Named for James G Blaine (1830-1893), an American Statesman. 
Established 5 March 1885.

Volume 1, 1988
Surnames are listed in the below tables, reading left to right.

- E and F -

Eacker Eagles Eastly Easton Eatinger Eaton Ebersole Eddy
Edelman Edleman Edmond Edmondson Edwards Egbert Eggleston Einspahr
Eipe Eldridge Eldrige Elerbeck Elkins Ellers Ellingson Elliott
Ellis Emry Emru Enders Engel Engele Engelking Engle
Engelking Engle Engler Englert Epps Erickson Ericson Erikson
Epps Erickson Ericson Erickson Erno Erwin Eestes Etten
Evans Eveland Eveleth Ewing


Fales Farley Farmer Farquar  Farrar Farrel Fastwolf Fauquet
Fay  Festherston Fetherstone Fee Fehrs Feihler Feldman Fellows
Fenwick Ferguson Fee Fehrs Feihler Feldman Fellows Fenwick
Ferguson Ferree Fessenden Fetherston Fethstone Fethke Fetterolf Feuring
Fichter Field Fields Figards Finch Fink Finley Finney
Fish Fishburn Fisher Fiske Fitch Flebbe Fleebe Fleming
Flemmings Fletcher Flint Flood Florea Flory Floyd Flyr
Foley Foot Foote Forbes Ford Foree Forehead Forney
Fort Foster Fountain Fowler Fox Francis Franey Frank
Frans  Frary Frazer Frazier Freeman Freer Friday Friebe
Fries Frimmel Fritz Fritzlan Frizzell Fryberger Frye Fuerstenau
Fuller Fulmer Fuqua Fussell


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Updated 2020 By David Gochenour