Rock County NEGenWeb Project a part of the USGenWeb Project
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Rock County Records & History
Rock County Records & History
The Rock County Nebraska Genealogy & History project mission is to post... Rock County Cemetery Records; Birth, Death, & Marriage Records; Deed Books, Minutes, & Tax Lists; City Directories, Church Records, Histories, Atlases, Census Records, & Miscellaneous Morrill County Records.
Biographies | Businesses & Other Localities | Cemeteries Census | Directories | History Maps & Place-Names | Military | Newspapers Obituaries | Queries & Surnames | Schools & Churches
1940 WHO'S WHO IN NEBRASKA brought together an exclusion and inclusion of various biographies of Rock County's 1940 Who's Who in Nebraska. To view who's who in our biography section: [CLICK HERE].
Rock County Historical Society presents their BIOGRAPHIES COLLECTION that came from several of their local history books. More will be added as time permits for those members of the society can submit them. This is an off-site page, but a separate window will open.
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Businesses & Other Localities
Information about the local Post Offices and Country Stores of Rock County came from the Rock County Centennial Book with permission by the Committee and the Rock County Historical Society and submitted by Bev Hopkins [To Read More CLICK HERE . . . ].
Manufacturing Industries and local Businesses in 1905 and 1906 have shown some local names along with some statistics of what was produced by the local farmers. [To Read More CLICK HERE]
Thanks to the members of the Rock County Historical Society for providing these records of the 1917-1941 Rock County, Nebraska Hunting, Fishing and Trapping Licenses were provided by the Rock County Historical Society with permission to republish on Rock County NEGenWeb Project. These are records of licenses granted to an individual to hunt, fish or trap in Rock County. These records has their name, age, weight and where they lived at that time. As time permit more will be added. This is off-site, a separate window will open.
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These are the Rock County cemeteries listings found on GNIS mapping system with a couple different from that website. It is pretty accurate.
- Bassett Memorial Park
- Bruna School (historical)
- Duff Cemetery
- Eureka Valley Cemetery
- Kirkwood Cemetery
- Newport Cemetery
- Putnam Cemetery
- Rose Hill Cemetery
- Sybrant Cemetery
- Thurman Cemetery
- Wenz Graves
- Willowdale Cemetery

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1900 U.S. Census Name Index -- Rock County:
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Nebraska State Gazetteer, Business Directory and Farmers List for 1890-1891 of ROCK COUNTY with Business (town) and Farmer's listings [To View the BUSINESS | FARMERS Directory]
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WHO'S WHO IN NEBRASKA brings together in a single volume the life sketches of men and women who have achieved distinction in the fields of economic, civic and cultural endeavor. Although selection of names has not been an easy task and unavoidable errors have occurred in the exclusion and inclusion of various biographies, it is believed this volume contains a larger and a more nearly representative compilation of life sketches of living Nebraskans than any previous publication. Here is the chapter of Rock County's Who's Who in Nebraska.
An inclusive list of early family surnames that is not completed but can be updated with proof. The names were gathered from various sources. All these names are pre-1901 listings. [Read More here . . .]
This Rock County, Nebraska Quit Deed from Chester County, PA Quit Deed, 1897 for E. Opp was transcribed from the original deed. If you have any deeds of Rock County, contact the county coordinator to submit your deeds. [To View the Deed].
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Maps & Place-Names
This 1908 A History of the Origin of the Place Names of Rock County extraction has a few of its place names listed from the Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha railway. To read how some of the name's origin came about [CLICK HERE].
 from Cram's Railroad & Township Map of Nebraska by Geo. F. Cram, 1879
 from Galbraith's Railway Mail Service Map of Nebraska, published by McEwen Map Company of Chicago, 1897
1885 Nebraska State Atlas where it is found in the NEGenWeb Project OnLine Library.
1895 U.S. Atlas of Rock County from Pam Rietsch's Atlas Collections
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These are a few of the men of Rock County who were registered during the World War I conflict. This is not a complete listing, but very good resourceful information.
[- A -] [- B -] [- C -]
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Thanks to Bev. Hopkins for the many newspaper tid-bits of the Newport Republican of 1896-1897. [Read more here . . . ].
Other tid-bits from the Rock County Leader of historical news [Read more here . . . ].
Rock County Historical Society presents their SPECIAL OCCASION COLLECTION where many of these weddings, anniversaries, and other occasions were announce in the local newspapers. This is an off-site page, a new window will open.
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Thanks to the Rock County Historical Society members, who has provided some obituaries of those who were from Rock County. These obituaries are on the Rock County Historical Society website, a separate window will open to them.
NEW!!! -- Thanks to some of our Patrons who has provided these obituaries from current local newspapers of Rock County or surrounding counties.
A - C | D - F | G - I | J - L | M - N | O - R | S - T | U - W | X - Z
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Queries & Surnames
Old Rock County NEGenWeb queries are listed [HERE]. If you would like to update your email address. Contact the County Coordinator to request and update of old email address. Thank you for patronage.
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Schools & Churches
Rock County Centennial Book contains some school information, submitted by Bev. Hopkins. Much of the information taken from the Rock County Centennial Book has been omitted and only that deemed important by the submitter was transcribed [Read more here . . . ].
The Rock County Centennial Book and the Diamond Jubilee book "From Oxcarts to Orbits" presents these extraction of the Rock County local churches [Read More here . . . ].
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