Haumann | Haun | Hauser | Haverland |
Hawkes | Hawk | Hawkins | Hawthorne | Hay | Haynes | Hazard | Hazen |
Hazzard | Heard | Heath | Heaton | Hebb | Hedges | Heilman | Hein |
Heinzman | Heiters | Heitman | Heitter | Heitz | Heitzman | Heizer | Held |
Heller | Hellma | Helma | Helton | Hempel | Hempstead | Henderson | Hendrickson |
Henerys | Henry | Henzeleit | Herbaugh | Herbert | Hergenrader | Herman | Hermes |
Herrington | Herrod | Hersh | Hesselgesser | Hester | Hewitt | Heyne | Heynie |
Hitchock | Hickcock | Hickenbottom | Hickey | Hickman | Hickok | Higgins | High |
Highley | Hillier | Hillin | Hillis | Hinkle | Hirsch | Hite | Hixon |
Hobler | Hodgeman | Hodgin | Hodson | Hoefs | Hoehn | Hoferer | Hoff |
Hoffman | Hogaboom | Hogg | Hogmire | Hokanson | Hoke | Holcomb | Holdrige |
Hollenbeck | Hollopeter | Holly | Holmes | Holtkamp | Holtman | Hotrops | Holzbauer |
Homer | Honeywell | Hoobler | Hood | Hoopers | Hopkin | Hora | Horn |
Horst | Hostick | Houchins | Houck | Houder | Houderscheldt | Hough | Houser |
Hovey | Howard | Howe | Howel | Howell | Hoyt | Hubert | Hudson |
Huett | Huff | Huffman | Hughes | Huin | Hulbert | Humphrey | Hunt |
Hunter | Hurbest | Hurlbert | Hurt | Husa | Huss | Hutchinson | Huwaldt |
Hyatt | Hyde |
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